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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Crack Down 2 - "Stop, drop and roll!" "I DONT KNOW HOW TOO!"

    With the first installment in this series giving the player pretty much unlimited firepower, vehicles, and the will to do anything epic, it will be hard to match in story, twists and other things. So let’s examine this shall we?

    Background/Story: It is about ten years after the first installment and something has gone wrong in Pacific City. Seems like some type of bio weapon has been released called the "Freak Virus" and it has transformed into a more potent strait. Well since the situation is out of control "The handler," as he is referred to and the closest thing to a name given, brings into a brand new agent into play, you, to help combat two things: 1) the freaks, and 2) a terrorist organization called "Cell." Those are the only two presences in the city that have to be dealt with. Which is a sad really with all this room to play and only two threats? Granted what happened in the first game : spoiler:
    You did kill every bad guy that agency created just to make them look good and come in power. Greedy people they are.

    Game Play: For the first few hours of the game, all the primary missions involve is activating three "abortion points" and then a defending a power core for 3-5 minutes. There are 27 in total and they really aren’t hard to deal for the most part. If you don’t have high enough agility, at least level 3-4, by the time you hit Mason quarry's part you might have a problem or two, might not.
    The game is very boring and annoying at this point, only way to stop yourself from going nuts is to lay off the primary and just go run around the city exploring, because during those 10 years the city has changed big time and it’s kind of cool to see how its changed.
    As for the weapons and tools given to the agent it has changed up since the first game, now there are several different vehicles you can get, but you have to meeting the requirement level of that skill.
    There are 5 skills in general, agility, Strength, weapons, bombs, and vehicles.
    Agility plays into your running speed and jumping ability and when you max it out you get the wing suit, so you can now gild AND NOW be able to go to agency island and get a hold off a CHOPPA.

    No lie, you cannot access the Choppa until you get max agility and the wing suit. I spent like half an hour trying, not fun.
    Strength plays into your HULK SMASH characteristics pretty much how hard you hit, and how heavy an object you can pick up, at around level 3 you can pick up heavy objects and use them as means to beat people.

    Weapons unlock new weapons mainly, if it is like the first game in any sort this trait also helps faster aiming of body parts, I didn’t really notice faster aiming from level oneto four. The higher your level the more powerful weapons you can unlock with the agency, this DOES NOT MEAN you can’t use these weapons just means you can’t get them from agency houses. However, you can’t buy all weapons from agency houses, you must locate them and bring them back and in the heat of the morning this is very hard to do.

    Bombs, unlocks more powerful grenades to use, but as stated in the weapons part you have to locate them and bring them back, and it’s hard to do when you got a cluster grenade and you want to kill everything within a 10 ft radius.

    Finally Vehicles the higher your level the better vehicles you get. Agency vehicles you will get with your vehicle level, but for Cell vehicles you have to bring them back, and they have some very interesting ones, fire truck with a rocket launcher on it is my favorite one. Mainly they are stolen agency vehicles that have been modified for their purposes.

    As the city has changed from what it once was 10 years ago, it makes navigating this city a bit harder. Areas are blocked off from the rest of the islands or the main land, bridges are destroyed. The best way to get around the city is on foot or by Choppa when you get that far.

    Controls: The controls are ok, just takes some time to get use to. Left bumper is reload, right is throw grenade, left trigger is lock on, and of course, right trigger is fire. The controls seem stiff and loose at different parts of the games. For example, when I’m trying to scale a building and I’m trying to do it in a hurry because I’m getting fired at it seems loose and I under shot the jump and I have to redo it. It does get worse when trying to scale when you have rockets coming at you. During combat the controls seem very stiff, best example is while defending one of the power cores couldn’t turn fast enough to throw a uv grenade and kill a group of them costing me the core and having to do it over again. When driving do not use the buggy YOU WILL NOT keep control, you will have to drive like grandpa and go slow if you want to keep some control.

    Online play: I haven’t played online yet, I did watch my friend play it, it’s pretty much 4 people come into the city and just screw around or do missions together. You bring your own stats into the game that you got and don’t have to restart. In all honestly it’s more fun to shoot at the others and screw up whatever they are doing. That is just me. You do need online play to complete a few achievements, one of which is gliding over the entire city and islands as one big group. Mainly it’s just free roam, similar to RDR, but not as much ground to cover and you got motorized vehicles.

