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  • 03-26-2012, 02:22 PM

    Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Pro-choice. I'm sorry, but an undeveloped fetus is not a person and does not yet, imo, get or deserve rights. Not to mention sometimes it's better for the unborn child to be aborted versus born to parents that dont give a damn or will just put it in orphanage... Although only to some extent. I dont think abortions should be allowed at 8.5 months, but for a certain period of time you should be able to make that decision.

    Agree with that pretty much word for word.


    Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    I also think it sucks guys have no say. Woman's body or not, it's complete bullshiz.... my best friend just got pregnant on purpose, by tricking her ex-boyfriend, out of spite because he cheated on her. This is a lifelong decision that will affect TWO people, so TWO people should have say. Biznitches be crazy, and this certainly isn't the first or last chick that will get knocked up on purpose to trick a guy into coming back or at least being on their lives forever.

    It does suck, for sure, and the decision to keep the baby is a little trickier. I think the final say should go to the woman, though, because either way, it just seems wrong for a guy to demand that the girl either abort or keep the baby. If people weren't so awful (and didn't to things like get pregnant to "keep a guy"), it would be a lot easier :| I definitely don't think the guy should get no say, but... it's just hard to say. The situation of a father forcing a woman to keep a child she doesn't want seems more clear cut to me than some lady tricking someone into getting her pregnant... that's... ridiculous @_@
  • 03-26-2012, 02:28 PM

    Originally Posted by Muffincat View Post
    Agree with that pretty much word for word.

    It does suck, for sure, and the decision to keep the baby is a little trickier. I think the final say should go to the woman, though, because either way, it just seems wrong for a guy to demand that the girl either abort or keep the baby. If people weren't so awful (and didn't to things like get pregnant to "keep a guy"), it would be a lot easier :| I definitely don't think the guy should get no say, but... it's just hard to say. The situation of a father forcing a woman to keep a child she doesn't want seems more clear cut to me than some lady tricking someone into getting her pregnant... that's... ridiculous @_@

    Oh, I totally agree. Most def. when it comes down to it, final say should without a doubt be the woman’s decision. Im sorry, but Im not birthing a life-long parasite the size of a watermelon out of my vagina unless Im damn well ready LOL It just really sucks that some chicks will use that to their advantage. It’s most definitely something life changing that no one, including guys, should have to deal with if they aren’t ready.
  • 03-26-2012, 02:37 PM
    For sure :/ And I do definitely think that many guys get the short end of the stick in these situations, but it's just such a hard thing. Too many people take advantage of it, especially in custody/child support battles... but that's a slightly different subject. I wish there was a perfect answer.
  • 03-26-2012, 02:40 PM
    The perfect answer? Steralize thoughs who can't/ don't deserve a kid? I wonder if the future will be like that, where kids are regulated.
  • 03-26-2012, 02:42 PM
    Exactly... like China lol Nah, I dont think sterilize is the answer. But jesus, people should at least have to take a test or something >_<
  • 03-26-2012, 02:48 PM
    Haha I was joking with sterilization, but I yea. The sad thing is my county is the number one county for teen pregnancy in the U.S.
  • 03-26-2012, 02:51 PM
    The sad part is, is that teen pregnancy, hell ANY pregnancy is avoidable. I dont know how it works there, but here Planned Parenthood gives FREEEEEEE birth control (pills and condoms) to ANYONE under the age of 18. I've been on it since I was 14, and got it for free up until I hit 18. So if you dont have the balls to tell your parents you're having sex, you just go pick it up by yourself. I was close enough with my parents to say, Hey I think it's time I get put on birth control.
  • 03-26-2012, 02:53 PM
    Shoot my parents would be esctatic if I told them "Yo, Parent's no need to worry we are both using protection. So piece we are going to go make sweet kinky love".
  • 03-26-2012, 02:56 PM
    Yeah, not to mention that teenage pregnancy is for some reason higher in places that only teach "abstinence only" in school :|
  • 03-26-2012, 02:58 PM
    It's the whole "You can't tell me what to do!" attitude.

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