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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Your Pick: Worst 360 Game (you purchased) Thus Far?

    I was just looking through my library of games and found myself frowning at several entries. It dawned on me that I've yet to see the forum really discuss this matter, and I was curious - now that we're rounding into the first real slate of Next Gen titles - what games have paved the roadsides of disappointment for you?

    For me, limiting it to solely games I thought highly enough to purchase, I'd have to say it's a tie between:

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance:

    + 4 player co-op.
    + some cool moves and a RPG-lite growth mechanic.

    - Proverbial cluster f--k when playing with 4.
    - AI is borderline drool retarded (circa 1993 retarded).
    - SCREAMS PS2 port in all but graphics.
    - Endless levels of repetitive combat.
    - Silly puzzles.
    - Plot that seems like it is being improved whilst I play.
    - RPG elements too complex to really get people unfamiliar with the game to enjoy, plus pausing all the time to allocate points (for those inclined) isn't conducive to fast couch sessions with half drunk mates.
    - Auto leveling isn't explicit enough (i.e. you have little clue what's getting buffed unless you pause and hunt through the menus - see last complaint).
    - did I mention the plot was lamer than a saturday morning kids show?

    Viva Pinata!! (Ie ie!)..

    + Beautiful Graphics.
    + Lots of variety in pinatas and gardening techniques.
    + Pretty sedate on the "kid show" vibe after you get past the tutorials (unless you go into a shop).

    - AI? Where are you, AI? Ok, they sleep and fight. Sometimes eat. How about some character or personality!
    - Not much of a point to the game. After a few hours I wondered why I wasn't just gardening in my real backyard opposed to virtually.
    - Didn't care for the "learn via trial and error" approach to game mechanics. Fertilizer is a great example: I really don't want to dink around for 3 hours trying different types to figure out which will work best, only to do the same for the next plant. There's just no fun in that for me.
    - Load times killed me.
    - Did I mention it was tedious?
    - Ultimately, it's a ?30 time sink with no real objectives.

    If I had to choose, Marvel Ultimate would be the winner (of the worst game title).

    So, what are yours (feel free to say why or I don't care)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    Ok the first 2 from me:

    Splinter Cell Double Agent:
    -Laggy online servers
    -Terrible lobby system/online interface
    -Dumbed down the game.
    -Hated the trust meter
    -I ended up missing the co-op and gadgets.

    Perfect Dark Zero
    -Found the Single player to be boring as hell.

    Out of those SC: DA was my biggest letdown since I was a huge fan of the series.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    Bomberman Act Zero

    Do i really need to have reasons for this one people...

    Nuff Said

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    hour of sorry i have a fetish for wwII games...but even i became turned off after i got this for like $

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I haven't purchased many stinkers. Ninety Nine Nights was the biggest let down for me. It dropped the ball in so many ways. Was pretty fun, but not satisfying.

    Basing this off my observation of others, the absolute worst has to be Hour of Victory. I've never heard a good thing about it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    I wonder if people even know what the difference between a good game and a bad game really is? It has nothing to do with how much one likes a game, but rather technicial aspects of the game combined with a comparable value. Just about all of the games listed in this thread do not justify that label as the "worst game on the XBox360" as many of those games did either have aspects that it did do well in or on a preponderance of aspects did well. A truly awful game must have terrible graphics and audio, terrible gameplay, terrible game value (quantitive), and terrible mechanics.

    Perfect Dark Zero was decent overall, and had some good multiplayer... just some extremely ugly art direction. Viva Pinata was a good game overall, but the concept was one that is just not compatible with the primary demographic of the XBox360 (this game is what you call "Brand Building"). Marvel Ultimate Alliance was decent overall, but nothing particularly stood out for me in that game. As for those that think the likes of Halo 3 or Gears of War was a terrible game... well... nothing I can do for you there. You might as well give up playing video games and leave the real games for the real gamers.

    If you REALLY want to know what is the worst game on the XBox360 then any answer than "Bomberman Zero" would be an inaccurate and incorrect answer. This game was just plain bad on ALL aspects... and I would challenge anyone to compare what they "think" is the worst game on the XBox360 to this game and explain why it is such.

