• 01-20-2014, 10:09 AM
    Finally checked out Hearthstone.... and now I can't stop playing. It's pretty awesome :]
  • 01-20-2014, 07:27 PM

    Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Finally checked out Hearthstone.... and now I can't stop playing. It's pretty awesome :]

    I'm so jealous of everyone's beta access haha. I'm dying to play it!

    My brother gifted me Rust the other night, there's quite a bit to do in it even though it's in such early development. It's pretty neat :)
  • 01-20-2014, 08:20 PM
    I've heard a few people talk about Rust, what's it like?
  • 01-21-2014, 03:41 AM
    Jumped back on DayZ this morning for another outing.
    Still surviving with my 1st character, even though I licked the battery last time.
    The effects of that seem to have worn off now.
    I am still badly hurt, though I've now learnt how to tear shirts into rags, so no longer bleeding. :)
    And the Zombies seem to have learnt how to teleport through doors. I shut the doors behind me when being chased thinking zombies can't open doors, turns out they don't need to, they just float on through.
    Did manage to pick myself up a FirstAid kit today though, so that's a plus point even if i've got no one to administer me on an IV lol.

    If i'm reading the map correctly, I'm now situated somewhere along the railroad just north east of Chernogorsk.
  • 01-21-2014, 07:24 AM
    I played dayz with 2 of friends we went up to the beached ship on the map its called rify were we all got m4s we then went into Berezino and all got killed by a team of guys, there's another 5 hrs of my life wasted we did manage to kill a few guys while I had my m4 though! Can't wait till it gets a little more developed.
  • 01-21-2014, 07:32 AM

    Originally Posted by Imperial_Kade View Post
    I played dayz with 2 of friends we went up to the beached ship on the map its called rify were we all got m4s we then went into Berezino and all got killed by a team of guys, there's another 5 hrs of my life wasted we did manage to kill a few guys while I had my m4 though! Can't wait till it gets a little more developed.

    I'm still yet to find a sharp object or water, so I can't open any of the food I got in my bag and my guy is being a moany little b**** because his thirsty.. I did run past a water pump, while playing this morning.. Couldn't stop though as I was running from a zombie..
  • 01-21-2014, 10:42 AM

    Originally Posted by xLykos View Post
    I've heard a few people talk about Rust, what's it like?

    It feels kind of like DayZ and Fallout mixed with Minecraft. Survival orientated, zombies, radiated wasteland, with a strong push towards crafting/building to survive.

    We did a 2 hour raid last night with 6 people, it was awesome. Took a while for supplies to get together. Harvest animal fat, turn that into crude oils, mix with gunpowder and explosives gathered from zombies, BAM C4. It was unsuccesful though as we didn't expect the kind of fortress they had :( oh well. Too many metal doors and reinforced walls makes for a lot of explosives to break in.
  • 01-21-2014, 01:20 PM

    Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    It feels kind of like DayZ and Fallout mixed with Minecraft. Survival orientated, zombies, radiated wasteland, with a strong push towards crafting/building to survive.

    We did a 2 hour raid last night with 6 people, it was awesome. Took a while for supplies to get together. Harvest animal fat, turn that into crude oils, mix with gunpowder and explosives gathered from zombies, BAM C4. It was unsuccesful though as we didn't expect the kind of fortress they had :( oh well. Too many metal doors and reinforced walls makes for a lot of explosives to break in.

    Watched some videos of Frankieonpcin1080p I almost got off because of the amount of penises lol but it was so funny and looked really funny
  • 01-21-2014, 03:46 PM

    Originally Posted by ROFLBRYCE View Post
    It feels kind of like DayZ and Fallout mixed with Minecraft. Survival orientated, zombies, radiated wasteland, with a strong push towards crafting/building to survive.

    We did a 2 hour raid last night with 6 people, it was awesome. Took a while for supplies to get together. Harvest animal fat, turn that into crude oils, mix with gunpowder and explosives gathered from zombies, BAM C4. It was unsuccesful though as we didn't expect the kind of fortress they had :( oh well. Too many metal doors and reinforced walls makes for a lot of explosives to break in.

    That sounds awesome lol
  • 01-24-2014, 08:12 AM
    finally got done with some Gran Turismo 6, (yes there is an actual ending)

    now I'm going to be playing Muramasa rebirth (ps vita). heard its fun, and I'm trying it out. :)

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