Xbox Reveal TODAY!

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  • 05-22-2013, 12:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Ziek88 View Post
    That is a good thing. I was sifting through articles and couldn't find that info but I don't doubt it's there somewhere.

    I do know I won't be buying the first wave. Every new microsoft product has a pretty failtastic round one haha.

    Yeah I'm kinda stuck with which I'm gonna buy. The new Xbox looks amazing as an entertainment hub, but it all comes down to what Sony shows off at E3, and what the games/exclusives at launch are. I'm thinking I'll be buying it around this time next year. Partly for the bugs to be worked out, partly cause I might be able to pay it off with my tax return haha.
  • 05-22-2013, 12:56 PM
    I thought this was pretty accurate:

    There are things I'm really disappointed with... such as:

    *You can still play used games but Microsoft *MAY* require a fee for that ( I say may because they actually did NOT deny rumors of a fee- but they did not confirm one either). I guess it's good that they're still letting you play used games, but if you have to pay a fee- depending on how much it is- you might as well just buy the game used >_<
    Microsoft clarifies Xbox One used game stance -

    *Xbox One is required to have a internet connection to function, but will not be required constantly (for example it checks in temporarily on a DAILY basis, but does not need to be connected 24/7). Yea. That is really disappointing. Won't matter for most people because most individuals using the One will probably already be hooked up to the internet for online play. But it sucks if you don't have the option of internet :/
    Xbox One games will need to check-in online, possibly once a day -

    *Xbox One contains non-replaceable hard drive. That's wonderful. So if your hard drive crashes, you have to replace the WHOLE system. Very cute, Microsoft.
    Xbox One contains non-replaceable hard drive -

    *Xbox 360 controllers, accessories won't work on Xbox One. Nor is the system backwards compatible. /sigh So ridiculous. I believe the PS4 is going the same route as well though?
    Xbox 360 controllers, accessories won't work on Xbox One -

    The only cool thing I see about the whole system is that you can plug your cable into into it and use it as a "controller"- which is also voice activated. And it's got multitasking capabilities.
    Xbox One: Everything from Microsoft's Xbox reveal event | Joystiq
  • 05-22-2013, 01:21 PM
    See...I thought that Xbox one sounded pretty dumb (for a lot of the reasons listed above ^). PS4 I might get down the road, but for now i'm sticking to my ps3 and 3DS for gaming. I want to build a PC soon though, and maybe get a Wii U within a year's time.

    This generation of consoles hasn't really been all that impressive.
  • 05-22-2013, 01:25 PM
    Ohhh okay. I swore I heard them say no fee, lol. That kinda sucks that it may be an option. Code with each game to "claim" it, kinda like the EA Online passes or something would really blow.

    PS4 said they're system will play older one way or another. I'm thinking PS1/2/3 games onto the store that you buy and download, kinda like it is now. I hate that they took out the backwards compatibility through discs, my launch PS3 actually just crapped out and I really don't wanna replace it D:

    So far this thing looks like it's catering to the "COD ROOLZ PLEI REAL GAMEZ U GuyZ! NFL14 GAME OF THE YEAR F YEAAAA" kinda crowd. I really hope it doesn't go that route, though or I'll just be buying a PS4.
  • 05-22-2013, 01:27 PM

    Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    Ohhh okay. I swore I heard them say no fee, lol. That kinda sucks that it may be an option. Code with each game to "claim" it, kinda like the EA Online passes or something would really blow.

    PS4 said they're system will play older one way or another. I'm thinking PS1/2/3 games onto the store that you buy and download, kinda like it is now. I hate that they took out the backwards compatibility through discs, my launch PS3 actually just crapped out and I really don't wanna replace it D:

    So far this thing looks like it's catering to the "COD ROOLZ PLEI REAL GAMEZ U GuyZ! NFL14 GAME OF THE YEAR F YEAAAA" kinda crowd. I really hope it doesn't go that route, though or I'll just be buying a PS4.

    Yea, the code thing would really suck. Like... it pretty much means that you couldn't buy a game and bring it a friends house unless you brought your console or I guess logged into your account on theirs :/
  • 05-22-2013, 02:17 PM
    The online codes are linked to your profile, not your console. Whenever I go to a friends house I normally bring my console anyway as split screen is kind of lame for most games. But if you just recover your profile which takes 30 seconds with the new cloud it's not too bad. It's just as likely that Sony will do the same thing with the codes, it's not the system companies doing it, it's the game developers.

    Also I doubt Microsoft will make a fee to play used games, it would be really dumb considering the PS4 and Wii U are not doing it that way. If anything it's the game developers losing money on it, not Microsoft. So if it did happen it probably wouldn't come from their end, but I wouldn't worry about it.

    Also, PS4 doesn't have a removable hard drive, nor did any other console except for the xbox 360. Though the newer model of the 360 ended up taking out that feature. So PS4 and Xbox One are even there. Besides if you are a little techsavy ,it's not hard to take a console apart. Also an external harddrive can be used as well. Both will definitely feature a USB 3.0 so there will be some fast transferring speeds for anyone who has used a 3.0 USB. They can actually be faster than hard drives with Disc for desktops.

    No backwards compatibility does suck, but like you said PS4 is going the same route. It has to do with hardware and not the company though. The way the 360 and PS3 were built is completely different than the PS4 and Xbox One. It would be like running Linux Games on Windows and vise versa. I believe Sony said they would be converting Popular Games from the PS3 over to PS4 in the PSN. Microsoft hasn't made any mentions about that happening for the Xbox One though.

    Also I don't see why people are making a big deal about the internet. If you read the article Mizel posted it says right there that any offline games won't require any internet to use. internet is needed for updates on games which is required for some. BF3 is an example where it was needed to play, that being on PS3 and Xbox 360 though. Then of course to play Xbox Live you'll need internet. Nothing has changed since the 360, it's the same stuff. It says so right in the article. Only reason it mentions Once a day is for updates, you don't have to have upgrades, but it makes games and the console run smoother.

    So IMO Not a lot of bad came from either reveal for the PS4 or Xbox One.

    PS4 obviously has better games.
    Xbox One has universal capabilities with TV's Browsing and Movies.

    Those are the two difference IMO. Everything else is basically similar.

    So honestly I think PS4 and Xbox One are pretty even as far everything else goes.

    That being said, I'm looking for a gaming system, and Xbox's best games being EA sports and CoD isn't a good sign. Unless Microsoft surprises me with some games at E3 I may be switching to Sony this time around.
  • 05-22-2013, 02:23 PM
    A very fitting recap over the highlights :p
  • 05-22-2013, 02:27 PM
    The One isn't just a non-removable hard drive- it's a non-replaceable. Non-removable isn't that big of a deal. Like you said, just take it apart- nbd. But non-replaceable is a whole new ballgame :/ Which honestly- I'm curious to know how they are going to go about that lol
  • 05-22-2013, 02:32 PM
    That's odd, seems like a challenge to me. If I went Xbox One I would secretly hope mine breaks so I can test it.

    But either way, External Harddrive with 3.0 USB support is probably faster than the harddrive the Xbox One offers anyway. So if it did break, I'd just go buy a 1 TB external Drive for 70 bucks. Cheaper, faster, bigger and portable.
  • 05-22-2013, 02:36 PM
    How would you be able to boot from it though? As far as I know it has it's own OS. So if the hard drive fails... there's nothing for the system to boot from O_o

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