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    Default The walking dead, the game review

    So today dear readers I will review the Telltale game (gory pictures)

    The walking dead

    (Yes, come to daddy)

    So the walking dead is a really popular tv serie and a comic book, well the studio Telltale thought about doing a game about it and this is the results.


    So this game follows Lee, he is being transported to jail at the time the infection starts. Well lets just say that things get interesting and by a coincidence you are free. Lee must try to survive amongst the undead as well as trying to get to safety.
    The story in the game is set prior before the tv show(that starts several days(?) after the first infection) and follows totally different people, even though you will see some familiar faces(If you watched the show or read the comic that is).


    If you are looking for a game where you run around with two axes and a machine gun slaughtering hundreds of zombies you look at the wrong place, this is a slow game that focus as mutch on the actual survivors as it does on the zombies.

    The walking dead is an episode type of game, so far only episode one has been released however the rest will come in the coming months(there are five episodes)

    So The walking dead is an adventure game with a point and click type of gameplay mixed with quick time actions.

    In the calm sections you can mostly control your character yourself, you walk around as normal and click at special locations to do things. At this point its mostly about solving puzzles and talking to people. In the more action oriented parts for example in fights with zombies its more of a quick time events game. I like this kind of gameplay and its a nice change of pace from many other games.

    A big part of the game is talking to different people and helping them, when you talk to them you got several options which can change the oppinion of you, to call someone a b**ch can have big consequences in the future, also you got a limited time to choose.

    The game is really short, about 2 hours if you hurry but during that time I really enjoyed it, feels almost like a good interractive movie(or serie).

    Also the game will change dependable on what choices you make, both what you say and more physical choices will change the course of the game and the next episodes to in the end be a very personal experience.


    The graphic style in the game looks very cartoonish which I think suits it perfectly. The characters looks alive and the voice acting ups it even more, most characters feels really realistic and human, both in how they act and how they talk. And I must say, the zombies looks really disturbing.

    (Smile for the camera)

    Even with the cartoonish graphic dont think they made the game for kids. It swears much in the game and its also show some very dragged out and closed in gory scenes, where you for example stab a screwdriver in the head of a zombie, its not for kids.


    The walking dead is an adventure game, it mixes point and click as well as quick time moments and normal. Its a slow pace game which lives more on the atmospere and the characters in the game than fast paced action(even if there are points in the game that are pretty chaotic).

    The game features a cartoonish kind of style that follows the comic and the game got some really good voice actors which really make the characters live.

    If you like slow paze adventure games with a few puzzles and dont mind a few quic time events Im sure you will like this game, if you are a "the walking dead" fan even better.


    gameplay 7/10 Even if I feel a bit clumsy when walking around the controls are surprisingly good, also its not to much quick time events.

    graphics 8/10 The game got this cartoonish kind of style which make the game almost look like a comic book, I love it.

    sounds 8/10 The voice actors lift this game high up, the ambient sounds are working and sometimes they can give me the creeps.

    total 8/10 Its a really good game, and I am eagerly waiting for part two.
    Last edited by paecmaker; 05-02-2012 at 02:40 PM.

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