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  • 10-10-2013, 12:38 PM
    I agree. It actually is a really decent game, especially for a F2P. I enjoyed it for the time I played it. I think my problem at this point is just that I'm bored with MMO's. I go through those spurts though. I'm sure I'll be back to Neverwinter or Rift eventually :P
  • 10-10-2013, 12:45 PM
    I'm sure I'll be at it for a little while. I think my girlfriend might start playing it too which is a win. She seemed pretty interested in it when she saw me starting it the other night. Slowly getting her in to new games. Hooked her with "games that look weird or silly" with borderlands. Now she has a different view on them.

    I've tried a lot of other MMO's and I just never seem to like the controls. Used to play Anarchy Online but it's so old and dated.
  • 10-11-2013, 12:11 PM
    That's awesome! I hope she likes it too :)

    That's the thing about Neverwinter, the controls are weird! But I like them. Took me a little but to get used to them.
  • 10-11-2013, 02:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Ziek88 View Post

    Are you still playing this game? I finally actually got in to it with a friend this week and have really been enjoying it. A concern I have though is it seems rather easy. We've yet to encounter a dungeon that really provides any challenge. Do the dungeons get more expansive and challenging at some point? I'm hoping it's easy because we're still new.

    I am running a Drow Trickster Rogue.
    He is a Tiefling Control Wizard.

    No, I haven't played for a while. I was some type of Control Wizard when I did play. Don't think they had the Tiefling part when I Was playing. I'm like level 17 though.
  • 10-14-2013, 07:26 AM
    I suspect they have added a good bit since you played. There are currently 7 races and 5 classes to choose one. It would appear there are another 2 classes on the way but what they are and when I have yet to find. Suggested is Scourge Wizard and Ranger. I would love to know when these are coming to decide what I want to do with my second character slot. For now I'll enjoy my Drow Rogue.
  • 10-16-2013, 11:22 PM
    It is a good game, I play it. played the old solo neverwinter games to.
  • 10-18-2013, 06:29 AM
    I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately my friend who I started with has lagged behind so he needs to catch up to me in level before we can continue doing dungeons together. On the good side. My girlfriend has really been enjoying it so I can still play often. Finally started getting companions and stuff. I'm surprised how easy it is to get Astral Diamonds which give you access to all the "pay" extras. The game literally is free to play.
  • 12-24-2013, 03:07 AM
    i am actually playing in that same server and looking for more people to play with if you need a good archer let me know :D
    ign: itsblinky
  • 12-24-2013, 06:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Blinky View Post
    i am actually playing in that same server and looking for more people to play with if you need a good archer let me know :D
    ign: itsblinky

    Gladly add you. My girlfriend and I are constantly looking for decent people to do dungeons with. The first two are pretty easy with randoms but beyond that positioning and such becomes important.

    I do however need more info to add you. I need your full username. There is the first part that you use to log in to your account and then your character's name. Or you can just add me.

    For example. Mine is Ziek88@Zyek88 (fortunately once you've added one character, all others on that persons account show up if they switch to another.)

    This is my first character, it's a level 60 rogue. Working on leveling a guardian fighter cause they are few and far and very important for dungeons. I have a character for the other 4 classes as well, just haven't leveled them much or at all yet. My girlfriend plays a control wizard. We'll probably be on a lot over the holiday.
  • 12-25-2013, 12:27 AM

    Originally Posted by Ziek88 View Post
    Gladly add you. My girlfriend and I are constantly looking for decent people to do dungeons with. The first two are pretty easy with randoms but beyond that positioning and such becomes important.

    I do however need more info to add you. I need your full username. There is the first part that you use to log in to your account and then your character's name. Or you can just add me.

    For example. Mine is Ziek88@Zyek88 (fortunately once you've added one character, all others on that persons account show up if they switch to another.)

    This is my first character, it's a level 60 rogue. Working on leveling a guardian fighter cause they are few and far and very important for dungeons. I have a character for the other 4 classes as well, just haven't leveled them much or at all yet. My girlfriend plays a control wizard. We'll probably be on a lot over the holiday.

    sweet i am 28 at the moment with a friend and we can level with you when ever you get on me and him are pretty active we play mornings and nights :D

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