Conversation Between Endgameko and Subb

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. come on IRC while im still awake
  2. heya, I won't be able to get live for a good while, skint like a poor person with no earth monies! Urghhh I have a hangover........... I was at my friends house, arghhhhhhrooooo
  3. Yoo end hows it hangin? Also any luck on live yet
  4. 60 hrs.....My god, I wish I could, Recently I have had little time, just grabbed controllers and played at random intervals, got that gaming thing tonight like conference type thing. Oh god you know how I am on this quest to find a game bad enough to kill me, well I brought pit fighter for the master system......oh dear god....
  5. i put over 60 hours on red dead in under a week.
  6. Hey youuuuuuu, ive missed u
  7. lol sweet, well atleast you are alive and well
  8. no word on live yet I have to earn my money first. TO THE PUPPET FACTORY!
  9. Hun Put ur money where ur mouth is..... this is gunna go dooown lol. any word on live yet
  10. when I get blur I will RACE you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
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