• 02-09-2013, 01:38 AM
    Petition to raise posts to make a thread
    As you know Linux and those that have been for ages, I have been one the longest tenured members. I have taken breaks of length but been here off and on for nearly all the sites existence. In my time, time and time again. People come in spam shart up 10 topics just to create a sharty topic. I would like to suggest we raise to posts to make a thread to at least 50. This might suck for legit people but it will deter people from sharting up threads. No one is going to stick around for a day posting 50 times to make a thread, and thats what these people do. Spam 10 topics with terrible posts, make their thread then leave. This is volume 1 of my site complaints, the next chapters will be published once my rage bar overflows
  • 02-09-2013, 01:59 AM
    Do not underestimate the power of spammers even though I agree that something needs to be done, maybe include that you need to be a member for over 24 hours before you can start a thread.
  • 02-09-2013, 08:54 AM
  • 02-09-2013, 09:48 AM
    I personally believe it will be a deterrent. Yes it would help moderate spam but moderators that are on frequently would also do the job.
  • 02-09-2013, 09:51 AM

    Originally Posted by foof View Post
    I personally believe it will be a deterrent. Yes it would help moderate spam but moderators that are on frequently would also do the job.

    Yeah but the thing is, you can't tell who is spamming to get 10 post to make a thread and who is legit posting. I mean you can have an idea from the quality of their post, but it's not really bannable because you can't be sure. So no matter how many mmods we have, not much we can really do.
  • 02-09-2013, 09:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    Yeah but the thing is, you can't tell who is spamming to get 10 post to make a thread and who is legit posting. I mean you can have an idea from the quality of their post, but it's not really bannable because you can't be sure. So no matter how many mods we have, not much we can really do.

    Whenever I've seen good mods on in the past, they've done their job and prevented people from spamming or getting to ten posts because it was obvious that they were just going to post links / whatever else.

    I'm just saying I think there are more reasonable ways to deal with this problem. 50 posts is a bit much.
  • 02-09-2013, 10:20 AM
    Is it? Neogaf as I use a barometer for a lot of things because of its forum success. Has a 90 day wait and 300 post wait and is a huge forum. Making people wait a little bit isnt a bad thing. If not 50, it needs to be something like 25 and 7 days or something. 10 posts is just too little and there will never be enough mods to be on at all times, that guy that post sharted posted at 2 am est. No one is up at that times really.
  • 02-09-2013, 10:52 AM
    I agree that 50 posts is a bit much. And as Paec said, you can't underestimate spammers, if they are determined, they will make 50 quick posts and spam. Like the last guy's thread that I deleted, he joined and made his first post in May 2012.

    And compared to the past, we don't have many spammers anymore, there is always a surge around the holidays and that surge ended. So I would rather have us deal with the occasional spammer than lose a few legit members who came just to be a part of the forum.

    edit: just saw your last reply, Neogaf is a much bigger forum than us with a lot more activity so they can lose even a couple hundred legit members that way. We're not very active here and losing 2-3 legit members is a lot for us.

    I will consider increasing the min post count to 20 and a 48 hour waiting period.
  • 02-09-2013, 12:36 PM
    We to raise the 10 post minimum from 10 to 50 before you can post a link.
  • 02-09-2013, 01:05 PM
    Ok time to publish all my thoughts, if it gets me banned or infracted so be it at least I'll know im going out clearing the air.
    Linux you have to wake up and run this forum properly. Its nearly a decade old and basically square 1 each year. You're doing nothing productive to get this ship steered in the right direction. This forum is never going to become big time because of many issues. I've always wanted this to be my main forum but never will probably because of the its direction. We need to sit down and pound out details and clear direction plan on what this sites visions are and what will it become in the future and where it'll be at year 10. If you're happy with have 12 members or less post a day and less than 100 posts real a day. Then just tell me, I'll just quit for good instead of trying to build something here.

    1) Issue 1, This forum has too many sub forums. I dont know why you decided to have it so expansive. We could merrge forums and make it look nice so easily. We have forums that topics on the first page go back years. Thats disgraceful. It just shows they are not needed.

