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  • 08-09-2011, 01:18 PM
    "What goes around comes around"

    You did the exact thing to someone so take it like a man and deal with it.
  • 08-09-2011, 01:21 PM
    Man that sucks. My house was grieved a little but I could fix it and as Eps said (and yes you did spell it right this time) I had gotten most of my stuff stolen and so did some others on the server. Some people are just a-holes who think it's funny to destroy peoples stuff they worked so hard on, but again they're just jerks. If you ever need help getting some of your stuff back or need help to build you stuff back just notify me and i'd be glad to help. ;)
  • 08-09-2011, 01:36 PM
    on a related note, somebody came in one day and told me and Ilyich to not play on that server because he said he gave his opinion that people who grief should be banned, and he got banned for that. :\
  • 08-09-2011, 01:39 PM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    on a related note, somebody came in one day and told me and Ilyich to not play on that server because he said he gave his opinion that people who grief should be banned, and he got banned for that. :\

    Who said that?

    And yeah, this is why we move the spawn point every time our new spawn area gets settled in, so griefers don't wreck it. Unfortunately, when we switched to Bukkit, we don't have the mod to change the spawn point anymore. I'll have to bug W1CKED again for it; he's a busy guy.
  • 08-09-2011, 01:42 PM

    Originally Posted by Muffincat View Post
    Who said that?

    And yeah, this is why we move the spawn point every time our new spawn area gets settled in, so griefers don't wreck it. Unfortunately, when we switched to Bukkit, we don't have the mod to change the spawn point anymore. I'll have to bug W1CKED again for it; he's a busy guy.

    I don't remember what he said his account was.
  • 08-09-2011, 01:45 PM

    Originally Posted by Muffincat View Post
    I find it kind of hilarious that you posted a thread of you griefing someone else's server and how funny you thought it was, and now you're complaining about someone griefing something you made.

    We'll look into it.

    The other server was pure pvp with no rules or anything :).

    Wait Jaykub so because I griefed on a pvp server with no rules me and my friends should be punished? I hope you realize how pathetic that is.

    In all honeslty whoever the person who grief is I would love to see them hit you guys since I havent done anything wrong on the server and clearly youre sitting here saying i deserved it how would you guys feel if someone got your stuff. Well the server is restarting when 1.8 hits so it kinda seems you wouldnt care. I might grief servers with no rules, please understand there are NO RULES, meaning ANYTHING GOES. and Clearly me and my friends havent done anything wrong to deserve this. I know you guys hate me and thats fine, deny it in here all you want, but since I havent broken any rules it would be nice to see other replies instead of aww you had it coming. Well you know thats not true for the simple fact I never once grieved on your server so how does Karma come over to a server with rules and bite me? Youre logic isnt adding up.
  • 08-09-2011, 01:46 PM
    Well let me know if it happens again/you remember who it was. There were some major jerks before we became mods from W1CKED's site... it was probably one of them.

    That goes for anyone - if there is someone suspicious on the server, PM dili or I and we'll get right on it. I'm a little lax right now because we are going to reset the server when 1.8 comes out... so yeah.
  • 08-09-2011, 02:05 PM
    Out of curiosity did you guys read my entire post where it said others have been hit too?
  • 08-09-2011, 02:13 PM
    Ilyich Valken
    I'll reiterate Dili's post: How is it that when you do any griefing (Minecraft or not) it's all fun and games, but as soon as something happens to you (which you honestly can't expect not to happen) it's suddenly a travesty?

    In all seriousness though, there does seem to be an influx of new people on the server, it could be any one of them.
  • 08-09-2011, 02:15 PM

    Originally Posted by Ilyich Valken View Post
    I'll reiterate Dili's post: How is it that when you do any griefing (Minecraft or not) it's all fun and games, but as soon as something happens to you (which you honestly can't expect not to happen) it's suddenly a travesty?

    Because he did it on a PVP server where that kind of stuff is the point of the game. GF is a community server, where griefing is unacceptable.


    Originally Posted by Joker
    The other server was pure pvp with no rules or anything .

    Wait Jaykub so because I griefed on a pvp server with no rules me and my friends should be punished?

    Did everybody miss this? He was playing on a server where GRIEFING IS ALLOWED. Thus, yes, it IS all in good fun.

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