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    Thanks, but it's more like juggling than balancing. I'm hoping it'll slow down a bit soon. Hopefully I can drop one of the jobs & the classes will be over soon. (They're for math (BECAUSE I FAIL AT IT!!!!) so I can get my GED since I didn't graduate HS. *ashamed*) And the car work should be done soon too. So things should chill out some in the next month or two.

    I hope they are. I'd hate to be the only one... :\ The current plan? I really don't know!! I think I'm going to take a photography course & try to go from there in that field. For a while anyway.

    Ooh, lucky! My supervisor is actually my aunt. She's an a**, man! I never realized what a jerk she was till I worked with her. haha She doesn't own the company though, so my hours are set however the company wants them. (8 to 4:30) The other job is 5:30 to 9:30 about 3 nights a week. (Just started it, so not sure how many days I'll wind up working regularly.)

    Saddest thing about all this? I have no time for games!!!
  2. View Conversation
    here i dont think any of this is true except loving me but you said anything

    p.s i cn make a you a good one just say what you want also lights is pretty cool but she got a little to mainstrem for me
  3. View Conversation
    Yes, I know. *facepalm* I'm sorry about that! It's easier for me to talk to people on Facebook but I shall try to remember to come on here more often from now on!

    Things are.... busy! 2 jobs, working on my new (old) car, night classes, still trying to figure out what to do with my life. So it's been crazy lately. But I'm doing good. haha

    How are things with you?
  4. View Conversation
    Hey, how's it going? Been a long time since I got on here. *fail*
  5. View Conversation
    Lol that's my friends account.
  6. View Conversation
    Hey thanks man hope you had a good night!
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, man! I think I win the late response contest for sure!!! *hides in shame*

    Actually, it sounds a lot more fascinating where you live! And at least you get concerts... our city's booking people had a fight with the rock stars' booking people back in the 80s over some er... illegal monetary activity, and we haven't had a decent concert here since. I kid you not. Man, we Used to have people as big as PINK FLOYD come here... then there was the war. -__- Biggest name that's been here since then was Kelly Clarkson. Can you say, LAME...?

    No, no, no! Wrong answer... You gotta look up some of their less mainstream stuff. Livin' on a Prayer is, of course, an amazing song. But go listen to something like, Blood on Blood or The Distance (the live one off This Left Feels Right, not the studio version).
    DEFINITELY nothing like seeing your favorite band live, I completely agree. And that's awesome!! Sounds like fun!

    Awesome! I still haven't gotten the Ibanez... probably won't have the money for it till sometime in Feb either. *shrug* Oh, well...
    Mine is a steel string. I'd rather it wasn't, sometimes. We should switch! haha
    Okay, I'll look him up when I get off work.

    So I had the money to pay off my preorder of Skyward Sword but then I saw Mario 3D Land was releasing next Tuesday so I got it instead. *facepalm* Now I need 60 bucks before the 20th........!! Stupid, stupid... I'll come up with it somewhere, don't worry! And okie doke, as soon as I get it and play it some I'll let you know how it is. I'm massively excited for it!!!

    Did you figure out why they're called bucks or do I need to Google it as well.

    Yesh! I do too!! Last computer I had, I actually built from scratch. Well, I mean, almost scratch. haha I've moved on to laptops though and haven't messed with computers (internally/hardware speaking) in a while, sadly.

    After listening to Siberia a few more times, I'm sad to say that I too am disappointed in it. That's exactly what my friend said about it and she doesn't even listen to Lights except when she's in my car and I'm playing it. haha But you're both absolutely right, the melodic flow is mostly gone. I wish she hadn't strayed so far from the first album.
  8. View Conversation
    yeah i went off too dont worry bout it man!
  9. View Conversation
    Got LIGHTS' new CD yesterday! I actually like her first one better but I'm sure this one will grow on me. If I recall, I didn't even like her music at first and had to listen to it several times before I was like, dang, this is really good! haha So you should definitely pick Siberia up if you haven't yet.
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    Aw, haha, what's wrong with the midwest? Trust me, though, I know how you feel about getting out. I live about as far south as you can get before you hit the Gulf of Mexico. It's an INCREDIBLY boring city....

    I like some stuff off The Sound of Madness but other than that album, I don't really like Shinedown. Just .45 but my ex kind of ruined that one for me by telling me what the song made him think of which was er... not pleasant.

    Aw, man! I'm OBSESSED with Bon Jovi. They're my favorite band, actually. That concert was beyond words. But, you said you like some of their work, right? Which stuff?

    Uh oh... you gave me permission to ramble! O_o "You shouldn't have done that."

    Ah, yeah.. I play. Not too grandly, I might add. haha
    I have a Yamaha FG-200 (I think it's 200) series acoustic from '89 and a Mexican Fender Strat. (which I lovvve) I hate that acoustic though, man. I'm buying an Ibanez I fell in love with at Guitar Center soon though. What about you, what guitar(s) do you own?

    Ah yes, being broke. I know the feeling. Still not sure how I'm going to afford LoZ Skyward Sword! I have it preordered with the lowest amount right now. (which is $5) but I gotta come up with 65 more bucks! (why do we call them bucks anyways?)

    Anywho, I'll shut up now.

    PS I love this: "Shouldn't this be titled 'autobiography'?" hahaha Also, I see "computers" as one of your interests. What do you mean by that?
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