• 11-30-2007, 03:31 PM

    Originally Posted by jakncoke View Post

    That hasn't happened in a long time, in fact the last exclusive to jump ship are 360 to PS3, Eternal Sonata and Lost Planet, but I can see a reason why a 360 owner wouldn't be interested in a PS3 at this point in time.

    Well Soul Caliber and Devil May Cry are both going to be on the Xbox 360. And there is rumours saying MGS4 and the next Tekken will be on 360.... So I don't see the point in paying all that money for a few games.
  • 01-22-2008, 05:34 PM
    doesn't the PS3 have a blu-ray thing installed in it?
  • 01-22-2008, 05:56 PM
    I think you are forgetting what they took out of the PS3 to make it that lower price. It used to have a lot more features. I think you guys kind of missed the other point of releasing the PS3 too. Although it is competing for the game console area, PS3 was also meant to compete for the home theatre area (pass), and it was meant to be the host of sony's billion dollar idea bluray (fail). It is not all about the games anymore. To me, I just saw the PS3 as a way to launch bluray. However, in my opinion, I think it was too early as people are only starting to really get into HD.
  • 01-22-2008, 05:56 PM

    Originally Posted by glenofimaal View Post
    doesn't the PS3 have a blu-ray thing installed in it?

    Yes it does you can play Blu-ray movies on it as soon as you take it out the box. Unlike the 360 where you gotta pay another £100
  • 03-20-2008, 02:35 PM
    Goku, even though you aren't going to answer..
    do you have the PS3?
  • 03-20-2008, 02:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Raw! View Post
    Goku, even though you aren't going to answer..
    do you have the PS3?

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. anyone that doesn't own one seems to bash it, ppl that own or have played it at a friends house a lot have either praised it or recognized what it's value now and in the future
  • 03-20-2008, 07:20 PM
    And that's why I asked.
    It's easy to make an assumption, and hard to prove it if you don't got it.
    So you heard from a damn troll from a Wii-Fanboy that PS3 sucks. Well I heard from another troll on the PS3 forum that Wii sucks. It's the same damn thing.
    Try proving with facts next time, thanks.
    360 is much more than the PS3. Considering the stuff you need to get with it and Xbox Live.
  • 03-20-2008, 10:46 PM
    Everyone seems to start buying PS3, I think it might be one of the famous games in the world.
  • 03-24-2008, 08:21 AM

    Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
    Well Soul Caliber and Devil May Cry are both going to be on the Xbox 360. And there is rumours saying <b>MGS4</b> and the next Tekken will be on 360.... So I don't see the point in paying all that money for a few games.

    Nope. Its PS3 only. They had trouble fitting the whole game onto one ps3 disk...
  • 04-14-2008, 05:28 PM
    I personally see nothing wrong with the PS3, yet so many people bash it. And when I talk to them they tell me that they haven't even tried it before. How can you bash something that you haven't even tried before.

    Many people say the XBox 360's better cause it has more games than the PS3. What they fail to notice is the the XBox was released about a year earlier than the PS# of course its gonna have more games.

    Basically my point is don't bash the PS3 if you never tried it.

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