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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jokersvirus View Post
    exactly why they need to enforce AZ law around the country. You, a business owner, hiring illegals instead of americans or legalized aliens, you should have to pay.
    The law sucks because it can be easily abused. They already have a problem with the way minorities are treated in Arizona and this law means you can lock someone up for several days without reason, on top o f a list of other moral issues.

    How would you like it if whites where the minority, and most cops where Hispanic and you have to worry about spending time in the jail for not carrying proof that you where a citizen on you at all time?

    Also, Im not a democrat. Just to be clear.
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2010


    From my understanding they can lock you up if they cant verify if you are legal or not. Thats no different then being locked up by police for "failure to ID."

    Well whites are becoming the minority, and i remember reading something that says we have to get a federal ID that states we are or are not a flight risk.

    honestly I wouldnt have a problem with it, I would gladly show them my ID.

    The law makes sense we have issues with illegals coming into this country and AZ said f it we are doing this. Think of it like this...

    You say its immoral for this law to be in effect, so you would be ok with someone illegally entering your house?

    Its the same but on a larger scale, and the answer would be no, so why would you be fine with illegals coming into the country? Yes they want to find a new life for their family but why dont you do it legally? Is it so hard to do paperwork instead of jumping the border.

    I think its still worth making jumping the border a federal crime. That way the illegals get a home, food, and everything else they need.

    and No I dont hate aliens, I hate those who rather break the law instead of trying to do it the right way.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jokersvirus View Post
    exactly why they need to enforce AZ law around the country. You, a business owner, hiring illegals instead of americans or legalized aliens, you should have to pay.
    The law sucks because it can be easily abused. They already have a problem with the way minorities are treated in Arizona and this law means you can lock someone up for several days without reason, on top o f a list of other moral issues.

    How would you like it if whites where the minority, and most cops where Hispanic and you have to worry about spending time in the jail for not carrying proof that you where a citizen on you at all time?

    [QUOTE=Samus-Fan;229261]I'm gonna take a wild guess and go and say BobTD is a democrat.
    Anyone disagree?[quote]

    Also, Im not a democrat. Just to be clear. If I where I would be trying to sympathize with low income families who claim Mexicans are stealing jobs but still don't want to clean toilets for a living. I'm suggesting work programs and securing american rights.

    Quote Originally Posted by Samus-Fan View Post
    Bob, you're completely missing the point.
    This isn't a racism issue.
    If it was white Canadians crossing the border into Minnesota illegally, people would be upset.
    But it isn't Canada, it's Mexico, and I'm sorry, but anyone who comes into a country ILLEGALLY, I don't care if the paperwork is 5 years, if they come here illegally, they are breaking the law and should be sent to jail or back home.
    I don't care the conditions.
    If Immigrants in the 1800's were fleeing from famine, war, and being jobless, they still filled out paperwork and came here legally.

    The only country Idaho boarders is canada, and Idaho passed a similar law to Arizona's. so maybe there is a problem with canadians. =P

    Illegal Canadians - SFGate

    But in all seriousness, its really not fair how I can use the internet to counter anything you say. Its not even fair anymore I don't even have to use credible sources because you either don't read my posts or don't comprehend them.

    I want to point out I said "ALMOST" racist to get you to really think about weather you had good reasoning behind your logic. And you come back to me and say I don't understand the debate because its not a racism issue. At this point I cant even assume you read my whole post because thats not what I focused on.

    It like the high school debate team all over again, where you get on stage and your opponent slams you with a strong argument. And you just say "Nu uh"?

    Anything else you want to say?

    (I am of course assuming the rest of your post was meant as a joke, no one came here illegally and stopped to fill out paperwork, census estimates are clearly just estimates and may have confused you)
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

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