Conversation Between CaliburNinja and Psychotray

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Also, I took the time to protect your plot for free
  2. Yeah, If you haven't been on for a while, we have auto-messages that tells you who the owners are, lol
  3. Is it your server?
  4. That's the old IP, now it's, lol. Thanks for playing, I searched Groundcraft Server and I got redirected to your post, thanks lmfao
  5. Ummm im not sure if its yours, its just called Groundcraft, I got the server IP;
  6. I was just asking. Does it happen to be mine? xD
  7. Its just a Minecraft server, google it.
  8. What groundcraft server?
  9. Hey, what's that Groundcraft Server you were talking about?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9