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  1. #1
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    Exclamation [Exodian Review] Final Fantasy Tactics

    ¦» URL
    ¦----» Final Fantasy Tactics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ¦» Maker
    ¦----» SquareSoft

    ¦» System
    ¦----» PlayStation 1, Playstation 2

    ¦» Ease of Use - 5/10
    ¦----» This will be slightly tied in with GamePlay, however the Ease of Use in game will be controller related and ability to understand complex systems from equipping armor to the battle statistics and schematics. It's not exactly easy for those who are new to the game, but if you take the time to understand how the battlefield spinning works, the game is seamless and very fun. There's just the standard, usual buttons to remember and confusing them is easy.

    ¦» Longevity - 9/10
    ¦----» If you're into Role Playing Games and you love the thought of getting everything the game has to offer, then you can easily log over 120 hours into this game. The music is wonderful, the scenes and landscapes are great for the 32 bit graphics, overall - a great experience from start to finish.

    ¦» Music - 7/10
    ¦----» The music is the great Final Fantasy music we all know a love. It's epic at times, however if you're into constant random battles, you'll be a little ble with the same battle music over and over again.

    ¦» Graphics - 8/10
    ¦----» Considering the game is 32 bit, the graphics are great. The sprites are well detailed and show a lot of feeling that you will see and notice. The spinning battlefield that doesn't change or lose any output is wonderful as well. Chocobos, Bombs, Ghouls, and Goblins - each is uniquely classed and designed.

    ¦» Game play - 9/10
    ¦----» The game play allows you to roam across the entire country side, however when you come across a field or some ruins - there is a random encounter chance between cities. It's fairly mellow outside of the battle with a wonderful story - but when you hit the battle sequence, the game erupts!
    Your mind goes into over drive trying to strategize which enemy to knock out first, who's faster than who (determines who's first), and which monsters you should try taking out from a distance.

    Two words: Rock Throw. Lol. <3

    ¦» Story - 10/10
    ¦----» I absolutely loved this storyline because it's not over-romanticized or beyond far-fetched, but it goes into a Medieval thought process of villainy, treachery, and complexity. It's ridiculously deep and rich with life and vibrant characters, allowing you to immerse yourself into a wonderful world of fantasy.
    Anyone who's played a few FF games knows something of Ivalice, from Tactics, Tactics Advanced and A2, as well as FFXII. The world is vast with creatures smart and dumb, powerful and pathetic.

    Some Screen Shots for Good Measure:

    There are a SICK amount of job classes that are all totally customized and built around their own spells, Faith balance, and raiment.
    - Black Mages, White Mages, Summoners, Oracles, Time Mage
    - Knights, Ninjas, Samurai, Dragoon, Squire, Archer, Chemist
    - Monk, Elementalist, Calculator, Thief, Mime, Mediator, Dancer

    I think that's all... lol. Not sure if I missed a few.


    There are a few variables to the battle system that you can see here and this system is 4 dimensions, including time and height.
    Some characters are faster than others based on Job class and Speed Point, which is faster with Ninja and slower with Dragoon - obviously.

    In the SS, you see 5 characters in your party and 4 enemies: a cat, a goblin, and two chocobos.

    The blue squared area is the move-spaces that Ramza (main character) can move. This is also based on Job Class.

    The 0.5H you see in the top corner means that Ramza is standing on a rock outcropping that is HALF of a Normal height. So a character on 1 couldn't hit a character on 3 or 4, unless it was an archer, a long distance move / spell, or a dragoon's lance.


    Japanese Screen, sorry. Lol.

    The active woman is Agrias Oaks. She's pretty much a bad-ass. She's always in my end party because of her Sword Skill Techniques.

    The guy in the brown cloak with blue armor is the Imfamous Cid for FFT. Cid is a reoccurring name that is used throughout all Final Fantasy games. This particular one is known as Thunder God Cidolfas Orlandu, TG Cid for short and he's the best character in the entire game, I think.


    You can even lower the view of the battlefield to an across shot, or raise it to more of a 3rd person, over-the-shoulder view.
    * The guys in green are baddies.


    Summoners can cast the beloved "Summon Materia", "Guardian Forces", or just Bad-Ass assistance - whatever you want to call them, here's Shiva.

    And Bahamut!

    Overall - the game is phenomenal. If you love RPG's and are a strat-whore like myself, you'll A D O R E this game.

    Exodian Rating is 9/10!
    Last edited by Exodyus; 04-13-2009 at 04:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    In bed with your mom...


