im done

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  • 06-27-2011, 05:08 AM
    im done
    I AM ****ING DONE WITH BLACK OPS. im sick and tired of having full health and getting shot once in the foot by the ak-74u and dying! im tired of unloading my entire clip into this ass holes face and him shooting me twice and i die. im tired of assholes camping with motion sensors and famas with noob tube AND last stand. im sick and tired of this game! Im tired of being forced to use the ak-74u to keep up when i really wanna use is the enfield. **** YOU TREYARC IF IT WASNT FOR ZOMBIES ID BREAK THIS ****IN CD AND MAIL IT TO YOU ALONG WITH MY SPIT AND PISS. please post stories that piss you off and make you rage as much as i am right now. UGH! HVGHJEKSDLCVHBGYAERGUADTHIOFJKL;GMVNEBUDKLFMVBNDFU XJK'NETHUIOGJLNVBSDFJICFGYUWESRJGERHUI <--- MY RAGE>:(
  • 06-27-2011, 05:40 AM
    That is why you should play battlefield,(the noobtubes are however still there and sometimes it feels that you have empied a hole clip in them without dying)

    About the unloading clips in his face, what was the ping then?

    BUt I havent raged so much, Im a calm person, even if my room has taken a few blows.
  • 06-27-2011, 06:44 AM
    it is kind of annoying, but just remember when u do it to someone else, it happens to all of us and no game is ever going to be PERFECT.
  • 06-27-2011, 11:13 AM
    Protip: Dropshot them and they can't do anything.
  • 06-27-2011, 12:22 PM
    That's pretty much how I feel about EVERY shooter. I wanna play it my way but I can't because its not good enough
  • 06-27-2011, 01:03 PM
    Ilyich Valken
    I gave up on Black Ops months ago lol It's just a horrible game.
  • 06-27-2011, 01:21 PM
    Never gave it a try :p
  • 06-27-2011, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by Ilyich Valken View Post
    I gave up on Black Ops months ago lol It's just a horrible game.

    I am only picking up my black ops cd for zombies now. if i have a hankering for shooting humans in the face ill buy battlefield 3 or bad company 2.
  • 06-28-2011, 06:02 AM
    I gave up on Black Ops when I tried it at a test console in Gamestop...I played for 40 seconds, and died from a shot to the thigh. I was like "alright, I'm gonna preorder Skyrim now"

    What makes me rage?

    When you log onto a shooter for the first time on the internet, and you get kicked off by Punkbuster over and over from every single server you join...How are you supposed to learn if you can't join any ****ing servers? How can I learn to play better if I play on a server for 6 seconds and then Punkbuster knocks me off the branch?

    I also hate when all people can say is "noob" every time you die. You'd think they had other insults in their vocabulary.

    I hate when you're leveling in WoW and a low level enemy follows you around flagged waiting for you to attack him, and you know full well that a level 85 stealthed friend of his is waiting for you to attack his low level friend so you'll flag too.

    I hate in driving games how other players decide that the only way they can win is to wingclip your rear tires and spin you. Such a ***** ass move, learn to drive!

    I hate when people sit in one spot with a sniper rifle and headshot you 5 times

    I hate when people teabag your body

    I hate when you get suspended from a game for a crappy decission(I got banned from LoL for leaving games too many times cause I have a life to take care of)(I got banned from WoW for 2 days cause my name included the word "Black" I was banned for racist remarks, and forced to name change)(I was banned from WoW for 1 week for telling a gold spammer to STFU in trade chat channel(global), cause he had been spamming it for 30 minutes none stop)(I got banned from Aion online for buying Kinah(money) from a 3rd company, but I never did such a thing, I was later given an apology)(I was banned from the Dragon Age forums for saying that Dragon Age sucks)
  • 07-01-2011, 06:59 PM
    Its not just black ops, thats almost the entire cod series. They put just a few things in there to help new people, and it gets completely exploited by everyone, so that those of us who want to do something different instead of spawn kill, like maybe actually doing achievements, get screwed over.

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