Final Fantasy

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  • 07-15-2010, 04:41 PM

    Originally Posted by shixx View Post
    It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

    Grand theft auto
    Dragon Quest
    Star Ocean
    Resident Evil

    It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

    Resident Evil's Core Games Are linked . The story Is in pieces but it does fit together . The survivor and Breakout series was just a branch but a lot of games with Second games have done this . Such as Halo Wars I am pretty Sure that the game is not directly Linked to the old series . I just wanted to point out that Resident Evil doe shave a story . Even the Umbrella Chronicles do connect .
  • 07-15-2010, 06:01 PM
    It is believed by some hardcore halo fans that Halo wars tells the story of the MC as a soldier and his fight with the convies before he became a spartan.

    Im pretty sure Halo wars fits in somewhere after or before reach, not sure of the timeline
  • 07-15-2010, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by shixx View Post
    It might not make sense but Final fantasy isn't the only one Doing it.

    Grand theft auto
    Dragon Quest
    Star Ocean
    Resident Evil

    It's a Good way to keep your Fan Base, Honestly if I made a Game I'd probably do it that way as well. I mean look at those Games I listed, 3 of them are probably in the Top 10 of all Game Series.

    Correction there. Every last on of the Resident Evil series follows the same time line. Just that some of the titles occur at the same times as others. For example: Resident Evil: Outbreak is at the same time as Resident Evil 2.


    Originally Posted by SbsJokerlockdown View Post
    It is believed by some hardcore halo fans that Halo wars tells the story of the MC as a soldier and his fight with the convies before he became a spartan.

    Im pretty sure Halo wars fits in somewhere after or before reach, not sure of the timeline

    Halo Wars is after Reach but before the original Halo: Combat Evolved. Events in the Halo Time-line reference the incident on Reach as the start, or very very beginning, of the war with the covenant. In Halo Wars: it is already several years into the war. Also On Reach is where the spartan project began. In Halo Wars they are already Spartan IIs in Mark IV armor.

    Now back on topic....

    The main reason what they are all the same title is that most of the producers are the same people and they have many ideas branched between them. They all have a couple of melodies located in each one, including the theme for the series, prelude, and the Chocobo theme. They also all have similar summons and magic. Almost every one has at least some form of Blue Magic. They also all have at least one character with the following names: Cid, Jessie, Wedge, Biggs. And the majority of the time they are all similar characters. Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge are almost always a group of fighters, usually rebels. and Cid always is related to airships, one way or another.

    Also if you listen to the Official vocalization of the overall series' theme, titled Pray, it makes more sense as to why the games aren't directly related. In the song it calls forth that a group of heroes to come from the heavens and save the world from a terrible disaster. If you read between the lines, the song implies that the series is designed to represent alternate realities/worlds.

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