• 07-27-2009, 04:09 AM
    knight online
  • 10-08-2009, 12:03 AM
    Fiesta Online - best rpg ive played
  • 01-06-2010, 11:04 AM
    Fiesta was fun... for a while.

    Originally Posted by JuveThaGreat View Post
    Fiesta Online - best rpg ive played

    I played Fiesta for a while and felt let down. :\

    If you don't want to read an in-depth review, skip everything between the stars.

    ************************************************** ***********
    It had an okay start, taking roughly 10 hours of relaxed gameplay to get to level 20 and launch into the mid-game. By the time you reach that level you even are starting to have a grasp on how to manipulate the game's mechanic so the first few quests (although they are just simple "hunt this mob until you kill enough/get a quest loot from them" quests) do well to provide a tutorial into the world.

    Once you get to level 20 and start the mid game, it was still fun for me until it showed it's weaknesses around level 30. By level 40, the problems listed below were enough to make me give up on the game despite the time and familiarity I had invested in it:

    - The game is very poorly translated. You rarely read a grammatically correct sentence from an NPC and see a lot of erroneous characters. This isn't a big deal if the game underneath the dialogue works well, right? But still, presentation has some value that shouldn't be forgotten...
    - The gameplay is contrived. Although they offer each of the four classes their own unique abilities, the reality of it is that each class has one intelligent way to use those abilities, giving you a pre-defined role in the gameplay from the character selection screen. There are very subtle differences you can do to a character's build to make them play differently (i.e. a cleric building with extra STR to play solo or with extra END to "clank," or be a "cleric tank") but the subtleties will make very little difference when you are playing with other people who expect you to fill your role in the party.
    - When you realize that you are just the same as everyone else who is your class no matter how you build your "unique" character and the only thing setting you out from others is that you may know how to play, you also realize that you look the same as everyone. Every single person that you pass in town has either blue or violet hair... and the only way to change that is to shell out and spend real money to modify your character's appearance.
    ************************************************** **********

    The MMO was fun, but the total lack of character customization in both appearance, build, and skills made it hard for me to feel like I had a personality in game and to really become immersed in this world where I wanted to meet other unique players and introduce myself to them. When I play Fiesta, it's just for a quick fix of that cut and dry MMO grinding with the same set of rules and four character classes we've known since Gauntlet.

    It's a decent game, to be fair, but an MMO demands that you spent hours immersed in it's universe and feel "at home" there. Fiesta didn't offer the "above and beyond" to really pull me in and give me a fun, magical world to throw myself into. :\

    If someone can find a free MMO that proves that last paragraph wrong, please post it here, cause I've played enough free MMOs at this point to be convinced that it doesn't exist :eek1:
  • 01-31-2010, 09:20 PM
    what about... secrets of the solstice, pretty sweet game...
  • 02-07-2010, 03:11 PM
    How about
  • 03-02-2010, 05:26 AM
    Archlord rocks! Favorite!
  • 05-17-2010, 02:13 AM
    voage online is great
  • 05-17-2010, 02:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Mowinckel107 View Post
    voage online is great

    What makes it great? What's it all about?
    I'm curious as to how this free to play MMO would stand out from others
  • 05-17-2010, 10:03 PM
    I've never played it nor do I ever intend to but I figured I'd youtube the gameplay and it looks rather interesting
  • 05-24-2010, 01:52 AM
    those are superb games i checked that out............

    keep up the good work.:-)

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