• 06-02-2013, 05:22 PM
    I Think My Network Adapter is Cuasing Corruption
    Anything I download that requires decryption or decompression is always corrupted, including installers.

    I've traced similar issues back to my network adapter; Realtek PCle GBE Family Controller

    I found only one suggested fix and it was to uninstall and reinstall the driver. Tried it a few times now and I'm getting nowhere.
    The drivers are updated, all of them, not just the network adapter's.
    The site for the driver is dodgy and very confusing, and it's most recent drivers are for Windows ME/2000.

    Does anyone know a possible fix without getting a new network adapter?
  • 06-02-2013, 05:40 PM
    Can't say I've ever come across an issue where the network card was causing corruption issues but computers can do some really weird things sometimes.

    A few questions that may help figure out your problem.
    1: Is your computer a laptop or desktop?
    1A: If a desktop, did you build it or buy it?
    1B: If you bought it, what is its model. (May help find the model of your NIC, the one listed is the driver. I understand it can be confusing.)

    2: Is your network card integrated or not?

    3: What operating system are you running?

    I'm not sure if any of this information will help, I'm just unfamiliar with the problem so trying to gather any info I can that may help diagnose.

    One more thing you could try is run some form of packet capturing software such was Wireshark and see if packets are being lost during the download types you mentioned.

    If any of what I asked doesn't make sense, let me know. In my brain the technical computer makes sense but put in to words people tend to look at me like "huh? What are you crazy? You fixed my computer but I think you just told me to pray to the spaghetti god next time my computer dies."
  • 06-02-2013, 05:47 PM
    I've a built desktop.
    Nothing is integrated, and I'm running windows 8, but I was running windows 7 and the problem still existed at that point too.
  • 06-02-2013, 06:08 PM
    Never heard of network adapter doing that either. I'm assuming you've tried to download on other computers in the same network and it worked fine?

    I'd be interested in knowing what caused this and a fix for it.


    Originally Posted by Slay View Post
    I've a built desktop.
    Nothing is integrated, and I'm running windows 8, but I was running windows 7 and the problem still existed at that point too.

    I would still like to blame windows 8. Your computer knew you were gonna upgrade and it decided to screw itself up.

    Have you tried running Linux to see if that messes up too? You can download live-cds that you can run from boot without having to install.
  • 06-02-2013, 06:32 PM

    Originally Posted by LiNuX View Post
    Never heard of network adapter doing that either. I'm assuming you've tried to download on other computers in the same network and it worked fine?

    I'd be interested in knowing what caused this and a fix for it.

    I would still like to blame windows 8. Your computer knew you were gonna upgrade and it decided to screw itself up.

    Have you tried running Linux to see if that messes up too? You can download live-cds that you can run from boot without having to install.

    Also another symptom of this is being banned and kicked from servers. EA even just deletes the process of the game without my asking.

    But I am gonna try Linux now and I will post results.

    This is an article on it

    He blames an update that came out 7 years ago, since then there's been several updates.
  • 06-02-2013, 08:11 PM
    I'm surprised you don't have a nic integrated on your motherboard. they usually have one. It'll be interesting to see what results linux (the best OS) provides.
  • 06-03-2013, 07:27 PM
    I am currently running Crunchbang, and the problem appears to be fixed, but it's hard to tell, I can't download anything major, but I haven't noticed any server issues.

    I would make the change to Ubuntu but for some reason it shows me the desktop and just freezes. Crunchbangs fine, but there's not many tutorials for it, and it has no Steam compatibility.
  • 06-03-2013, 08:39 PM
    ubuntu is usually really stable. I'm surprised it crashes on you. I haven't tested 13.04 yet but 12.12 was pretty stable and Linux Mint is built off of Ubuntu. It may also work for you.
  • 06-03-2013, 10:50 PM
    Fedora has always been a favorite of mine, along with CentOS.
  • 06-07-2013, 08:17 PM

    Originally Posted by LiNuX View Post
    Fedora has always been a favorite of mine, along with CentOS.

    Upon downloading Fedora it occured to me that Ubuntu was an iso, which would probably have been corrupted upon it's download, did a package check on it, and all is well, including the corruption issue.

    I'm now a Linux user atleast until Windows can prove itself better.

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