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  1. View Conversation
    Wow, and I thought my life was getting hectic lately.. :O It's impressive that you're able to balance so much, but don't overwork yourself!

    I think more people our age are clueless about what they're gonna do in life than are willing to admit. What's the current plan, working towards a certain career?

    And things are good with me, I'm not as busy as you but I've still got quite a bit going on. Thankfully, I work for my uncle and he lets me set my own hours.
  2. View Conversation
    Hullo! It has been a while, you kinda dropped off all of a sudden D:

    How are things?
  3. View Conversation
    Hey there dood!! Been wondering where you went, you dropped off the face of the Earth! :P

    Good to hear from you Glad all is well... man, school and working 2 jobs? That's toooouuughhh
  4. View Conversation
    It says "Dear god make everyone die. Amen"
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    Sorry to hear you’re pissed No worries though, Im the same way when Im mad… Ill try to not take offense

    Awwww, well my job is sitting on a computer all day so I can get away with it :P I do accounting and HR paperwork/training stuff. Pays good, good benefits…. Just gets boring… and quickly hah

    Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. If it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing. You shouldn’t have to put up with anyone trying to talk you into or make you feel bad about that decision. In fact, I think it’s great that you don’t give in, takes a strong person to stand up for themselves. My dad was an alcoholic as well. Honestly, I think that’s what helps me to not be one. Having seen what it can do, I refuse to ever let myself turn into that. I know people that can’t have fun while sober, it’s just sad. My best friend is like that actually, it sucks seeing it first hand. She won’t go anywhere or do anything without being stoned. Just ridiculous- but to each his own, I guess.

    True, but I’d rather be an American in another country then being an American in America xD

    Ah, well yes that is def a good reason to go to a psych But like you said, you knew why you were having mood swings and really that’s all that mattered. In reality he thought you needed a shrink but what you really needed was to not have a relationship with him. Sucks not being able to tell someone how you feel. That was my first relationship as well. Stayed with the guy for 11 years because Id rather be miserable then make him miserable. And really, it ended the same way your relationship did, with me having mood swings that were a result from being unhappy. Funny, the things you learn growing up isn’t it? And the things you’d change if you could. Life sure does have an interesting sense of humor, eh? >_<

    Zomg! Let’s add more things to the “To Do” list for when I kidnap you At least you did harvests fests, and things like that. Def still fun

    Honestly, I’m not letting the American Dream define me- and really, Im more ‘against’ the concept of the whole American Dream then anyone I know. But when it comes to do it, there is reasoning behind it. I get why parents try to force you to go to college, because in reality and statistically… people that do, generally make more money. And parents want to know that when they are gone, their children will be able to take care of themselves. So, I do get that aspect. And I love your plan! It sounds great If you don’t want a family, again, that’s your thing and you should stick to it. Don’t let your annoying co-workers get to you. You only live once and it should be everything you want it to be.

    But, I do want a family. No one’s forcing that on me. I can’t wait to have kids…. Well I can, but I cant, if that makes sense :P Unfortunately, having kids does take a lot of planning. I refuse to have kids at this point in my life when I’m just making enough money to keep myself comfortable. I refuse to bring a kid into the world if I can’t properly take care of them which means lots of planning. My cousin is preggo with her second baby. She got knocked up the first time… no job, no place of her own. Ended up breaking up with the babies father, and getting pregnant by another dude. Now her jobless ass, and her bf’s jobless ass live with my aunt and uncle. Just seeing that, drives me crazy and makes me realize that I never wanna live like that… just mooching off of people and getting knocked up over and over when you can’t take care of the kids. It’s sad.

    Plus, I don’t have the choice to just wait and wait forever to start a family. The older you get the more health risks are involved for yourself and your baby. Plus I don’t wanna be a 40+ year old mom :P I wanna be young enough to run after my kids, and play with them and be around when they have babies and be able to run around after them. AND I want 2 or 3 kids which def means starting early. So, all in all, no one’s forcing this upon me. But having made this decision, I also realize that it’s not something I can put off forever.

    And don’t worry, I’d never let it suck the life outta me. Life’s too short for that! And that is totally my motto as well, and a great one!

    Ya know, I love the way I look. I love my tattoos, I love my piercings and my crazy dyed hair. I love my black, studded clothes, my fishnets and boots, my globs of black sparkly eyeliner and I would never ever stop being me just because people don’t accept it. I hate that people stare, I hate the attention…. But that’s because it’s negative. People see me and judge me right away without ever knowing me. I’ve had kids in HS that were too ‘scared’ to talk to me, that I ran into later in life… and after we talk they say, “wow, you’re actually really nice”… like, seriously?? Lol So change the way I look because people are judgmental and closed-minded? Never

    Awww, so many good things in Jamaica… where to start? Had many a Jamaican man try to take me home lol *That* was frightening :P Got to snorkel, surf, kayak. Got to go to this awesome place called the Luminous Lagoon! Took us out on a boat in the middle of the night and let us swim in water with bioluminescent microorganisms- so any movement in the water caused it to glow neon :O It was awesomeeee! Got to lay on the beach and tan while having people bring me free drinks. Got to see…. well, was forced to see, lots of big fat hairy guys in little tiny speeds xD Got to learn all about the culture. Was just… amazing
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah it's fun jamming out, but we'd pick a song and noone but me would learn the parts, then they'd sit there for 2 hours trying to learn it where we coulda been playing it, gaahh lol.

