Conversation Between Jokersvirus and Diligence109

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Ya, You kinda wasted your time with your post trying to explain whatever you wanted. I dont care what your point of view is, you made it clear you dont have an understanding. So by all means waste your time cause I will just sit back and lawl some more.

    And remember, you're a peasant, not a white knight

    After forcing myself to read what you said after a shot of jack here are a few things I will state.

    1) yes you have a demeaning tone. What was it you said to me in the obama thread? Oh ya "stop flaming god you sound so stupid even if you might have something worth saying" You dont agree with what I say and youve shown this time and time again and proved it by banning me because I stood up to you and told you the facts, also the fact you get on us for breaking rules yet youve done so im confused.

    2) You want to understand where im coming from. See now your just trolling which is annoying. If inmate plus escape does not equal = moron. You cant understand where im coming from. You play devil's advocate? ok so your trying to say its ok that she was trying to escape and my brother should have let her? Ya that makes no sense, I dont care how you spin it.

    3) You say im speaking about matters I truly do not understand, as i might not every detail to the story, I have facts from news sources and other means to get the picture. So that I might make my judgement, IE MY BROTHER, since he was the one who chased her down, and got her back Im pretty sure that counts as a reliable source. But I might be wrong since it most likely wont agree with your "devil's advocate" position on everything.

    Last time I checked I have a degree in my front room that says I graduated law enforcement. With a 3.4 GPA so Im pretty sure even though i wont have all the facts that I can use what I learned from there to make a judgement call on facts related to law enforcement, and soon I will do the same with homeland security, which I already do.

    Thanks for making me take over 5 shots to write this and be able to deal with you on a daily basis .
  2. Ive done nothing wrong but state what I think, nothing wrong with that. You cant call it flaming if i state what I believe dude, and if you do that isnt fair.
  3. I would appreciate if your incredibly negative and judgmental behavior drawn from limited facts about people were not demonstrated publicly on the forum. Your remarks here, while not explicitly directed at a member of our forum, are inflammatory by nature (and somewhat vulgar, to boot.)

    I admire your enthusiasm to participate in the forum and appreciate the personality and interesting content that comes through your posts, but please don't give us reason to infract you for it.
  4. Dont need to know anything about her life, she is an attention whore, why else would a 16 year old girl go around the world? She did say in the article she wanted to beat someone else's time, shes an idiot for doing it so she put herself into a situation that she shouldnt have so I really have no pity for her.
  5. why you gotta be such a hater in this thread?
    Teen solo sailor missing - Gamers Forum
    we don't know anything about what this girl's life is actually like O_o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5