Season 4

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  • 09-03-2014, 06:42 AM

    Originally Posted by xLykos View Post
    I just bought a new router to replace my old one. It was like 8 years old or something like that. So hopefully that helps the problem

    Was the connection issues your router or Riot? I know Riot has been having a lot of issues with their servers lately, and they're constantly DDoS'd this season.
  • 09-03-2014, 10:49 PM
    It was both. The new router has helped though
  • 09-04-2014, 03:00 PM
    I'd try pinging your router when you get DC'd in League of Legends. If the pings low it would be on riots side. Or modem/wiring to modem.

    I haven't DC'd in league once since my new router almost a year ago. I upgraded to 50mb internet and when that happened, my ISP had to come rewire our connection from the line on the electrical pole because it was old and didn't support it. So we have new everything, wiring, modem and Router. I don't think I ever dropped connection other than a few times where a router reset was all that was needed.

    I might have just been lucky when playing League though.
  • 09-05-2014, 05:18 PM

    I might have just been lucky when playing League though.[/QUOTE]

    It's very random, and very annoying when it happens. And riot acknowledges that it's them most of the time. So you might just be playing at the perfect times.

    On another note, I just made Gold I:

    I went all out in that game, I was mid talon, ganked both top and bottom constantly and didn't let Ahri breathe. And it paid off. I died all 5 times because of Gragas, he was always able to hold me in place while nid, panth, or cait killed me.

    Wonder if I can get to Platinum this season.

    I lagged pretty badly that last game for a good 10 minutes, I immediately thought Riot hated me and didn't want me to progress, but it got better. Everyone in the game lagged, so it evened everything out.
  • 10-08-2014, 09:30 AM
    Well I've finally motivated myself to get my placements done. Coomed out 3 more and only have 4 to go. If I win them, supposedly I'll place gold 5-3. Most of my opponents have been silver 3 - gold 3. The ones that are averaging 5/5 are placing silver 3. I'm currently sitting at 6/0. If this could be a 10 game season that would be sweet.
  • 10-08-2014, 04:23 PM
    Good luck! Join us on the gold side!

    I don't think I'll have time to go Platinum this season.
  • 11-08-2014, 12:04 AM
    Not joining on the gold side haha. Finished my placements tonight. 9/1 got me silver 2. That's enough solo duo for me for this season. Victorious morg looks terrible anyway.
  • 11-08-2014, 12:28 AM

    Originally Posted by Ziek88 View Post
    Not joining on the gold side haha. Finished my placements tonight. 9/1 got me silver 2. That's enough solo duo for me for this season. Victorious morg looks terrible anyway.

    I thought that win:loss ratio would at least land you in gold 5. I was 6-4 and landed in Silver 3.

    Guess I didn't have much to gain from winning 3 extra games.
  • 11-10-2014, 07:06 AM
    Considering average rank of my opponents from game 1 was gold 4, I was expecting 9/1 to place me higher too. I mean, at least silver 1.

    It's fine by me though. Silver 2 is respectable and I'm not willing to grind out that many solo queue games. Really looking forward to the map update and having time to play more team ranked soon.

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