    Annoying things: There are several things that annoy me:
    1) unlimited ammo for the enemy: I know they are the bad guys trying to prevent me from doing what I have to or want to, but damn do they have to have unlimited ammo? Having 5 or more people with snipers, rockets, and removed turrets firing at you to no end, no breaks, and no nothing is very over whelming and kind of kills the fun. If they have unlimited ammo, they should give me more than 12-20 rounds to use. At least 30 to 45 should be given to help out.
    2) The Handler, His voice is annoying; it’s cool for a few minutes beyond that it will drive you insane. He talks about random things when you’re in the middle of a mission. When the sun sets or rises he will inform you... Problem is he about 10 plus minutes off >.O the sun is already gone and he says "Soon the sun will set, watch yourself." or when the sun is up already he says "The sun will be up soon, feels good to be alive another day" Bah. The vehicle orbs you can chase around are the worse, every time you’re within 10 ft he will inform you, you can’t do that without a vehicle. BAH. I hate him >.>
    ALSO, every time you get an achievement he says "oh ya that achievement worthy" or something stupid

    3) The repetitiveness of the game. 27 points I have to turn on and 9 cores I have to watch over for 3-5 minutes. That is just annoying, and when sitting there trying to defend and you don’t have the right equipment you are pretty much screwed. Granted when fighting the freaks you need to use UV weapons to pretty much one shot them UV Shotgun is your best bet along with UV grenades.

    4) The amount of time it takes to upgrade agility. It took around 300 orbs to get to level 5 and get my wing suit. When you find an agility orb it becomes several small orbs and ya, all those small orbs counted as 1 percent towards your level, now it took finding 2 or so agility orbs to count as one, which was annoying itself. I think I spend about 2 hours actually trying to get orbs to get to level 5. I am picking on agility because the only way to upgrade this is by running around the city finding orbs or doing rooftop races, unlike everything else you can shoot, run over, make go boom, or punch in the face.

    5) Freaks and cell enemies that keep knocking you down. Ohhhh, this annoys me to death, when trying to defend agency island or a core and you keep getting knocked down by freaks, or cell members ram a rocket up you ya there is no way to get up in a second you got to lay on the floor for a few moments and wait till he gets up on his own. It’s impossible when the freaks are pounding on you, they do very little damage and I have to watch myself fail because of that.

    Overall: Pros
    The online looks interesting but not really something you would play for a long time.
    The new vehicles are worth trying to get a hold of just to ride them for a few minutes
    The weapons are new and fun
    Fun to climb to the tallest buildings and just jump off with the wing suit

    The game repeats itself within 20 minutes
    The enemies aren’t hard but can corner you and immobilize you
    Unlimited freaking ammo for the enemies.
    The handler
    Amount of time needed to upgrade something
    How short the actually storyline is

    In conclusion, the game has upgraded itself from the first installment; however, it has failed to be fun. Only having to deal with two enemies is boring, no variety in enemies, just cell and freaks. The storyline is complete crap, destroying the freaks and the virus, which is believed to be started by the agency, is annoying. 27 points is crap and 9 cores, ya that too many. You can include peacekeepers if you want, but you have to upset them first, not hard to do. The game isn’t worth 60 bucks, or even 30, the key to the city DLC should be a freebie just because of how bad this game is. I rented this game for 5 days so for the next 4 all I’m doing is online killing.

    The game gets 2.5/5 and is a rent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Great review Joker!

    Would you mind if I posted this to my site?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Great review joker! Loved it!!!
    Losing Is Not An Option.

    Check out my Tumblr CarsndMore

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    at my house


    this is a good review
    I was never really a fan of the Crackdown series
    if I have some money maybe I will go buy the first one
    but this was a good review!

    made by Th3-Devils-Princess
    Joe Mauer is the best catcher

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by W1CKEDTW1STED View Post
    Great review Joker!

    Would you mind if I posted this to my site?
    Go for it :P

    Edit: That review was my 2,000 post lawls
    Last edited by Jokersvirus; 12-11-2010 at 02:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jokersvirus View Post
    Go for it :P

    Edit: That review was my 2,000 post lawls
    Posted. Thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    US of A


    Good Review man! the Online play is actually something I bet you would Enjoy a lot...the Grieving capabilities are endless, whether that's a Pro or Con depends on you.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Really nice review Joker .. your best yet imo.

    +rep mate .. good job!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in Asia


    Huh, good game and also good review!

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