    Step 1; General Gaming and Consoles merged. Its redundant
    Step 2; Instead of having 6 sub forums for genres cut it down to something like Current/Nex Gen and Past Gens
    Step 3; Gamer Review section was always dumb waste of space, the reviewers hardly review, If they want to review let them post it in the desired sections
    Step 4; Forum Talk and Questions and Answers are also Redundant
    Step 5; All the General Computer Talk, Fun and Jokes,Serious News , Websites, Tutorials..all that Just merge with Post Anything.
    Step 6; Having all Entertainment in 1 zone, aka music, anime,cartoons, tv and movies.
    Step 7; Graphics is so 2006, I dont know why we even have a section for it anymore. If people want to continue let them make a topic in Post Anything.

    Issue 2; Reverting back to the main topic. I strongly strongly urge you to raise this. Real people wont leave because they cant post a topic right away. Real people stay for the topics on hand and then as they go make topics themselves. If someone is in a rush to make a topic like last night where a gf was asking what would be a good gaming chair. We could have a topic for that.

    Issue 3; We have to have a discussion on how to get real people. We have a prime name but We have less actives than we should. Have the 30k accounts on here if not more arent even real people. Thats sad 6 year or 7 whatever it is at this point having a prime domain and less than 20k usernames with real people attached and nearly none active active anymore. I feel whats partially to blame is the lack of current news posted and hype for new games. Most forums are hyping all kinds of games. This forum has never felt that way.

    Not really an issue but I loved that you finally did something more about the spammers, Its crazy that we have had 30k accounts denied in a months time, Its never been this bad ever.

    Pet Peave #1, Necro Bumping, I rage all the time about this. Why do we not have a strong policy in place. Especially when the spammers/noobs bump certain topics every 6 months or more. Close those up. Its aggravating looking at the new posts lists and the same old threads get bumped all the time for months with useless comments.

    I know you'll probably ignore this, I even called in my head what you were going to reply to in this thread in teh first place. Its like you just dont care, or havent been apart of working forums so you're winging for nearly a decade. I know this is all passive aggressive, But come on Linux are you happy with the results here? Do you simply not have the time to maintain this forum, if so sell it for the better of the forum. I'll patiently wait for you to ignore all which I said which is good advice and shouldnt be taken lightly. Ideas can be reformed but thisis concrete stepping stones to the path of a better and more active forum. I want this forum to be active, I want to know my effot upcoming isnt going to lay to waste by old directions that are leading us nowhere.
  • 02-09-2013, 02:58 PM
    I must say that I agree to several of these things. I like this place but sadly its very quiet here now.
  • 02-09-2013, 03:46 PM
    You make valid points and I will not ignore them. You're right that I haven't really been part of the forum and that is because of life. That's why are are holding mod tryouts and will pick a couple of people this month to help lead the forum somewhere. 2012 was especially bad with so many of our old mods disappearing and hoping that 2013 is better by bringing in a few new people.

    Thank you for your recommendations, I will take every single one of them into consideration and I do plan on doing more with the forum. I appreciate it all. And you probably don't want to hear it but it's not easy to find time to do stuff like this when you work full time while going to grad school at night and weekends. But I will try.
  • 02-10-2013, 09:40 AM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post

    Issue 2; Reverting back to the main topic. I strongly strongly urge you to raise this. Real people wont leave because they cant post a topic right away. Real people stay for the topics on hand and then as they go make topics themselves. If someone is in a rush to make a topic like last night where a gf was asking what would be a good gaming chair. We could have a topic for that.

    Issue 3; We have to have a discussion on how to get real people. We have a prime name but We have less actives than we should. Have the 30k accounts on here if not more arent even real people. Thats sad 6 year or 7 whatever it is at this point having a prime domain and less than 20k usernames with real people attached and nearly none active active anymore. I feel whats partially to blame is the lack of current news posted and hype for new games. Most forums are hyping all kinds of games. This forum has never felt that way.

    This. This is really big and I agree. While maybe we need a better way to keep out spammers, that will never happen in a forum. But really, like Jak said, with this name on a forum how do we NOT get and keep active members? I've been here for 2 years almost and it's just been going downhill ever since. Really sucks.

    ---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------


    Originally Posted by LiNuX View Post
    You make valid points and I will not ignore them. You're right that I haven't really been part of the forum and that is because of life. That's why are are holding mod tryouts and will pick a couple of people this month to help lead the forum somewhere. 2012 was especially bad with so many of our old mods disappearing and hoping that 2013 is better by bringing in a few new people.

    Thank you for your recommendations, I will take every single one of them into consideration and I do plan on doing more with the forum. I appreciate it all. And you probably don't want to hear it but it's not easy to find time to do stuff like this when you work full time while going to grad school at night and weekends. But I will try.

