Halo Reach

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  • 01-15-2011, 03:28 PM
    Halo Reach
    Wow, no one done this yet? Ok, well, good one for my first one back I guess :D.

    Well anyways, the continuation for the Halo Series, a great addition to it if I might add, Halo Reach!http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehos...2098f54292.jpg

    Some people might be all whiney and cry about the fact that there is no master chief in the game;), no Cortana;), or no Sgt. Johnson, yet I still find this game to be just as good without the main characters from the earlier games, in fact, it might even be better.

    Halo Reach was more or less an improvement from Halo 3 in the multiplayer, and especially the forge mode. In Halo 3, the idea of a forge mode was a great idea, it's just the actual thing that came up with wasn't the greatest. in Halo Reach, they made some adjustments to make it 10x better. Though the whole limit to buildings and the money system should either me removed or increased. I do not see a point in it.

    For the multiplayer, one of the biggest improvements I found was the fact that you didn't need the new DLC to play the basic team slayer or any other game mode (Other than DLC of course). Along with a few new game modes, it seemed very similar to the Halo 3 version, which isn't a bad thing. The bad thing with halo Reach's is once in a lobby, and voting for a map, you cannot back out. I can see where they are coming from with this, I just don't like it though, It's very inconvenient when you have to leave for an important reason. Along with that, in Halo Reach there is a new ranking system. So instead of going by skill points, you just go by things called credits. These are pretty much just experience points, yet it take way too long to level up. Though another reason these credits are in the game is to cusomize you're spartan, which is much more involved and is expanded from Halo 3. You have many more choices, and in you're voice!
    As for the campaign, I found it was a great story. With the addition of a mysterious new spartan to the team, made the game seem as if you were playing as Master Chief, since you never really see his face, and never really hear him talk. Bungie does a great job I found with the new characters in the game. I love their personalities, and the variant of them. And as always, Bungie never fails with their endings, which I throughly enjoyed, no spoilers though! Another thing, I do not know if this is good or bad, but you do not have to find all the skulls, they are already given to you, so I'm not entirely sure how i feel about this, but the addition of other things to find in the campaign I know, does help fill the void.http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehos...2098f6dd0f.jpg

    And as always, Bungie has added their usual Easter eggs to plenty of their maps, some being more discrete, and others may send 10 of the highest ranking elites after you, you never know!

    To rap this up, we'll go to the rankings:

    Graphics: 7/10, Improved from Halo 3, yet not the focus of course.

    Sound: 8/10, I have always loved the music from the games.

    Plot: 9/10, Up until the end, you really don't know what it's all about, but once you do find out, I found it made a great story.

    Multiplayer: 8/10, The actual game play is great, yet the ranking system goes too slow.

    Overall: 8/10, Great game, a very simple, enjoyable game. Not too much to worry about. No weapons to unlock, and the things you do have to unlock, do not really matter.

    Final Notes: Great game, my favorite part about it, probably the new forge, many new possibilities, and horizons. Hope you enjoyed and were informed in this review.

  • 01-15-2011, 04:32 PM
    Nice review on reach.

    I did a review on it a few months back :P
  • 01-15-2011, 04:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Jokersvirus View Post
    Nice review on reach.

    I did a review on it a few months back :P

    Ohhh, my bad. i missed it. Sorry. I missed it because it wasn't under FPS lol, sorry.
  • 01-16-2011, 09:20 AM
    Nice review
    Very nice
    I got the t-shirt for Halo:Reach too. It's sick.

  • 01-17-2011, 09:40 PM
    pretty much amazing
  • 01-18-2011, 02:43 PM
    Nice review man! keep em coming!!!!
  • 01-18-2011, 06:06 PM
    Lol when we did the easter egg with the Elites, that was intense.
    Good review, it really is the best Halo out of all 3 of them.
    The maps online could be a lot better though. Forge World is great, though
  • 01-18-2011, 06:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Samus-Fan View Post
    Lol when we did the easter egg with the Elites, that was intense.
    Good review, it really is the best Halo out of all 3 of them.
    The maps online could be a lot better though. Forge World is great, though

    That was so intense. And ya they could be, though I do like the introduction of the larger maps, or reintroduction haha.
  • 02-01-2011, 03:35 AM
    Awesome review I am looking forward to seeing more of your awesome reviews:cheesy:
  • 02-16-2011, 03:06 PM
    nice review

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