    I forgot the Bard job class, so far - as I can tell, that is for male characters only ...

    AND you can do a really long side-quest and unlock Cloud Strife, from FFVII ... By the Way! Lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    San Diego


    heeh I played this on GameBoy SP, and I cant even count the number of hours I played. Its such a great game. Its a little slow in the beginning but its such fun at the end. its addicting in its own way. Good Review


    "I'm tired of "free style" themes,
    because then JuCi does some crazy abstract crap and everyone's wowed"

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Norfolk, VA, after this summer.


    I think the 5 for ease of play is generous. You have zodiacal signs to worry about in addition to everything else. If you aren't careful with how you mix and manage the signs in your party, your toons will have a harder time healing each other and also risk decreased damage against enemies depending on their signs.

    Excessive imo.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitey View Post
    I think the 5 for ease of play is generous. You have zodiacal signs to worry about in addition to everything else. If you aren't careful with how you mix and manage the signs in your party, your toons will have a harder time healing each other and also risk decreased damage against enemies depending on their signs.

    Excessive imo.

    I think I'm in love. Seriously.
    You're not married, are you?

    It's truetrue, however for the average gamer who doesn't know diddly or doesn't care to read too in depth into something like Zodiacs, they wont have a chart in front of them to know who's better to heal who and what spells do more damage against a Sagittarius. Lol.

    Unfortunately, it seems you and I are the only two that have even the foggiest idea what's going on.
    Which is why I didn't play into insane detail about the incredible depths of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Also...quoted from 1st post
    Ease of Use in game will be controller related

    And I'm sorry, JuCi - but the GBA game and Tactics are not the same game.

    GBA released Tactics Advance, which was proceeded by Tactics A2, the Lion Wars, and a few other renditions.

    Now, from my understanding - FFT: TLW is a replica? But with more job classes and different quests.

    FFT: A and A2 are totally different stories and characters that incorporate this gayness called Judges and they can activate different sorts of Rules in battle. Some are no healing items, some are no swords. It's irritating.
    Last edited by Exodyus; 04-21-2009 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
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    Norfolk, VA, after this summer.


    I got pretty far in the original. But then there were some trees and a hill and movement got too ticklish, so I lost interest and went to Oddworld or something like that. It was a long time ago and I don't really remember. I played two new games very briefly, so I only touched on the new classes. Bards are pretty hard to play. Unless you've done some serious group play, support classes aren't terribly rewarding as avatars imo and it's difficult to figure out how to allot points or gear in a meaningful fashion, etc. Basically, you sit and watch and wait and hope something interesting will happen so that you can use your power to communicate with fish(!).

    Do not fall anywhere near love yet: I am laaaaaaaazy about storylines for most games. I'm basically a mercenary: get in, get my money/points/items/bosskills/cut scenes/easter eggs, get out. A storyline has to be VERY compelling and integrally tied into game play to keep me from button-mashing to the next encounter. >.> The Getaway was was interesting to me for that reason, and I loved the Prince of Persia storylines. Legend of Zelda: Mask of Majora was the same--the story was such a huge part of the gameplay and it was so fascinatingly simple. (Sorry I am referencing stale games--I've been out of the loop for a couple of years.) FF: Tactics didn't really compel me. I just could not get into the story line.

    And I am indeed married. He games like I do, but he's not nearly as hard, which is great. He understands the obsession, but doesn't fight me for the controller.

    And now, my eyelids are heavy and my brain is getting sluggish. So it is off to bed with me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I had played one or two FF game before but i never had the chance of finishing it like you guys., i don't really get the tactics thingyy : P It's a really fun game though
    i love watching the cinematic scenes.
    I remember buying FFX so that i could let my cousin play and so that i can watch him finish the game haha! ^_^

  8. #8


    Nice job. Solid review. I've never been a fan of the whole FF series, or its spin-off's, myself.

    The Great Archon
    The weak survive. The strong prosper

  9. #9
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    Thank you.
    And Nate -- FFX and FFT are nothing alike. I personally didn't like FFX, though I've beaten it twice. Once to get through it, once to get everything and I still didn't get through that insane 99 level dungeon, or whatever. They're ridiculously hard.

    But, FFX is set on a somewhat stupid storyline, I think -- but then again, I like a good story.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    hahaha sorry about that ^__^
    it really is a very good game., i just wish i had played it earlier especially the first one maybe then i'd be able to understand the game better. hehhee..

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