Conversation Between Knibbler and Th3-devils-princess

7 Visitor Messages

  1. can we please play some more multi player games tomorrow when i get home?? pretty please <3 love you <3
  2. haha im watching a CSI and rascal flatts are in it lol woooo hehe xxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Lol I don't baby you lie hehe I miss you baby xxxxxx
  4. Lol damn straight I know it annoys ya! Lol
    Bloody throwing my phone across the table lmao
  5. Hehe hey hey knibbler I really wanted to give you rep for the game that p***s you off but I have to spread rep first lol o think this annoys me to you would know love princess xxxx
  6. i love you to baby xxxxxx
  7. Love you babe!! Xxxx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7