Unread Posts

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  • 04-15-2014, 11:21 AM
    Unread Posts
    So, I usually click the "unread posts" button in the top right to check new posts, and it'll send me to the list of posts I haven't read. However, lately, it's been immediately taking me to the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts." screen, and mixing all of the brand new posts with older topics that I haven't checked. So, now I can't really tell which topics actually have new posts and which ones I just haven't looked at in a while. Any idea what's going on here?
  • 04-15-2014, 11:26 AM
    Well, all of them still have new posts you haven't seen. Just if you click it, see the 10 posts but don't read them and wait an hour and come back, they'll show up in that section.

    This was happening for me a while back. I think it might be the search function timing out and researching, which then adds them to the bottom section. Try clearing cache and cookies for the site too maybe and see if that helps. Past that it's all I know on the situation :/
  • 04-15-2014, 11:30 AM
    I mean, I know how it works, but I came onto the site for the first time today and every single new post was underneath the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts" banner.
  • 04-15-2014, 11:30 AM
    That's odd, it separates them for me, my old unread post will be in a different section at the bottom.

    How long was it when you got off and came back to check for new post. Did you leave your browser up during this time as well?
    I'm thinking maybe the forum didn't sign you off, so when you came back and pushed unread post again it considered it as the same visit as last time so it didn't separate the new post from the older post.

    I'm just taking a guess, sounds like an issue for Linux
  • 04-15-2014, 11:36 AM
    That happened the first time I checked posts since I woke up, didn't leave the forum open or anything. It stopped doing it now though o.o
  • 04-15-2014, 05:39 PM
    That's weird. I haven't had that issue. My guess is that it may be a cache thing. Try the "What's New" navigation menu, it basically takes you to the same place, but I don't know, don't really have an explanation for the issue you had.
  • 04-15-2014, 06:49 PM
    I noticed that, but it's easy for me to find all the threads I made posts in.
  • 04-15-2014, 07:51 PM
    It did it again. I mean, the newest ones are at the top, so I can still find threads to post in, but still...it's weird.
  • 04-16-2014, 08:50 AM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    It did it again. I mean, the newest ones are at the top, so I can still find threads to post in, but still...it's weird.

    It is weird. Can you log out and clear the cookies and see if that's still happening?

    I tried replicating your issue on chrome, firefox, and opera so my best guess is that it's cache related.

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