    Did you a make a thread about mod tryouts or anything? Or is that not an option for any of us? Just curious cause this is the first time I've heard anything about it D:
  • 02-10-2013, 10:22 AM

    Did you a make a thread about mod tryouts or anything? Or is that not an option for any of us? Just curious cause this is the first time I've heard anything about it D:
    Apply to be a Gamers Forum Moderator
  • 02-10-2013, 10:23 AM

    Originally Posted by foof View Post

    Thanks Foof! Somehow totally missed that one :)
  • 02-13-2013, 04:32 PM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Pet Peave #1, Necro Bumping, I rage all the time about this. Why do we not have a strong policy in place. Especially when the spammers/noobs bump certain topics every 6 months or more. Close those up. Its aggravating looking at the new posts lists and the same old threads get bumped all the time for months with useless comments.

    People get pissed if you necro bump, but people also get pissed if you make a topic that already has a previous topic. What are we supposed to do? Personally, i'm against locking threads for any reason other than them becoming big rage/spam fests. Just cuz something is old doesn't mean it should be closed. I've had legitimate things to say in topics that were closed because people like you whined about how the topic was old.


    Step 1; General Gaming and Consoles merged. Its redundant
    Step 2; Instead of having 6 sub forums for genres cut it down to something like Current/Nex Gen and Past Gens
    Step 3; Gamer Review section was always dumb waste of space, the reviewers hardly review, If they want to review let them post it in the desired sections
    Step 4; Forum Talk and Questions and Answers are also Redundant
    Step 5; All the General Computer Talk, Fun and Jokes,Serious News , Websites, Tutorials..all that Just merge with Post Anything.
    Step 6; Having all Entertainment in 1 zone, aka music, anime,cartoons, tv and movies.
    Step 7; Graphics is so 2006, I dont know why we even have a section for it anymore. If people want to continue let them make a topic in Post Anything.
    1. I agree. The console-specific forums are kind of dumb.
    2. while I see where you're coming from, that might make the forum look a bit too small. The generation thing would be cool though, so it's at least worth a shot
    3. I feel like the review section should be kept, but made smaller. Get rid of all the genre sub-forums and just let it be a big pile of game reviews.
    4. Do you mean get rid of them in general or just merge them? I feel like they should be merged...all rules-related stuff should be in one section.
    5. I feel like computer-related stuff could warrant its own sub-forum, but the rest of it could be merged
    6. I've always enjoyed the divide in the "entertainment" section, but the sub forums under film/tv need to go. Maybe all 4 could go as well
    7. Yea

    I guess that was kinda stupid considering I just agreed with most of it, but those are just my thoughts.

    Also, I feel like the 50 posts thing is WAY too high to make a topic. I would personally just find a different forum to post on. Maybe try a lower number.

    Like Jak/theDeparted, as you can see, i've been here for a while, but I hardly post anymore. It was a lot more active back then, but I feel like forums in general were a lot more active then. Between the forums connected to big sites such as Gamestop and Highdefdigest and Facebook, people don't really go to smaller forums.
  • 02-13-2013, 05:01 PM
    Threads like this dont need necro'd

    The games I played. The 80. of BEST - Page 2

    I dont understand why you have such a giant boner for keep crappy threads alive. Also Im positive people only complain about similar subjected threads when they were made close in date!
  • 02-13-2013, 05:07 PM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Threads like this dont need necro'd

    The games I played. The 80. of BEST - Page 2

    I dont understand why you have such a giant boner for keep crappy threads alive. Also Im positive people only complain about similar subjected threads when they were made close in date!

    well maybe if they're crappy threads, but there was a Resident Evil 5 topic I wanted to post in and then somebody whined about how it was an old topic and should be closed. There was nothing wrong with it other than the fact that other topics pushed it back and people forgot about it. Somebody posted it in and a new conversation was starting but NOPE it was old so it got closed.

    And I've made topics before and people yelled at me for making a topic when an older version already existed, regardless of how old it was.

    Maybe closing stupid stuff like in the lounge or whatever, but if there's a topic about a particular game, don't close it cuz it gets old cuz you never know who's gonna wanna post in it.
  • 02-13-2013, 05:26 PM
    I think it's fine if a thread is like 6 months old or longer, just open another thread and start a fresh discussion. If you're talking about when I mentioned we had a superman vs goku thread, it was already discussed and you even posted in it before if I remember right. I didn't have a problem with you opening another thread, but it seemed kinda pointless considering every already post there say in the matter, even your self. That's why no one ended up posting in your thread.

