Truth be Told

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  • 08-28-2011, 09:52 PM
    Truth be Told
    To all who would listen,

    I greet you sincerely, and with hopes of mutual acceptance. I hope that I have found a community of gamers that would share my interests. From what I have seen, I have bright hopes.

    To introduce myself, on the gaming side of things I do enjoy a good RPG, although I do not do much of the MMO kind. I'm the kind that stays pretty busy. When not gaming, I am also writing a historical fiction novel, in which I find many ideas actually in my gaming endeavors.

    Outside of gaming, I reside in America, far enough inland to avoid the recent storms, and am currently enjoying life at an office retail store until I qualify for in-state tuition, which would hopefully open up a road to Law school.

    Enough of my setup, however. What questions are out there, I beckon you, otherwise I will see you all out on the field!
  • 08-28-2011, 09:55 PM
    Welcome, read the rules, and FAQs!
    What games? I am especially interested in what RPGs you like.
  • 08-28-2011, 10:01 PM

    Welcome to Gamers-Forum! On behalf of the forum moderator staff, I warmly welcome you to Your character is charming and your humor bears wit, I am delightedly eager to see more of your posts spring up on our fair boards!

    Do tell us, though, what video games do you play?
  • 08-28-2011, 10:12 PM
    My gaming specifics, you ask? I've always been loyal to the PS series. Currently have a 2 and 3, though I'm not entirely pleased with the tiny font of the latter in-game. Game-wise however, I thoroughly enjoy Final Fantasy. I've beaten 7-10.2, skipped 11, and am playing 12 now. I also indulge in Dynasty Warriors, as well as the Japanese spin off: Samurai Warriors. Those are my two main games groups, but I have a pretty open mind to any suggestions.

    I tend to prefer a plot over mindless hack-n-slash, although there's a place for those as well!
  • 08-28-2011, 11:54 PM
    Hey there :)

    Welcome to the forum - how'd you find our humble site? :P
  • 08-29-2011, 12:06 AM
    hi welcome hope you have a great time
  • 08-29-2011, 12:06 AM
    Welcome to Gamer-Forum. I love you.
  • 08-29-2011, 12:23 AM
    whoa foofle you switched it up isn't it im here to love you. change!!!!!!
  • 08-29-2011, 02:59 AM
    Welcome to the forum :) I hope you enjoy your stay here, and get to know the fine folk of the forum!
  • 08-29-2011, 03:21 AM
    Welcome to the forum. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us, may it be long and full of pleasant conversations, and intellectual debate.

    If you would not mind, will you divulge some earlier video game titles in your gamer career that have fulfilled your entertainment needs? Or more specifically, do you have certain games that you would recommend to us?
  • 08-29-2011, 09:17 AM
    Welcome to GF man! Hope you enjoy it here!
  • 08-29-2011, 09:45 AM
    So many greetings! Let me see...

    I found the site on a random search of gaming forums, inspired by the Google I believe, in which this particular forum seemed the most diverse and friendly. I've observed a bit before diving in.

    Also, I appreciate disclosed confessions of love. Makes a heart feel warm and fuzzy, that does.

    In addition, I'm not often at the cutting edge of gaming so I don't know what the hottest trends are, but I did find a clever RPG/Shooter combo in a Final Fantasy devoted to a FFVII character, entitled the "Dirge of Cerebus". Definitely a recommendation. Also, for a quick "choose-your-own-adventure" type of game, I would recommend "Faery" for the PS3 (not as feminine as it sounds), or "Way of the Samurai" for the PS2. And if there are any English buffs out there who would like to see the power of language at it's finest, play "Nier" for the PS3, where a "battle of wits" takes a whole new meaning.
  • 08-29-2011, 11:33 AM
    Welcome! Always good to meet new gamers, especially those that enjoy Dynasty Warriors and FF ;)
  • 08-29-2011, 11:41 AM
    Welcome to Gamers-Forum, I see you are quite literate that's something you don't find much I too Enjoy a good plot over the hack 'n' Slash titles, FF Is one of my favourites :)
  • 08-29-2011, 11:45 AM
    Welcome to da place. It seems like you are a friendly fella so I hope you will stick around.

    see you on the forum mate:).
  • 08-30-2011, 05:55 PM
    Mizel: are you likewise a fan of DW and FF?

    BBloodstain: It seems we have much in common. And I enjoy your banner. It reminds me of a character in the anime "Deathnote", if you're familiar with such.

    Paecmaker: I appreciate your welcome! Do you know much about Sweden, it being your reference of location?
  • 08-30-2011, 07:09 PM

    Originally Posted by Veritas View Post
    Mizel: are you likewise a fan of DW and FF?

