Tron Evolution

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  • 01-18-2011, 02:31 AM
    Tron Evolution
    Background/storyline: As we all know the new Tron movie has been released and as we all know game developers must make games in relation to hit blockbuster movies. Well this game isn’t half bad and is actually pretty fun. Well Tron Evolution takes place a little before CLU takes his campaign to take over The Grid. I'm not exactly sure of the time, but it’s at least a week to a month before Clu Goes crazy. You might think it’s only an hour in; yeah well you have to see it from their side. So we get background story.
    So the story up till CLU is discovered by you, the System monitor who is pretty much a security guard for The Grid, you are charged with destroying a virus that has entered The Grid. When you start the game you aren’t completely sure where he came from, but if you saw the movie you know exactly what is going on here.
    As the story progresses towards destroying this virus you see the death of Tron, and at the time Flynn. Word gets out and you heard while running around after CLU attacks from other programs that it is believed Flynn is dead. Your mission changes but it doesn’t, while you are still running around your primary goal is to deal with the virus and get rid of it and Flynn was second. You run into Quorra maybe 10 or so minutes afterwards and you now trying to figure out what happened is your primary goal while dealing with the virus second. Well, the problem is the virus pops in and out of game play, from start of game till maybe an hour in,ish, its nothing but dealing with the virus after that it’s about dealing with CLU and maybe one in a while dealing with the virus.
    Well you figure out what is going on and what CLU is up to and you find Flynn so your mission is to save Quorra and stop CLU. After saving Quorra, the game is over, and what happened to the System Monitor? Who knows, but after the cut scene the movie picks up 20 years after the invasion by CLU. Pretty much, this game is a prequel to the movie; it gives you some background story.

    Game play: Starting off it is another spank and run type of game. The enemies starting off aren’t hard just a few hits and you get some exp and level, by in this game they don’t call it leveling they call it versions. I love the techno language used in this game. You get some special abilities with your first disc, out of four, and if you’re like me you won’t understand how to use it quickly because you didn’t feel like reading the text and just wanted to kill. You get several special abilities with every disc you get which are normal disc that gets upgraded to heavy disc, bomb disc, static disc, and corruption disc. Heavy is just a normal disc that deals more damage, Bomb throws bombs and other things, very useful for online, Static disc slows down your enemies and allows you more time to kick ass, and corruption disc heals you for a small amount of deal. Each disc has its own enemy that it will work against and do nothing to. So later on in the game you have to be on your toes when you’re crowded to know what enemy requires what disc. Some interesting things about game play are at the start when fighting the virus for the first time it teaches you the controls so you get a quick scene of what does what, it’s very useful for people like me. When you get a new disc you get a tutorial about how it works and what abilities come with that disc, always helpful. They throw health pods everywhere in the form of big giant power things. I'm not even sure how to describe them. They are just Blue, Red or Green spots on the walls you run over and get health back. Its different for regaining special ability power, you have to run towards and jump over consoles and light posts on the floor to regain it. Its weird.

    Controls: They are typical of a spank and run game, X button attack, B button is heavy attack, Y button activates a special ability, combination of Y button and the left and right triggers activates two more abilities. Right trigger alone lets you run faster, Left trigger lets you block. Moving around The Grid is a bit of a pain in the ass. There is a bit of a learning issue with trying to run on walls, if you don’t remember the command to do it exactly you won’t even run up the damn wall. The biggest enemy in this game is the camera, when it starts switching on it, controls suck and it takes a minute to readjust even if your just doing a small little wall climb and wall jump it sucks, and if your not careful you can fall off the edge. For the most part the controls are fine and work well, but what annoys me is the targeting system, sometimes you will get a lock and use a special attack and sometimes you wont get a lock and the enemy is within 2 ft of you.

    On line play: Takes place on very large game zones I’ve been one out of 5 I believe. Its quiet fun, you do get to use the light cycle it’s the only way you will be getting around fast enough, unless you get a tank but I do not recommend it. There is a few different game types but they are typical, Death math, Team Death match, Ninja ball, pick up ball and it slowly kills you while you get points, Power node, capture the points on the map and hold them. It is fun to kill people with your little shield you leave behind from your light cycle; you can upgrade that vehicle to 30% more speed and 25% less handling. It’s a good trade if you’re good at driving, but the controls are a little sensitive here. Every time you make a turn without using the left bumper or right bumper, which let you do 90 degree rights left and right, it feels like you’re going to crash. You will be on your vehicle 99.999% of the time, until you figure out that jumping off your bike and using a special attack will one shot anyone, expect those in the tank, that’s 3-5 shots.

    Special Abilities: The discs special abilities vary from disc to disc. For example, the heavy disc Y Button does a mid air attack that does more damage, left trigger and y does a ground pound, and right trigger and y triggers several disc being thrown out and hitting several targets. Based on your personal preference it will depend on what you use. I mainly went with Bomb and Heavy, Corruption wasn’t that good and static only does any real damage on viruses.

    Overall: The game is fun and it does get a little annoying at times but because I am a fan of the movie series and the damn thing has ONLINE capabilities I am happy and quiet enjoyed the game. It’s not one you would pick up and play over and over unless you’re an achievement hog.

    Special abilities,
    The storyline of course,
    Different abilities to use
    Ability to use light cycles in campaign and online
    It’s Tron

    Cons Repeativeness of the game
    The wall climbing and jumping
    How many hits some enemies take before they die even while using the proper disc.
  • 01-18-2011, 06:57 AM
    Nice review :)
    I haven't played the game enough for my own personal opinion; however, I played it in a demo area of my local games store, and it didn't grab me at all :/ I was expecting a lot more from it. I mean it did have cool features, but it felt a bit... cheap.
  • 01-18-2011, 10:23 AM
    Sounds pretty cool.
    I like that it's a prequel and not just a "theres a movie out, lets make a game" kinda thing.

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