    Haven't actually been playing anything lately! Been too busy with work and schooling. What about you?
  7. View Conversation
    Hahaha, no worries. Like I said I respond ASAP cause it gives me something to do at work xD

    Honestly, when I was 21 I had no interest in drinking legally either. I mean you’re right- casinos are fun… and being able to hit up bars at shows was cool, but meh. It wasn’t until I was like… 23ish that I started going out frequently. We’ve got an arcade/bar here…. So that’s what it took to get me out lol Video games, plus alcohol… and Im sold :P Did that for a few years but back at that point where I never go out anymore. Too expensive :O … but it’s still fun to get a group together and go out every once and awhile.

    People do suck lol I swear it’s just Americans -__- Like…. All the other countries I’ve been to, everyone is SO nice and laid back, I love it. Here everyone is just so stressed and angry and wants to keep to themselves. It’s kinda sad :/ One kid I was talking to in Jamaica told me how he visited his family in FL, and was just astonished at how unfriendly people were. He said in Jamaica, when a new neighbor moves in- they are always greeted at their door, and invited to come and hang out. Not here, that’s for sure. Knock on someone’s door here unexpectedly and expect the person opening that door to be holding a shotgun :P

    Whaaaaa? Wii store *won’t* let you redownload games you’ve already purchased?? Well that sucks a big one…. Eff you Nintendo

    LOL Touche. We should totally arrange a Wally World: Day of Crazy Shiz event xD One day Im just gonna send you a msg like “Harrisburg, 2:35am, March 11th”, and you’ll know exactly what I mean :P

    Ya know, that’s everyone go-to thing nowadays is seeing a shrink and getting pills. It’s kinda sad. I’m glad you stood up for yourself. There are people that most definitely need someone to talk to, like a Psych. But a lot of times (like you said) you understand why you act the way you do and why you have the mood swings you do. And providing that you’re not acting that way because of something that happened to you and it’s just that that’s who you are, it’s good to accept that. I’m typically a laid back person, but I have my moments as well. Lol And I feel the way you do- I understand why I’m acting the way I am, I’ll get over, just leave me alone :P

    I totally agree, and well said. Age is most def in your heart and mind. I love the fact that I still at like a kid… I love cartoons, sledding, hell I even still Trick or Treat :P But, I personally think I’m so scared to admit that I’m 26 is because on the timeline of “The American Dream”, I’m so behind. On that timeline, by the age of 26 people are getting married and starting families and I feel like Im SOOOO far away from that point in my life, its crazy. So in that sense I feel old. My heart and mind still think I’m 18 years old which is why it’s so hard to grasp the fact that I need to start getting my life together and planning for….. *gulp* a family O_O

    Haha, okay okay I admit it! It was pretty fun. I just hate having attention centered on me lol :P I get enough attention (though normally negative) from people based on the way I look to last me a lifetime and more xD

    Omg, Jamaica sure was a blast. So sad to be home, *pouts*
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah the US strats are expensive as hell. I bought a Squier strat for like $300 a few years ago, all it really needs is a couple pick ups lol. So that's a good alternative.

    There's quite a few people my age who play all kinds of instruments, kinda wish we woulda got our band up and running, but whatever. Still had fun just hanging out too.

    Country is fun to play! If you learn complicated up. Look up "Danny Gatton's licks and tricks" on YouTube, I've tried learning a couple here and there cause you can work them in to lots of southern-rock and country crap. He's this unheard of amazing country guitarist, hit fame overnight. Killed himself though cause of the stress but yea check those out, definitely think country is fun after that lol.
  9. View Conversation
    Ouch, Mexi strat. Are those ones genuine? I thought just the USA, Jap and Korean ones were legit :S oh well could be wrong. Doesn't matter though, played a fake rip-off SG made in like Taiwan that still sounded the same lol.

    I play the plain way, just a pick on the right hand and trying to fly on the fretboard in the other :P starting to use my fingers to pick a bit here and there for country. My gf's dad was a professional musician for like 20 years so picking up things from him. What about you? And what styles of music?
  10. View Conversation
    Wow that's weird, I'm the same way as you, really lol. Get into stints every few months. Been playing on and off since winter of '06 as well actually. Got 3 guitars, my Squier Strat my Jackson V and my George Washburn acoustic. Just play when I feel like it, and I like that
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