    Sure am :)
  • 08-30-2011, 07:24 PM
    Excellent! Which FF's have you played? And have you played Samurai Warriors at all?
  • 08-31-2011, 03:44 AM

    Originally Posted by Veritas View Post
    Mizel: are you likewise a fan of DW and FF?

    Paecmaker: I appreciate your welcome! Do you know much about Sweden, it being your reference of location?

    Well, I know some things atleast, do you wonder anything?
  • 08-31-2011, 09:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Veritas View Post
    Excellent! Which FF's have you played? And have you played Samurai Warriors at all?

    Which FF's? Always a hard question for me! lol For some reason I -always- get the #'s mixed up because they insist on changing them -__- Ive played II, IV, V, XIII and Tactics. And I have played Samurai Warriors- only the first one though. They released 3 on the Wii- its only like $10, Ive been tempted to get it but Im not sure. Wii really isnt good for any games that are "kid" type games.
  • 09-02-2011, 10:00 PM
    Paecmaker: I was just curious on what you know of the land. Tell me of it. And worry not, for many Americans... MANY... do not know much about our home country either, so it is a common, albeit unfortunate, trend.

    Mizel: I never played anything before the famous VII (with Sephiroth and such), but I've played VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and am working on XII now. I also have enjoyed Tactics. I'm a large fan of the strategic game, so upon learning that Final Fantasy had such a genre, I could not resist. And have you played any of the Dynasty Warrior games?
  • 09-03-2011, 01:34 PM
    small facts about sweden.

    Official name kingdom of sweden(wich means we got a king :P) but just called sweden unless its a royal thing or similar.

    Total amount of inhabitants ranging between 9-10 million

    Capitol- Stockholm, with a population of about 1,5 million people(and the only city in sweden with more than 1 million people). Its built over some islands and is sometimes called venice of scandinavia. It also got a "skärgård" with thousends of bigger and smaller islands.

    Some other larger and more known cities are , Gothenburg as the most important sea city to the east, Malmö To the southest, And Kiruna to the norhtest. Honorable mentions, Uppsala as the city of knowlegde(the most famous university in sweden) Linköping(the main place of SAAB aeroplanes)
    Trollhättan(the largest Saab car factory in sweden)

    The climate in sweden aint as cold as many think to be, we got no polar bears running around(lol) and there are few of the larger predators here to, even if they do exist.

    Big parts of sweden is covered by forests and it is coming more new forests than its accually chopped down.

    I can speak forever but if you want certain things just tell me here or PM.
  • 09-03-2011, 08:56 PM
    Excellent, sir! Know you anything of the politics at the moment of Sweden? What the official national stand is on matters at large in the world? Things of that nature? And you are in the heavier-forested areas?

    Mizel: I must ask about your banner signature. The girl reminds me of a character from Soul Caliber III. Is that where you got the character?

    Also, I have forgone the fact that this thread was meant to be an introduction of me. Have any of you questions further for me?
  • 09-03-2011, 09:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Veritas View Post
    BBloodstain: It seems we have much in common. And I enjoy your banner. It reminds me of a character in the anime "Deathnote", if you're familiar with such.

    Haha Yes, I am a great fan of the series, and the character in my signature is BB or Beyond Birthday as he is known :)
  • 09-04-2011, 03:29 AM
    Everything you want to know can be found here

    Wikimedia Error (it stands error but still works, atleast for me)
    As for where I live its about more in the south, I live in a "province" named småland and its forests here but not as many as in the north parts of the country. However its very much stone here and not so good soil.
  • 09-04-2011, 09:58 PM
    Ah yes, the beloved Wiki. And BBloodstain, where is this BB character from? What anime? And how long is Deathnote? There are 22 episodes on Netflix. Is that the extent of it?
  • 09-12-2011, 01:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Veritas View Post
    Paecmaker: I was just curious on what you know of the land. Tell me of it. And worry not, for many Americans... MANY... do not know much about our home country either, so it is a common, albeit unfortunate, trend.

    Mizel: I never played anything before the famous VII (with Sephiroth and such), but I've played VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and am working on XII now. I also have enjoyed Tactics. I'm a large fan of the strategic game, so upon learning that Final Fantasy had such a genre, I could not resist. And have you played any of the Dynasty Warrior games?

    Ah, ok. Well, Id have to say that just about all of them fun so you cant go wrong! :) And yes, Ive played all of them- despite being fairly simple games, I absolutely love them.

    As for my signature- you are correct! Its Tira from Soul Cal ^_^

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