• 10-02-2013, 05:09 AM
    GTA V, First impressions - What the f*** happened?
    This is my first impressions of GTA V, and I gotta say, I'm kinda disappointed. I've tried to narrow it down to some major points.

    First of, the driving physics that I liked so much from GTA IV, is completely gone.
    You can now make 90 degree turns doing 100 miles and hour, cars no longer spin out of control if you don't mind your acceleration, cars cannot get stuck when flipped over, and you can now turn and change how your car behaves in mid-air doing jumps.

    Second of, the car deformation which I was a huge fan of, is now also gone. I you somehow fail the 90 degree turn with 100 miles and hour and crash into the house in front of you, your car will only get a slight dent or scratch, compared to being completely wrecked and almost unuseable in GTA IV. This, is probably one of the biggest disappointments to me.

    Third of, the way the guns behave in firefights has also turned rather "arcadey". Weapons don't really have recoil or accuracy anymore, and will pretty much hit the exact same spot, even when holding down the trigger with automatic weapons. Alround weapon accuracy has been improved, and the AI's aim is over the top precise, whether it's an elite SWAT unit, or a hill-billy with a shotgun. The shootouts lost their excitement to me because of this.

    My fourth point is the police. Jesus christ. They-know-everything.org #illuminati
    I mean seriously, go ahead and punch a guy in the middle of the desert, I dare you!
    The cops will be on you faster than you can say "Dafuq?!?!"
    Rockstar has been working on this game for I don't how many years. Why is it that the police don't have "attention regions"? I mean, ofcourse the cops won't be as fast to respond to a crimescene out in the desert, as they would in a high-class white neighbourhood. I'm baffled by this.

    The things that I would've loved to see would've been;

    + Improved cardeformation. Vehicles could get bent, ripped apart and torn in half.
    + Less AI accuracy, more damage on bullets, piercing of different surfaces.
    + Some sort of witness system, that could make it possible to get away with crimes.
    + More emersion with everyday people in form of small conversations.
    + An actual prison you'd have to bail out, do time in or escape from when getting busted.

    I mean, this is just a small portion of what is on my mind right now.

    So far, I'm not impressed, and that's a shame considering I've waited I don't know how many years for this game. And right now, it feels more like GTA: Saints Row, than GTA V.

    I hope you will share your views on GTA V with me.
  • 10-02-2013, 03:52 PM
    I haven't played GTA V yet, but I have been playing GTA IV recently.

    A lot of your complaints are the same on GTA IV, like not being able to flip over. If the cars on its side then if you turn the wheels enough, it flips over. I've never had any issues spinning out when accelerating either in GTA IV. Also I smashed into plenty of walls going top speed and the cars still drivable, normally just a dent unless you smashed into a few walls; then it starts acting up. Though sometimes your guy flies through the windshield which seems to be rather random. You can also controller flips in mid air on GTA 4, especially on a motor bike. Can't really comment on the driving mechanics, like I said never played 5, so can't really compare the two. Same with gun accuracy, really can't compare the two.
  • 10-02-2013, 10:15 PM
    They changed how the main components work, from what people were saying about other games. They switched the driving to be more like Midnight Club, and the combat to feel more like Max Payne 3. I like the driving more, but I'm with you on the arcade quick shooting style and car damage :/ I only rented it from work and played it one night I had it, so I don't have a whole lot to go off of. Was gonna rent it again next week after the GTA:O servers get bumped up to get a better opinion, though. I'm loving the pop in/out of other characters and the story so far, it's interesting.
  • 09-06-2015, 08:58 PM
    Nobody is going to tell you the real story. All the stuff you're hearing is b.s. It is cover-up caca to hide the real reason for the changes: software has just become too bloated to handle the physics math required to do what prior versions did. It's the same reason Windows 8 removed the Aero glass: bureaucracy. Lazy developers. Be all things to all people! So they don't have to be bothered creating custom versions for phones, the PC version is dumbed down to whatever the spiPhone and Android can handle. Then they can just re-compile the phone code for the PC and off they go.

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