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Thread: Vent thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    In you mind

    Default Vent thread

    Do you need to get something off your chest? Is there something bugging you?

    Post your rants here:

    So I have this old friend that can't seem to get his butt in gear and grow up at all. He is a big moocher and doesn't bother finding a job. He moves from place to place were people take care of him. He is now staying with us since his dad kicked him out of his house. The last time this happened he stayed at our place rent free for almost 2 months without ever even buying groceries. The thing is I love the kid and can put up with most of this but what drives me crazy is I come home from working a 10 hour shift and he is all over me to play games or watch movies or do something with him. All I want to do is sleep but he doesn't get it and expects me to hang out. GAHHHHH!

    /end rant

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I hate when I go onto Amazon to check out dvds only to find several have been discontinued and if it's not an extremely niche movie the prices are so ridiculous because of sellers taking advantage of supply/demand. I don't think it'd be too hard for the people that distribute these dvds to always have a small print run available for the public. Disney is a chronic offender of just stopping a print causing there movies prices to raise through the roof .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Ignorant little brats that don't understand that they don't have the right to get in my way and then throw a hissy-fit because i knock them over. ¬.¬ If you're gonna walk the wrong way in a one way corridor, or stand in the middle of a doorway like deaf dwarfs then you damn well deserve to end up on the floor. ¬.¬

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    Finding a job right now..
    There are so many people looking for jobs that even if someone's hiring the position is filled like THAT
    and because there's such a demand for jobs, jobs are paying crap while the work deserves more.

    me and my boyfriend need jobs, this does not help our plan to move out by the end of the year...
    Juicyz gave me a puppy! <3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Pen Island


    ugh. on the first day of the semester this school year i went and i found out how to get a room change to the north campus. they told me to wait until october 1st. so i waited til october 1st and they didnt have any rooms open! they told me to check back towards the end of the semester, and so i did and they STILL had no rooms open. they said check january 20th. i went back on wednesday and they said they won't know until february 1st. they're probably gonna put some stupid freshmen in the open rooms that i want to be put into. why the F(#% cant they put ME in those rooms and put the stupid freshmen in my old room!?

    i hate this college. i need a 2.0 GPA to transfer, but i have below that. i refuse to come back here another year, but if i transfer to a different college i have to transfer into a program...but idk what program to do because idk what i wanna do in life. i would take an official leave of absence to find out what i want to do in life, but you need a 2.0 GPA to do that. if i leave school i lose my insurance. so basically, i'm being FORCED to waste a ton of money on school. ppl are retarded.

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