    Now if you really want to play more awful games... go pick up a Nintendo Wii... you got a large library of bad and awful games. There are some games on the Nintendo Wii that is even worse than the extremely awful Bomberman Zero (though there are a handful of decent games on the Nintendo Wii as well). Can't judge a platform on the greatest or worst game though... it is the overall prominence of the library.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Cool View Post
    I wonder if people even know what the difference between a good game and a bad game really is? It has nothing to do with how much one likes a game, but rather technicial aspects of the game combined with a comparable value. Just about all of the games listed in this thread do not justify that label as the "worst game on the XBox360" as many of those games did either have aspects that it did do well in or on a preponderance of aspects did well. A truly awful game must have terrible graphics and audio, terrible gameplay, terrible game value (quantitive), and terrible mechanics.

    Perfect Dark Zero was decent overall, and had some good multiplayer... just some extremely ugly art direction. Viva Pinata was a good game overall, but the concept was one that is just not compatible with the primary demographic of the XBox360 (this game is what you call "Brand Building"). Marvel Ultimate Alliance was decent overall, but nothing particularly stood out for me in that game. As for those that think the likes of Halo 3 or Gears of War was a terrible game... well... nothing I can do for you there. You might as well give up playing video games and leave the real games for the real gamers.

    If you REALLY want to know what is the worst game on the XBox360 then any answer than "Bomberman Zero" would be an inaccurate and incorrect answer. This game was just plain bad on ALL aspects... and I would challenge anyone to compare what they "think" is the worst game on the XBox360 to this game and explain why it is such.

    Now if you really want to play more awful games... go pick up a Nintendo Wii... you got a large library of bad and awful games. There are some games on the Nintendo Wii that is even worse than the extremely awful Bomberman Zero (though there are a handful of decent games on the Nintendo Wii as well). Can't judge a platform on the greatest or worst game though... it is the overall prominence of the library.
    Nope. (In reference to your VP comment) There were too many flaws in VP. It was just like I said. A mediocre farm/city/tycoon sim in pinata clothing, introduced to a market with little experience in the genre.

    I never said that it's the worst game on Xbox 360, but the friggin title of the damn thread is worst game that you've PURCHASED. All of my other games are good to great. I have GRAW2, Lost Planet, Halo 3, Bioshock, WWE Smackdown vs Raw and Viva Pinata (there's more but I'm not going to list them all) Now is it really a stretch to say that VP is the worst out of that library? Keep in mind I'm a VERY experienced player in the genre. I've played TONS of Tycoon and Sim games on PC. I might actually know what I'm talking about. Nice little stab though. I appreciate the demographic comment. You try to have this overtone of superiority in your posts and it really gets old.

    Anyways, before you try to respond (if you bother) please try and brush up on some reading comprehension. You can start with the thread title.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Cool View Post
    I wonder if people even know what the difference between a good game and a bad game really is? It has nothing to do with how much one likes a game, but rather technicial aspects of the game combined with a comparable value. Just about all of the games listed in this thread do not justify that label as the "worst game on the XBox360" as many of those games did either have aspects that it did do well in or on a preponderance of aspects did well. A truly awful game must have terrible graphics and audio, terrible gameplay, terrible game value (quantitive), and terrible mechanics.

    Perfect Dark Zero was decent overall, and had some good multiplayer... just some extremely ugly art direction. Viva Pinata was a good game overall, but the concept was one that is just not compatible with the primary demographic of the XBox360 (this game is what you call "Brand Building"). Marvel Ultimate Alliance was decent overall, but nothing particularly stood out for me in that game. As for those that think the likes of Halo 3 or Gears of War was a terrible game... well... nothing I can do for you there. You might as well give up playing video games and leave the real games for the real gamers.

    If you REALLY want to know what is the worst game on the XBox360 then any answer than "Bomberman Zero" would be an inaccurate and incorrect answer. This game was just plain bad on ALL aspects... and I would challenge anyone to compare what they "think" is the worst game on the XBox360 to this game and explain why it is such.

    Now if you really want to play more awful games... go pick up a Nintendo Wii... you got a large library of bad and awful games. There are some games on the Nintendo Wii that is even worse than the extremely awful Bomberman Zero (though there are a handful of decent games on the Nintendo Wii as well). Can't judge a platform on the greatest or worst game though... it is the overall prominence of the library.

    You completely missed the point of this thread. Good job.

    I'll help you comprehend it, no worries.

    Your Pick: Worst 360 Game (you purchased) Thus Far?

    Now, this isn't name the overall worst game on the 360, this is name the worst game you personally bought.

    Do you understand now?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Hour of victory had no right to be is by far the buggiest game you will ever will see if you play it for 5 minutes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    Another game from me that needs a mention: Halo3.

    Found the single player boring and not very hard at all plus you have to go back and fourth which is crap.

    AI was retarded and did not have a clue.

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