Conversation Between Slay and Muffincat

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am trying to say that you were right about the amount of people.
    I typed it in the .bat extension.
  2. If you weren't able to type, then how were you typing? You were being pretty rude to me, for no real reason, and I feel like you're just trying to backpedal with excuses. And that was before it had started to slow down, soooo yeah.

    You also decided to accuse me of being the reason your server started lagging, which doesn't make any sense, among many other things. You were clearly frustrated and I feel like you were taking it out on me.
  3. We were all building but you.
    I couldn't type.
    I had no control over MC.
    What would you have done?
    If I restarted I would still not be able to join to get the word to you.
    I handled it the best way I could. Sorry for doing so.
  4. Still pretty sure it's not my fault your server was messing up -_- That doesn't even make sense. Minecraft is notorious for being a total hog, and a lot of servers (like W1CKED's) start messing up the more people you put on them.

    But I'm not mad at you; just wish you had handled it better, really.
  5. Muffin, I couldn't even talk, I was moving at -1 FPS the only thing working was my command console.
  6. If that were the case, I'd be making W1CKED's server crash all the time, too. Which I don't.

    Likely, your server couldn't handle that many people at once. And I happened to point out that your server was lagging, and you get angry about it and kick me, even though I would have left voluntarily? That isn't the best kind of moderator behavior. Just sayin'.
  7. It was no big deal!
    I had to kick you, because you took 40% server mem, you should work on that. You were making everyone crash. No hard feelings?
  8. I don't know what your deal is, but chill out. I wasn't trolling you, and I don't know where you got that, but you don't need to be a jerk. Jesus.

    I was making observations about your server, and you got all defensive about it.
  10. He's been added
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
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