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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Star Wars Force Unleashed II

    In this second installment of the force Unleashed game line Starkiller, You, are on a mission of self discovery. Are you human, are you a clone, or is Vader just being a complete douche bag trying to confuse you so you don’t know which way is up? This journey will take you through 5 levels of fighting, killing, throwing, destroying, and anything else you can think of.
    Background/storyline: With no direct time line given within the story I assume within 6 months to a year after the first installment this one takes place. As we start the game we find our hero, Starkiller, in trouble on Kamiro for being a bad Jedi, BAD! He is having nightmares and dreams of what he has done in the first installment. Knowing this Vader gives Starkiller a test to see what is going on with him, you, you kill everything but the one thing Vader wants you to… Juno pretty much your only link to your humanity from the first game. Well Vader isn’t happy and as Starkiller asked the age own question of “What happens now?” He has a flash and sees that Vader rammed a light saber through him this didn’t sit well with him so now we are escaping. Escaping from this level you gain 99% of your abilities, or “relearn” them. Your primary mission is to locate Juno and get out of there with her. Starkiller is tiring of fighting and just wants the one person he loves. Vader knows this and beats him to the punch.

    Game play: The entire game play is just running from A to B destroying everything in your path. The game is the same as it was in the first one but just some new places to see and a new ability or two. It is a very typical hit and run type of game. The game has some fun aspects, like mind tricks, never gets old to see you say “You don’t belong here.” “I don’t belong here” /storm trooper jumps out the window and dies. It’s a lot of fun to do, but the biggest issue is this; it’s another repetitive game, everything you do you will do it over, and over, and over again. You destroyed 5 Walkers? Nice, prepare to destroy another 15 before moving on.. There is two boss battles, the rest are mini boss battles. First one is the Gorgde, or however you spell it, this takes place on level two while you’re looking for General Kota. This a boss battle because it’s a multi phase fight, not just I hit you 200,000 times and the fight is over, no, This is a 3 phase 3 so this is a true boss battle. Second one is Vader, of course, this is and isn’t a multi phase fight, starting off you fight Vader, phase 1, well he starts jumping around the cloning facility throwing tubes at you and releasing clones, phase 2. Really phase 1 and 2 are the same thing you repeat phase 2 for a good 15 minutes because you do so little damage to Vader. He blocks everything and after about 30 seconds to a minute he will walk towards you and openly allow you to hit him so you can move on to jumping around more, wash and repeat. After a while and you take down his health to the final bar cut scene occurs and after that you finally get to finish him.
    Any who, another issue with game play is the amount of timed scenes you have. IE when fighting a freezing war droid or Fire war Droid is that you can kill them only with the timed scene, I wasn’t able to just beat them to death with my sabers. Also during the timed scenes where you have to hit a button for so long that hurts after a small amount of time. For example, when finishing off Vader at the end you have to hit the Y button, on xbox360, for a good amount of time. My hand started to hurt and so did my forearm. I did it for about 20 seconds or so, 30 tops.

    Controls: Very typical for a game like this, X is attack, B is Force Push, Y is lighting, A is jump, Right trigger is grab. Etc. There are combo moves that you can pull off, and upgrading your saber ability allows you to pull off more combos by just hitting x over and over. You can throw in an x combo and hit B and execute a saber force push combo, same can be done with Y. I hope you enjoy hitting that X button for the next few hours.

    On line play: There is none, which is very sad. This game has the potential to be an epic online game. Fighting people online with light sabers and being able to customize the abilities given by the saber crystals would be pretty sweet. It would be like Tekken, Street Fighter, etc, but It still had the potential and that is what should have been explored. In this day and age of Xbox live and online gaming games like this don’t get a lot of attention because of the missing online value that could have been introduced. Those who enjoyed the first game, or are interested in this one will play it and buy it, but it wouldn’t be worth it.

    Special Abilities: All Jedi abilities are here, mind tricks, push, lighting, saber throw, grab. You can upgrade your abilities to do more damage and hit more people at once too, max of 3 people at one time.

    Customization: Customization is very limited. You have outfits you can wear which you unlock from an assortment of things, from completing the game to challenges. You do get to customize your light sabers to give you many different peaks, ranging from getting more health back when you kill enemies, setting enemies on fire, turning them into nothing when you hit them, regaining force energy. There is about 10 or so different saber crystals you pick up throughout the game.

    Overall: The game isn’t bad, but there isn’t much there to offer to a normal gamer who isn’t a fan of the game series. What disappoints me even more is the fact of the commercial on TV where Starkiller kills all storm troopers with repulse and starts to fight Vader. They hyped up this game too much and threw nothing into it for someone like who me wants more than just hit and run and hitting timed commands over and over. I am a fan of the series I enjoy the game but still they made very slow changed if any from the first.

    All the fun you can have with Jedi abilities.
    The fun saber crystals you can find and use
    The storyline
    The fun finishing moves from the combo X and A.

    Just killing stuff 100 times over before moving on to the next section to do it all over again.
    The large levels that need to be completed
    The shortness of the game
    The massive of amounts of Jedi clones you have to fight from level 3 onward.
    The disappointment of No Xbox live abilities
    The disappointment of the Vader Fight
    The boss fights how it takes several times repeating the same cycle to kill them and move onto the next phase in the fight.

    In short, the game is for true fan boys of the Star Wars Series. If you are a casual gamer you might enjoy it for a little bit beyond that you will get annoyed and bored with it. Hit and run games really have no depth of play or anything beyond just the storyline its what moves the player to keep going and see the end. In this case that was the variable that kept me going till the end. I didn’t rent it My friend allowed me to borrow it and I had it back to him in about 12-16 hours.

    2.5/5 – Rent if you dare.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Nice, succinct review mate .. well done


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    i opened this up and i was hit in the face with a brick wall..
    you wrote a novel.. and that novel was well written. good job.

    BTW.. my dad is 57 and is playing that game.. good for all ages, i guess HAHA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Awesome review, like always +rep

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Pen Island


    how does this compare to the first one? sometimes in the first one the gameplay would really frustrate me, is it like that in this too?

    i heard this was pretty bland...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by EpsilonX View Post
    how does this compare to the first one? sometimes in the first one the gameplay would really frustrate me, is it like that in this too?

    i heard this was pretty bland...
    The game play can annoy you. For me when i was on level 5 getting closer to fighting Vader there was this one part where I had to fight jedi Clones plus sith stalkers plus sith force clones. It was annoying and the only one to win was by using the force fury. I cant remember if this was in the first game or not I think there was something like it I just cant remember.

    Another time was when I was on the salivation trying to clear the hanger of enemies, ya.. a walker and two smaller walkers plus alot of storm troopers, the smaller walkers have heat seeking missiles that can hit you from anywhere. If you go around a corner you will still be hit. The taller walker has laser blasters that kill you in 3 hits and knock you down your pretty much your screwed.

    But to compare them real quick its the same thing just very small changes if any.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Cape Town


    This game looks cool should try the game out when I buy the game

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