Conversation Between Diligence109 and insert_cliche_here

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sweet. Hells yeah I'm paranoid lol. Self esteem, it'll get ya. Anyway. Now you have a sick message from me for everyone to see and be like "wtf were they talking about?"
  2. you are adorably paranoid - I even responded to the porn comment but it must have not gone through because of my ****ty internet. No harm, no foul!

    P.S. - I wouldn't care/judge even if you were actually watching porn XD
  3. I hope I didn't freak you out just then. I'm gonna assume you went offline 'cause your internet/computer was playing up like you mentioned and not because I was talking about viewing porn. I wasn't actually watching it, I was looking at a website that sells dvds. Specifically the parody section. It was horrifying. Tonight has destroyed not only some cherished childhood memories, but no doubt some much valued traditions my boyfriend and I share (like watching 30 Rock, or The Office for example, because THERE ARE PORN VERSIONS OF BOTH!)

    So yeah. I'm not actually watching porn.
  4. Ooh, I found my way back there. Cool
  5. Is the IRC the chat thing that the trivia contest was on?

    My email is but I only have msn :/
  6. I'd be able to do it on the fly whenever you catch me online and we could just use Skype/Tinychat. You should mosey on into the IRC or add me on AIM/MSN/Yahoo/etc
  7. Aaah I see. That sounds cool. When would you be able to do that? And how? lol
  8. In brief, the tarot is a divination practice that uses a deck of cards. You don't need a webcam - you just need to be able to hear/see me so that I'm able to communicate clearer/more complexly than a text-only setting

    The process of laying a spread (drawing cards and reading them) is simple and surprisingly un-mysterious... the whole spread can often just feel like a guided conversation. I've had many people tell me after reading spreads that they would closely compare it to a form of therapy; and I don't think they are mistaken to think or say so.

    The tarot has existed in tons of cultures so there's countless different takes on how the divination actually works; but the one unifying concept that any tarot reader would likely agree on is that the cards are a medium through which the reader can communicate messages from some higher power/existential self/collective sub-conscious so that we can see a clear and refreshing point of view on our own lives. This "bird's eye" view lives outside of our own lack of understanding of things, our blinding emotions, or anything else that would hinder us from seeing things as they truly are. The cards only ever point out things that are right in front of us... they don't read the future, per se, they just make things that we already know clearer to us.

    I'd absolutely love to give you a spread if you were interested my gift with tarot is (admittedly) my greatest life passion and I love being able to share it with anyone I can. If you want a second opinion, I've given a spread to LemonRising, iirc. I've given several to Muffincat, as well, of course
  9. Goddamnit. I didn't mean to delete your comment on my blog. I thought I was deleting my notification of it. -_-

    I did respond to it, but I deleted that too lol. I asked you what a tarot reading consists of exactly and mentioned that I don't have a webcam at the moment, I was just wondering.
  10. Now I have 2 friends lol
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