    But yeah, I rather have a new thread opened than necro bumping.
  • 02-13-2013, 06:24 PM
    I never understood why people were so against bumping old threads. I'm pretty neutral either way. But if you're brand new to a forum, odds are you are going to find a lot of old topics you want to comment in that probably haven't been used in a while. You could start a new thread, but there's a good chance that you probably have something to add to a post another person already made. But then again at the same time... odds again are that no one else in the forum is going to comment in the bumped thread because they've most likely already said whatever they wanted to say. BUT! lol Then again whatever you post in the old thread could start some new discussion. *shrugs*
  • 02-13-2013, 06:27 PM
    New members bump useless threads with useless comments. Like my example above. Just clutters the forum. Need new content not rehash of garbage old that plagued this site.
  • 02-13-2013, 06:28 PM
    In cases like that.... if someone is spamming, then it's annoying. But if someone genuinely wants to make a real comment, it doesn't bother. It doesn't clutter any more though. I mean, you make a post in an old thread it comes up on recent threads same as if you were to make a whole new thread. I think it would be more annoying clutter to have the exact same thread 5 times.
  • 02-13-2013, 06:32 PM
    Its not spam, its just pointless bump to bump a 2 year old dead topic like that.
  • 02-13-2013, 10:26 PM

    Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    I think it's fine if a thread is like 6 months old or longer, just open another thread and start a fresh discussion. If you're talking about when I mentioned we had a superman vs goku thread, it was already discussed and you even posted in it before if I remember right. I didn't have a problem with you opening another thread, but it seemed kinda pointless considering every already post there say in the matter, even your self. That's why no one ended up posting in your thread.

    But yeah, I rather have a new thread opened than necro bumping.

    Well, there's that, but I wasn't thinking about that in particular...there have been a few other times.


    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Its not spam, its just pointless bump to bump a 2 year old dead topic like that.

    I've seen necro-bumped topics turn back into legitimate discussions. If somebody bumps it and nobody posts in it, it goes back into the grave. Just ignore it like you ignore other topics you don't want to post in. If people post in it, it turns into a useful topic again. I don't see a problem either way.
  • 02-14-2013, 01:14 AM
    I have been trying to stay out of what seems like the beginning of drama, but I decided I would say I agree with both Eps and Jak to a certain extent. I very much agree that some Necro bumps turn back into great conversations, but because this forum is so old there is many topics that are not Even useful anymore, so my proposal is a 1 year of being fully inactive (With the exception of useless posts) lock on threads.
  • 02-14-2013, 10:22 AM

    Originally Posted by egg-whites333 View Post
    I have been trying to stay out of what seems like the beginning of drama, but I decided I would say I agree with both Eps and Jak to a certain extent. I very much agree that some Necro bumps turn back into great conversations, but because this forum is so old there is many topics that are not Even useful anymore, so my proposal is a 1 year of being fully inactive (With the exception of useless posts) lock on threads.

    I think it should depend on the thread. If it's something random, like that one jak posted earlier, then lock em up. That thread is kind of useless in general. Also theres some other random stuff, like a lot of the jokes posted in the jokes section. But if it's like something called...the official final fantasy 13 discussion thread (just a name to use as an example, idk if that thread exists) there doesn't really seem to be any need to lock it. Or the favorite bands thread in the music area. I see that get revived all the time (idk if its over a year period or anything though) but when it gets revived, it always stays relevant.
  • 02-14-2013, 06:27 PM
    Well yeah. It'd have to a case by case thing, But right now there isnt any necro bump policy. I could bump the 5 oldesst threads right now and walk away with maybe an infraction that expires in 3 months.
  • 02-14-2013, 06:48 PM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Well yeah. It'd have to a case by case thing, But right now there isnt any necro bump policy. I could bump the 5 oldesst threads right now and walk away with maybe an infraction that expires in 3 months.

    Why not just something that says "don't necro bump unless you have something legitimate to contribute"

    Of course, it's hard to govern over something like that, since there really isn't any black and white way to determine whether the post they made was legitimate. For the most part, it should be pretty easy to tell though.
  • 02-14-2013, 06:53 PM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    Why not just something that says "don't necro bump unless you have something legitimate to contribute"

    Of course, it's hard to govern over something like that, since there really isn't any black and white way to determine whether the post they made was legitimate. For the most part, it should be pretty easy to tell though.

