• 03-01-2010, 01:09 AM
    Important Wii Recomendation
    I waited a few days to post this because the demo discs shipped the 26, so I wanted to give them time to reach stores.


    Right now you can get the Demo to Monster Hunter 3 at gamestop. You may have to preorder the game (to be released april6 I believe) but just cancel it if you don't like the demo.

    Try it out, its just a demo and they give you a chance to use one of each type of weapon, and fight just a few of the variety of monsters you can hunt.

    But keep in mind in the actual game you will have to build all the weapons and armor yourself. The materials for most weapons come from the creatures you kill, and the rest or from items you gather while hunting.

    The Monster Hunter series is currently amazingly popular in Japan. And its PSP version is currently the most popular PSP game in the world.


    The Demo is looking like the most beautiful Wii title ever released.And whats really impressive is that the gameplay is so solid it doesn't have to look half that good.

    Nintendo is giving away 500 free game points with any special edition preorder (likely to be priced around $60). They are really pushing hard to see this game get the marketing it needs to take a foothold like it has in Japan. The spacial edition will come with a controller as well


    Specially built for fans of the PS2 version, to give us old school fans the proper R1,R2/L1/L2

    When have you ever known Nintendo to be concerned about what their fans think about their controller? Think, they stole this release from Sony, offered the creators all this extra stuff and even released the Demo from E3 (thats the same demo you can pick up at gamestop).

    They know this game will rock your pants off, its already established fact in Japan. You should be looking forward to this just as much as I am. (I bought a wii just for the demo)

  • 03-01-2010, 11:14 AM
    Holy what playstation wii controller? WANT.

    This game looks really cool, I've been waiting for a wii title to catch my eye for a while, thanks for sharing! You mention that the gameplay is a real gem to the game, but you don't really go into what it's all about... I'd love to hear an account from someone who seems to know a bit about the series and has played the demo a little bit - what is the object of the gameplay and what makes the gameplay mechanic so successful?

    Thanks Dead Bob :)
  • 03-01-2010, 01:15 PM

    Originally Posted by Diligence109 View Post
    I'd love to hear an account from someone who seems to know a bit about the series and has played the demo a little bit - what is the object of the gameplay and what makes the gameplay mechanic so successful?

    The gameplay is best described as and action adventure experience. Its best played with a group of friends, and supports up to 4 players in a mission. But if you look at the pic with the raptor looking creature (The great Jaggi from the demo) you will see that giant sword the character is holding.

    On the PS2 version the right analog stick controlled witch direction you swung your sword, and he really has to put some backbone into it! The attacks can be strung into a combo, but try to swing it in a direction that doesnt keep your momentum and you break your flow. Each weapon type has a different style to it and speed.

    There is no locking on, and there is a bit of skill required in not getting hit by enemies. Usually blocking or rolling can be used and sometimes if done properly wont even break your flow.

    The point of the game is to collect the materials to build better weapons and armor to challenge to most legendary creatures in the game. The materials are collected in the levels and from the monsters you slay, as well as the money needed from the creatures bounty. Many smaller monsters can take a while to kill, but in the PS2 version creatures like Lou Shun took 4 players 45 minutes to kill.
  • 03-01-2010, 02:07 PM
    Ah yes. I stole my sisters wii got the Demo and played it. It's good I'll probably end up getting it. I've always been a big fan of monster hunter.
  • 03-01-2010, 03:17 PM
    Thanks for sharing more info... this game sounds amazing. I'ma be hitting up my bud that works at gamestop and try to get in on this, stat!

    Just looked it up - coming out in North America April 10th. Time to pre-order... gotta see if I can get me that fancy controller, too!
  • 03-01-2010, 04:28 PM
    They may be pushing back the release date even more now, closer to the 20th. Not sure, if someone can confirm this that would save me some digging.

    Here is a pretty good video that will show you basically what to expect:


    Make sure to watch the whole thing, as they segment the vid, the first is cinema of the characters and towns, then gameplay, then the world/monsters.
  • 03-01-2010, 04:46 PM
    Bob, the demo doesn't hit gamestop until March 8th.


    Retailer GameStop will also be releasing an exclusive demo disc of the game on March 8 that's free for anyone who walks in and wants it. As a GameStop preorder bonus, you'll also receieve a 500 Wii Points card when you put your money down. Two quests will be playable in the demo
  • 03-01-2010, 05:39 PM
    It shipped the feb 26th to gamestop, maybe they give that date so that it has time to reach all the locations. I have had mine since yesterday.

    So yes, it would be a good idea to call and see if your local gamestop has a copy. Maybe the March 8th date includes other retailers or something, because its odd they would say that.

    If you don't believe me:

  • 03-01-2010, 11:33 PM
    I'll call/stop by my local gamestop today (Tuesday) or tomorrow (Wednesday) and edit this post with my story. *fingers crossed*

    EDIT: when I said by today or tomorrow over a week ago what I meant to say was next week when I'm on break. :twitcy:
  • 03-06-2010, 11:00 PM
    I have some new info:

    Wii speak is supported for this title making this the first game in the franchise to include native VoIP capability.

    As of December 12, 2009, Monster Hunter Tri is the best-selling third-party video game for the Wii in Japan

    Weekly Famitsu certified the game with a score of 40/40, making it the eleventh game to receive a perfect rating from the magazine in its 20-year history as well as only the third title for the Wii.

    Another bundle will come with a "Wii Speak" and a "Classic Controller Pro"; this bundle has been confirmed for Europe.

    If you get the demo head over Here for the wiki to look at all the items and monsters that flesh out the game.

    This is a bestiary from the first game (missing a few, but gives good scale):


    Some PSP mosters: (I feel they are some of the less realistic in the series)

    Tryin to find the Monster hunter 3 bestiary. I know my brother has it on his computer so I will get it later.

    Played the Monster Hunter3 demo some more. Thinking about what armor I want to go for, might go female for the teddy bear style armor:


    or if male:


    any gunner:


    but those are looooong term goals mostly. And each armor type can be improved stat wise 3 times. Im pretty sure in the demo that all the armor and weapons are weaker then they would be normally, just so they could show some of the end game equipment. However the great sword has a lightning element and the great jaggi seems very weak against it.

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