• 01-31-2007, 06:47 PM
    Forum Rules and Guidelines
    I didnt really have an official set of forum rules and guidelines before so here it is.

    All the forum rules must be followed by all members and all forum staff. Disobeying will result in warnings. Too many warnings will result in a ban. Below are a set of rules to follow.

    Rules for all members:

    1. Be nice!! Don't say anything that you think will create anger and the two of you go off into a cursing argument (we have experienced this)

    2. Make your posts worth while. Meaning, we do have a 30 character limit -- so please fill out all those 30 characters with useful information before submitting.

    3. To add on to that 30 char limit -- no more of these will be accepted "(not enough characters)" or "---------------------" or anything else that counts as spam to take up that space. We have seen plenty of that and no more will be tolerated no matter how good of a poster you are or if you are a staff.

    4. Before posting any links on any part of the forum -- please have at least 10 other posts before putting the link here. We will remove the link -- delete the post -- and warn you via pm. Second infraction of this rule -- we will deduct 10 GFP from you -- deduct 1 post count (2 depending on how well u follow other rules) -- and warn you privately via pm and publicly on the forum. Third infraction of this rule will result in a ban.

    5. Very Important -- Dont Spam -- we have seen many posts that just says 'Thanks a lot" or "thanks" or "i dont know" -- if you have nothing more to say, DONT SAY ANYTHING -- from now on -- everyone disobeying this rule will have the post removed and 10 GFP Deducted as well as a warning.

    6. If you believe that someone is disobeying any of the rules -- including staff -- please PM a staff member or click "report to moderator" just below the person's post.

    Rules for Staff:

    1. Be as helpful as you can -- answer all questions given if you can -- if you do not know anything about that question -- leave it alone or pm another staff member to get to it.

    2. Delete posts that count as spam (described above) and notify an administrator whose post you have deleted and what the member did wrong. Also PM that member a warning telling him/her that he/she broke a rule.

    3. If you notice anyone advertising on the forum or putting a link on here and has below 10 posts, immediately delete that topic and notify an adminstrator as well as warn the person that broke this rule.

    4. Try to check all the posts made and check if anything is in violation of the rules.

    These are just basic rules and guidelines for all our members to follow. More will be added later on as time goes by. Questions or suggestions -- please reply to this topic.


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