    If I went through all the necro bumps they would be almost all by people that have less than 20 posts and accounts younger than 2 months. Its noobs coming in not reading the forum and keep necro forking us. People that are normal and been here awhile almost never make a shotty necro bump.
  • 02-16-2013, 01:00 PM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    If I went through all the necro bumps they would be almost all by people that have less than 20 posts and accounts younger than 2 months. Its noobs coming in not reading the forum and keep necro forking us. People that are normal and been here awhile almost never make a shotty necro bump.

    I personally don't like the idea of closing older topics, because sometimes it's nice to go back and re-look at something and have something new to add to an older conversation, but you do have a point. Most of the forums i've been a part of don't have as big a problem with spammers as this one does. I've noticed that a lot of spammers will post in old topics and stuff and bring em back, and while that's annoying, to me I just see it as spamming any other topic. On the plus side, there's a chance that it would bring the discussion back and continue on as a good topic, but that doesn't always happen.

    I don't know, I've given my thoughts on the matter, It's up to you guys.
  • 02-16-2013, 04:30 PM
    Also something else I noticed. People spamming to get to 10 posts or dumnshart new members tend to migrate to the same couple threads for some reason lol
  • 02-16-2013, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Also something else I noticed. People spamming to get to 10 posts or dumnshart new members tend to migrate to the same couple threads for some reason lol

    lol, the spammers and noobs seems to love my review thread, pretty much the only comments on that thread except my own are from spammers. :p
  • 02-18-2013, 11:21 AM
    I still have to discuss a lot of the things in this thread with the mods but for now what I've done is:

    1. Increase the post count that or new spam monitor scans to 25 (it will scan the first 25 posts for anything fishy as well as check the user's IP, username, and email address against two large spam databases), if anything is found, the user's posts are moderated and eventually banned and reported to the spam databases.

    2. If somehow the user gets past the first block above and does not seem fishy at all, the mod will block any posts with URLs (for the first 25 posts and 24 hours only for now)

    3. I found a list of specific keywords spammers tend to use/advertise and have blocked those, posts with those keywords will be moderated.

    I am trying to combat the spam issue for now, as promised before, I will get to all of your points but with my schedule, it will take longer than it would have a few years ago. My plan is to address the whole necro bumping issue and will post on it later.

    Thanks for your patience everyone!
  • 02-20-2013, 12:46 PM
    I'm not sure if this is what you meant by the posts being moderated, but can you set it so that new members first 10 or so posts have to be approved? I set my facebook so I have to approve tags in case somebody tags me in something really stupid. The same thing could apply here
  • 02-20-2013, 12:47 PM

    Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    I'm not sure if this is what you meant by the posts being moderated, but can you set it so that new members first 10 or so posts have to be approved? I set my facebook so I have to approve tags in case somebody tags me in something really stupid

    That's a really good idea.
  • 02-20-2013, 12:49 PM

    Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    That's a really good idea.

    the only problems I could think of if something like this were to be implemented are
    1. No mods online at the time, so the new members will see their posts not showing up and be discouraged
    2. Somebody could post something legitimate in a topic, and before it is posted, other people post stuff, so when the post is approved, it will have thrown off the discussion a bit.
  • 02-20-2013, 12:51 PM
    Well, my first concern is that there really aren't any active mods (other than Jaykub I think) at this time. So they may go days without being looked at. But I don't think they'd get discouraged if they knew before posting that that was the rule. I've actually been in forums where that was implemented. But I believe it was only for the first post.
  • 02-20-2013, 01:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Well, my first concern is that there really aren't any active mods (other than Jaykub I think) at this time. So they may go days without being looked at. But I don't think they'd get discouraged if they knew before posting that that was the rule. I've actually been in forums where that was implemented. But I believe it was only for the first post.

    Well, considering how many people complain about the fact that they can't edit their profile at first leads me to believe that nobody reads the rules and therefore would not know why their posts aren't' showing up.
  • 02-20-2013, 07:17 PM
    By moderated I do mean that they have to be approved.

    The system so far has done a pretty good job at determining spam, although it did let one pass earlier today but yesterday I came home and found 3 moderated messages which was clearly spam, so I deleted and banned the users.

    For now, I will let the system do its thing since it's going well. And will see what happens.

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