Signature C&C Thread

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  • 08-13-2011, 12:27 AM
    Signature C&C Thread
    Hello everyone. If you are experienced at Gfx, then go ahead and post. You know what to do.

    If you are new to Gfx, I would like to introduce you to a thing called C&Cing.

    C&C stands for Comments and Criticism. Or Critique and whatnot.

    It's advice. Advice on how to improve.

    All you have to do is post one of your sigs that you just made / have made before, and ask for advice on how to make it better.

    If you want us to critique hard we will. But you have to ask for the hard critiquing. This hard critiquing should not consist of:



    Or anything of that nature.

    If you comment saying "Text sucks" or anything of that nature, please provide a reason why it sucks, and perhaps how to improve upon it.

    If you have any questions, please ask.

    Use this thread to your advantage. Do not be afraid. Your harshest critics are your best friends. They want to see you improve.

    Now get to postin.
  • 08-15-2011, 12:28 AM
    You know, there is a word for what you just used 13 lines to describe. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. :)

    But good idea!
  • 08-15-2011, 12:30 AM

    CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
    You would be surprised how many people don't know what that is, or how to do it. But thank you for adding to the point.
  • 08-15-2011, 01:03 AM
    Here I would like some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please. I dont mind if you guys be hard I think it will just make me better so say what you want.
    my latest sotw
  • 08-15-2011, 01:50 AM

    Originally Posted by egw333 View Post
    Here I would like some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please. I dont mind if you guys be hard I think it will just make me better so say what you want.
    my latest sotw

    I will give you constructive feedback...... I saw this picture in the Sig Of The Week competition, and when I looked at your layers, you only had a Text Layer, a Background Layer and a Render Layer. You need to do a lot more with your Sigs and put more effort into it.....Its basically just pasting a render on a background and calling it your Sig (no offence), so just keep practising and make it into your own epic sig, sorry if this seems mean, because that's not my intentions... Anyway, just keep practising, after all, practise makes perfect ;)
  • 08-15-2011, 01:58 AM
    Definitely work on making your render stand out more, because Goomba's affected by the shadow he gets faded and just becomes a part of the background.
    You wanna draw focus to certain parts of your sig, whether its with brighter colours, lighting, or affects.
    Remember to get creative too! Your render doesn't need to be in the center of your signature, and text can go anywhereee! <:

    Hope this helps.
  • 08-15-2011, 03:09 PM

    Definitely work on making your render stand out more, because Goomba's affected by the shadow he gets faded and just becomes a part of the background.
    You wanna draw focus to certain parts of your sig, whether its with brighter colours, lighting, or affects.
    Remember to get creative too! Your render doesn't need to be in the center of your signature, and text can go anywhereee! <:

    Hope this helps.
    Thanks for the feed back the thing i struggle with the most is the text I seem to never have it in the right spot also i had to use a bit of photo shop and did the kind of shade after i finished the Sig but i should of took the shade just for the background.


    I will give you constructive feedback...... I saw this picture in the Sig Of The Week competition, and when I looked at your layers, you only had a Text Layer, a Background Layer and a Render Layer. You need to do a lot more with your Sigs and put more effort into it.....Its basically just pasting a render on a background and calling it your Sig (no offence), so just keep practising and make it into your own epic sig, sorry if this seems mean, because that's not my intentions... Anyway, just keep practising, after all, practise makes perfect
    I didn't find this mean at all and i see where your cumming from but im not sure what to add to make it more "mine" without over doing it.
  • 08-15-2011, 04:29 PM
    Hmmm.....I guess just 2 major things.
    One, you used the Goomba as your focal, and the shading almost makes it look like you're hiding it. Usually (Depending on the mood of the tag) you want to make the focal stand out, draw attention to it, make it some eye candy. And then this would lead to two....
    Two, The font isn't bad, but the text could use a little elbow grease. You have it in the corner (Not a bad thing) but it stands out, it kinda draws attention away from your focal, where as you want it to pull your eyes towards the focal, or have it match the flow of the signature. Personally, I suck at text. I find it very hard to make text for a signature, which is why I usually try to hide my text, it doesn't take anything away from a signature if it isn't there (usually)
    And don't worry about making a signature yours, everyone starts at a point, and as they create more and more signature, a style develops, and that style is what makes it yours, not what you put into the signature.
    Heck, that's why we can't do anonymous signature of the weeks. Every member here has a distinct style. Look at the nintendo one and you'll know what I mean.

    I always like some C&C. Goes as hard as you can, it only helps.
  • 08-15-2011, 04:46 PM
    Samus I love your sig but the lines are sort of distracting the focal. Lines are a great way to create flow and to drag your eye to the focal, but it's not working in this one. A few are placed well, but some distract me. Other than that, it looks like a good sig.
  • 08-15-2011, 11:42 PM
    I'd like some C&C on this please, inspired by PsychoTray's current Mortal Kombat Signature. :)

    C&C as hard as possible.

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