• 08-07-2014, 08:39 PM
    How do you feel about Trophies and Achievements?
    How do you guys feel about Trophies and Achievements? On the one hand, I love collecting trophies on games, but it makes me not want to play games without trophies, and sometimes I find myself playing games more for trophies than for the game itself. Where do you guys stand? Do you like trophies and achievements or not?
  • 08-07-2014, 09:07 PM
    Achievements definitely make the game more enjoyable. When I get a game, I normally just play through it doing my own thing. Then after I beat it the first time, I'll go back for any achievements that I didn't get. Definitely helps me explore the game more than I normally would. Try to do things that I wouldn't normally try. Some achievements definitely seem more like a chore than playing a game. Crackdown comes to mind, collecting 500 agility orbs and 200 hidden orbs. to this day, 1 hidden orb avoids me and I'm one achievement away from 100%.

    Out of all my RL friends, I'm really the only one in my group that plays for achievements, so I feel as if I'm one of a few.
  • 08-07-2014, 09:35 PM

    Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    Achievements definitely make the game more enjoyable. When I get a game, I normally just play through it doing my own thing. Then after I beat it the first time, I'll go back for any achievements that I didn't get. Definitely helps me explore the game more than I normally would. Try to do things that I wouldn't normally try. Some achievements definitely seem more like a chore than playing a game. Crackdown comes to mind, collecting 500 agility orbs and 200 hidden orbs. to this day, 1 hidden orb avoids me and I'm one achievement away from 100%.

    Out of all my RL friends, I'm really the only one in my group that plays for achievements, so I feel as if I'm one of a few.

    I think part of it is that I tend to enjoy longer games, so after I beat a game, I don't go through it again for a LONG time. I'm currently playing through Final Fantasy X HD, and there's a few trophies that will take me ages to get. However, if I stop playing the game, i'm likely not going to go back to it lol.

    Sometimes I just feel like trophies make me play games for the wrong reasons
  • 08-07-2014, 09:48 PM
    I think they're okay. I'm a competitive person so achievements/trophies make that part of me happy but I play plenty of games without these and don't really mind, I still play them.
  • 08-07-2014, 11:07 PM
    I love and hate them. The achievements I don't get mock me, but I love seeing my gamerscore climb!

    I feel your pain, Trunks. I'm 1 RockBand 2 achievement away from 100%. Complete the Endlist Setlist No Bladder challenge. Complete 73 songs, without pausing, or stopping, or failing. I failed the 2nd last song at 86% about 5 years back. It still bothers me so much. I wanna go back and do it on an easier difficulty, but still...it's like 7 1/2 hours to do it lol.
  • 08-08-2014, 10:12 AM

    Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    I love and hate them. The achievements I don't get mock me, but I love seeing my gamerscore climb!

    I feel your pain, Trunks. I'm 1 RockBand 2 achievement away from 100%. Complete the Endlist Setlist No Bladder challenge. Complete 73 songs, without pausing, or stopping, or failing. I failed the 2nd last song at 86% about 5 years back. It still bothers me so much. I wanna go back and do it on an easier difficulty, but still...it's like 7 1/2 hours to do it lol.

    Invite a friend over and trade off every few songs?
  • 08-08-2014, 10:20 AM
    I feel like I should attempt to get all of the trophies in a game. I used to be so into it, but then I finally gave up. Some trophies are just difficult to achieve, so I just end up playing each ps3 game as if it were a ps2/ps1 game -- for the fun factor! haha
  • 08-08-2014, 11:49 AM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    Invite a friend over and trade off every few songs?

    Yeah that's what we did the first time lol. Had 3 of us there trading off, I've asked them both again and got two resounding "heeellll naawww."

    One day I'll get it again.
  • 08-08-2014, 03:34 PM
    I love achievements, it's a goal that most gamers strive to achieve. I mean what's better than getting a trophy/achievement that .1% of the player base has. You feel accomplished. I mean even before we had achievements gamers set goals for themselves, like getting the fastest times in Zelda, doing all the Fatalities the first time, getting all the coins in a single level of mario, Getting all the coins in a single level in Sonic, hell even coming in first in a 4 player free for all and not play Odd Job is an accomplishment. What Trophies/Achievements have brought to the table is proof of their feats in the game they are playing, instead of telling your friends that you did it and failing when they asked you to prove it. Trophies/Achievements kinda show how far gaming has come in the form of competitiveness among friends (Not just MLG or Esports... Now if we could just do something about launch date DLC....
  • 08-11-2014, 01:25 PM

    Originally Posted by SanctionAngel View Post
    I love achievements, it's a goal that most gamers strive to achieve. I mean what's better than getting a trophy/achievement that .1% of the player base has. You feel accomplished. I mean even before we had achievements gamers set goals for themselves, like getting the fastest times in Zelda, doing all the Fatalities the first time, getting all the coins in a single level of mario, Getting all the coins in a single level in Sonic, hell even coming in first in a 4 player free for all and not play Odd Job is an accomplishment. What Trophies/Achievements have brought to the table is proof of their feats in the game they are playing, instead of telling your friends that you did it and failing when they asked you to prove it. Trophies/Achievements kinda show how far gaming has come in the form of competitiveness among friends (Not just MLG or Esports... Now if we could just do something about launch date DLC....

    The only problem I have with trophies and stuff is that I end up playing games to get all the trophies, instead of for the fun factor. I got Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction the other day, which doesn't have trophies, and it's nice playing a game solely for the fun of it again.

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