• 09-10-2010, 10:23 AM
    Infractions Updated - Read to Understand
    Infraction is a way of warning you and telling you that you have done something wrong. These can either just give you a simple warning or even get you banned from our forum. So please read the whole thread in avoiding some difficulties. This is an updated list of the infractions given on this forum. This is current as of September 2010.

    Below are a list of the different types of infractions, the points given, and end results.

    1. Thread started in Wrong Category -- We have the rule that says "TRY TO POST IN THE MOST APPROPRIATE CATEGORY" - means if you post your websites into the forum talk or post anything section in hopes of advertising, we will give you an infraction. This is just 1 infraction point that lasts 30 days.

    2. Double Post - This infraction is given out if you double post in a thread within a short period of time. We have no problem with you double posting if you wait a reasonable amount of time and provide new information worth reading in your second post. However, do not double post or triple post within a short period of time. This will give you 1 infraction point and it lasts 30 days.

    3. Argumentative with other members - This infraction serves as a reminder that you shouldn't argue with other members. While debates are welcome, keep everything about the subject and don't take things out of hand. Remember that it is an internet forum so you shouldn't take everything as if your life depended on it. This will give you 1 infraction points that lasts 30 days.

    4. Running up Post count/Post has no value -- these goes for people that love to run up their post count by saying just "Thanks" or "LOL" or etc. Please if you have nothing good to say, dont say anything at all. This is against forum rules. You will earn 1 Infraction point that will last 30 days.

    5. Signature Rule Violation -- We have some sig rules already and more will be added - You cannot have more than 3 images and more than 4 links in your profile. If you are caught you will be given an infraction and we will forcefully change your sig. This will earn you 1 infraction point that will last 30 days.

    6. Inappropriate Language -- Although we will let some words pass but continuous vulgar language will earn you 2 infraction points that will last for 60 days. So just think before you say anything in this forum. Don't let anger control you and always remember that we do have an younger audience and we don't want to expose them to anything negative.

    7. Inappropriate Content - Once again I want to remind you that we do have an younger audience and we want to expose them to everything positive and as little negative as possible. So try to keep the content appropriate especially dealing with the subject of sex. We've had members have issues posting inappropriate pictures in the past, don't be one of them. This will earn you 2 infraction points for 60 days.

    8. Spam/Post Thread - This will be given to spammers who go around opening random threads to get their 10 posts. This will earn you 3 infraction points that lasts 60 days. It is designed to ban spammers faster. If you already spammed a link, you will get the spam ad infraction listed below.

    9. Insulted/Attack other members/Inflammatory -- This Means when you just go and insult other members on this forum or put out a personal attack publicly against another member. This is against forum rules. This is more severe than just arguing with a member. This will earn you 3 infraction points that lasts 90 days. Please note that this infraction was combined with the Inflammatory infraction.

    10. Arguing with Executive Decision Publicly - You will get this infraction when you complain about infractions you receive or anything you may not agree with. We are not saying you can't complain at all, but we are asking you to keep things private. If you don't agree with an infraction, contact the moderator privately to discuss or contact a separate staff member if you feel uncomfortable speaking to the primary mod. When you make things public, it looks bad for you and obviously, you do this to make the forum staff look bad and we won't tolerate it. It will earn you 3 infraction points that lasts 90 days.

    11. Spam Advertisement -- We HATE SPAM. We have the rule that you MAY NOT post any link in this forum until you have 10 full posts and have been a member for at least 24 hours. If you post spam all over the board you will get multiple infractions. This infraction will earn you 5 infraction points that will last 120 days.

    12. Posting Illegal Content -- this means posting links to warez, torrents, or any other illegal websites. We do not like this. This also counts for posting anything that can get this forum in legal issues. When you get this infraction, it is most likely you will get the spammed advertisement infraction as well. This infraction will earn you 5 infraction points and it will last 120 days. This infraction can also be applied to those talking about piracy.

    13. Pornography Advertisement -- this is completely forbidden. If you wish to post anything like this, don't. This is highly illegal on our forum. This will earn you 10 infraction points that lasts 12 months which also comes with an instant ban. Don't try this.

    14. IRC Rule Violation - We do have an IRC channel and even though the rules are far less strict, we would still like to remain peaceful. So please don't argue, fight, attack, or post illegal links in the IRC channel. You will earn 1 infraction point that lasts 30 days. If you get 3 of these, you will be banned from our IRC channel for 30 days.

    You can check your infractions in your usercp.

    There have been some changes to the infractions, the points, as well as the length. We also have some changes to the bans you get due to infractions.

    If you get 10 infraction POINTS, you will be banned for 30 days. If you can rack up 15 infraction points (usually spammers can), it's a one year ban which can be increased to permanent or decreased depending on how I feel...

    We also have a smaller ban time if you get 5 infraction points which will last 2 weeks (14 days). The time limit may also be increased or decreased based on what happens after the event.

    Mod's have the option of making the infraction into a warning and not assign any points. This is completely up for the moderator to decide what to do. Yellow means warning, red means the real infraction. Once again, everything is generally meant to serve as a warning to you so don't get worked up about getting an infraction, it just means you have to watch your behavior in the future.

    If you receive an infraction and dont like it, don't create a thread arguing it, it'll just give us another reason to give you another infraction (Arguing with Exec Decision).

    If you have questions or concerns, please ask here or make a thread in the questions/suggestions board.


    note: Infraction name, point count, ban time, infraction length, and anything related to infractions are subject to change with time.
  • 09-10-2010, 10:31 AM
    Sounds good, very thorough but not too tl'dr <:

    Though number 10 can be misinterpreted slightly by the name, not a big deal, but it might be better to phrase it "Arguing with Executive Decision Publicly".
  • 09-10-2010, 10:33 AM

    Originally Posted by LemonRising View Post
    Sounds good, very thorough but not too tl'dr <:

    Though number 10 can be misinterpreted slightly by the name, not a big deal, but it might be better to phrase it "Arguing with Executive Decision Publicly".

    Thanks. Changes made. We haven't given that one out as much as we should have.
  • 09-10-2010, 01:14 PM
    Sounds good to me. Thanks Linux. =)
  • 09-10-2010, 01:22 PM
    Great update! I hope everyone understands all this so they can avoid infractions.
  • 09-10-2010, 11:13 PM
    BIg jACK
    I got caught up in a double post the other day on accident i apologize to the forum for that.Lol
  • 09-10-2010, 11:20 PM
    Think you could provide a section that says the changes, as well as what they previously were? like...."10 infractions leads to 30 day ban, previously led to permanant ban" or whatever...
  • 09-10-2010, 11:28 PM

    Originally Posted by BIg jACK View Post
    I got caught up in a double post the other day on accident i apologize to the forum for that.Lol

    Mistakes happen bud .. that's what warnings are meant for. Habitual mistakes might not result in the same reactions ofc hehe.

    No need to apologise .. shizzle happens.
  • 09-10-2010, 11:30 PM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    Think you could provide a section that says the changes, as well as what they previously were? like...."10 infractions leads to 30 day ban, previously led to permanant ban" or whatever...

    Alright, I'll try to add that to the thread tomorrow. Didn't change too much, just have to compare it to the old thread.
  • 09-12-2010, 03:54 PM
    Looks good to me..... hopefully i wont get infracted or warned for something ;)

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