• 08-31-2011, 03:42 AM
    I have a few problems with Runescape i've played this on and off since classic every year or 2 I seem to go back for a few months it never lasts very long and ill outline why.

    It used to be when you played free to play you grit your teeth and just dealt with the infestation of bots. You would often find people who had fun with bots trying to confuse them and lead them to there deaths but now members is also jam packed with bots funny thing is I think half of them are just doing it for the xp grind not to sell gold to other players. You go anywhere on runescape to train and your greeted with another 5-10 botters hogging everything.

    I may be a bit jaded but I feel like since they are paying for members jagex wont ban these accounts as it hurts there profits they probably would ban if it was only a small percentage like say 1-2% but as it stands you will find a good 40% of players are actually botting.

    The other issue that no doubt leads to the botting is the over the top grind that is runescape.
    My account has 3 99s a couple 90s nothing special but to get a 99 in runescape means a real time sink if you want to get 1 level in the 90s its going to take you a good 10-18 hours of repetitive clicking (example open bank take out 1 knife, 27 logs, cut 27 logs into unstrung bows, deposit unstrung bows withdraw another 27 logs repeat till end of time) no skill gives you a fun way to level efficiently once you come to this realization its pretty hard to stay on board with the game.

    There are other issues such as player etiquette its rare to find kind players most try to show off there highest skills or accuse you of being a botter if your skill ends up being higher.

    Well thats just my 2 cents when it comes to runescape.
  • 08-31-2011, 04:20 AM
    NumberedEyes has a point most of the people that play Runescape are foul mouthed adolescents, I myself am only a teen but the fact remains that most if not all people use bots, making us Honourable people's life hell -.-
  • 08-31-2011, 05:11 AM

    Originally Posted by BBloodstain View Post
    NumberedEyes has a point most of the people that play Runescape are foul mouthed adolescents, I myself am only a teen but the fact remains that most if not all people use bots, making us Honourable people's life hell -.-

    Indeed, last time I played, there were a bunch of dudes fighting, calling each others n00bs, etc. Its ridiculous that people fight over Runescape, really REALLY ridiculous -__________-
  • 08-31-2011, 02:10 PM
    They should have an 'Appear Invisible' option so you don't have to see the other players and they can't see you, it's a win-win situation :)
  • 11-15-2011, 09:45 AM
    I've been playing for about 6 or 7 years, it's gotten better in the past few years. Graphics are highly improved and I actually don't see alot of 8 year olds, but then again I'm a member in a clan of older players. But JaGex has actually managed to rid 98% of the botters/gold farmers out the game. They even hired the leading macro developer onto their team.
  • 01-11-2012, 02:52 PM
    I thought runescape was quit good but not its kinda crappy since they took away the wilderness. but ik the given it back but its not the same.
  • 08-14-2012, 04:30 PM
    I played Runescape from 2004 to 2010, I then quit because of the direction that it is heading in (bankruptcy) .

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