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    Default Deathspank [PSN] Review "Woot more NPC's to talk to!"

    And yes that is a magical purple thong in the logo

    DeathSpank was developed by Hothead Games and published by EA for the PlayStation 3′s PlayStation Network and the Xbox 360′s Xbox Live Arcade on July 13 and 14. It cost $15.

    Story: The story behind Deathspank is a rather simple one; you are Deathspank the hero of Pluckmuckel and you were sent by a red haired woman with your magical thong to recover “the artifact” and make sure it doesn’t get into the hands of the evil Lord Von Prong. When you finally obtain possession of the artifact you lose it to a army of orcs who give you wedgies till you forcefully give them the artifact. At this point it is your mission to recover the artifact, destroy the orc army, and defeat Lord Von Prong. The story isn’t a deep one by any means but is an entertaining one for what it is.

    Gameplay: Like many of you know Deathspank plays like Diablo, but manages to retain that Ron Gilbert classic adventure game feel with its comedic dialogue choices. Although the combat in this game is very simple, it is solid. The four face buttons on your controller are used to pick between four different attacks. 1 slot is usually reserved for a distance weapon, another for a special move and 2 others for melee weapons. The purpose of having this is to mix combos and make combat as fast and efficient as possible. Using 2 melees weapons at the same time allows you to strike enemies quicker and builds up your attack. You use a bolt gun to shoot various elemental bolts when nearing enemies to or to summon hell before battle; special attacks allow you to do various things such as stun enemies or deal heavy amounts of damage to numerous enemies. My only problem with the special attacks is they feel unnecessary much like blocking) as your characters is somewhat overpowered throughout the game. Although I don’t knock the game to much for this as this isn’t the kind of game where you want to be fighting half of the time and instead be doing other quest and talking to people to see all the whimsical things occurring in the game.

    Traversing the world can be slow in the beginning, but Deathspank’s leveling system gives you some crafty games to make the game both faster and easier through six various abilities. These abilities allow you to move faster, increase weapon/armor levels, blocking ability, damage boost, and increase money. Also Deathspank can fast travel throughout the world with the use of outhouses. These outhouses act as his fast travel options as well as his checkpoint for when Deathspank is defeated in battle!

    The Loot quest in the game are great. They all have some ridiculous reason behind them having to be done such as defeating giant two eyed cyclops because it was meant to destroy weaker monsters but now is causing a ruckus to chickens. All 73 side missions are enjoyable and quick as you never really have to stray to far away to complete a quest and if you ever do, you can simply go to an outhouse to fast travel to your destination.

    Of course this game is a loot grind adventure game at it’s core and is a serviceable one at that. The game contains plenty of variates of hysterical loot. Every piece of loot has it’s own The loot menu’s are well done for a console loot game as the game always applies the strongest armor onto your character, and when you have to sell things you have the option to “grind” your loot for money.

    My only problem in this area of the game is you always get the best armor you need from looting enemies, and you never really need to buy anything because you get the best items from loot. This leaves you with a ton of great loot to sell, but no way to spend the money except on cheap potions.

    Deathspank also features local co-op where you and a partner can play together. the second players plays as Sparkles! Sparkles is a Mage that gets stronger as DS gets stronger and supports him in his travels with heal spells and magic attacks. The lack of an online co-op option hurts the game though as many suspected to be able to join others people game previous to release.

    Visuals: The world of Deathspank is unique visually due to it’s pop up book, cell shaded style. The world although cartoony is beautiful and the mix of 3D and 2D present themselves very well. Also,I must say, for a downloadable game, the world in Deathspank is rather large and pretty you never feel as if you’ve been in an area for too long as each area has it's own theme.

    Sound: The voice acting in the game are of course over the top, and nit pick and at every archetype of characters you would expect to see in a video game like this. A farmer is guaranteed to sound like a redneck who bathes with his pigs and the antagonist is an exaggerated drama queen who speaks in the style of opera. The voice acting matches the games comedic flare and always has bit in every sentence and an option that will keep you laughing.

    The dialogue in the game is hilarious as Deathspank is one of the few games where you make sure to talk to every person, and explore every voice option, just to hear what kind of witty comments a characters has to say. The game does contain some Monkey Island references throughout the game, and pokes fun of other popular games from today such as World of Warcraft.

    Conclusion: Deathspank is a Ron Gilbert game from A to Z. The dialogue in this game is rather funny and although it won’t have you laughing out loud all the time, the game will always find a way to bring a smile to your face and make you Chuckle. The games top notch comedic style, mixed with solid gameplay, and a beautiful world make Deathspank a must play for anyone with a PS3 or Xbox360. I suggest that everyone at least try the
    trials on PSN/XBL if they’re not sure whether they like this game; but if you are interested at all in this game, I would say pick it up as the game won’t let you down for all 10-15 hours it takes to beat the game.

    Rating: 8/10

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