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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Why Do You Play Games?

    Why do you play games? This is a question that will totally vary from gamer to gamer here. We?d like to see what your gaming methods are, what you strive for, and basically why you enjoy them so much.

    Do you play to be the best? Lately, with online gaming at more of a peak than never before, there has been a large amount of competition in gaming. When playing online, does making it to the top of the list, satisfy your need for playing online? Or do you just play for fun and not worry about a global ranking?

    Does completing a game fully to the point of earning 100 percent give you a great feeling of satisfaction? For a lot of us, it can certainly seem as though we get the full experience and money out of our purchase, but to others, just beating the game is enough. What?s your take on it?

    Do you play to have a vast feeling of accomplishment when on a team? Games like GRAW, Resistance, and many others have incorporated teams in today?s world of online gaming. Is it important to you to work as a team, or just get as many points possible for yourself and not worry about your teammates ?

    Do you play games to simply escape from reality? We know many stressful days can get to us, and it?s definitely a treat to throw our worries away for a period of time and blast through a couple of levels of a game.

    Do you play to learn more about them for a future career in the gaming industry? Do you pay attention to how the characters interact, level design, gameplay, pacing, etc?

    What other aspects about the gaming world, online or offline, keeps you playing games and fills your reason as to why you play video games?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    I play games to escape reality. I hate all the fake drama and BS I have to go through everyday. games are so entertaining and keep the more complicated stuff in life away, for at least however long you decide to play.

    I do like being ranked high on leaderboards and such..its more of a personal accomplishment thing than a, show the world I'm the best kinda thing..

    For me, I do like to feel as if I've completed a game..but its really up to myself when deciding how much i need to do in a game for it to feel complete..I do not think I need to beat a game on its hardest difficulty for it to be like oblivion, I like to play through it a few times and get comfortable with it..then I try to make a game that will be my ultimate save..

    I do like working together on a team and I feel satisfied when me and my partner/s do well..but for some reason I love the feeling of being the last person left on my team..and I take out the entire other team..lone wolf I guess I love both team and lone wolf style playing as they are equally rewarding to me..

    as I said in the beginning..yes I play games to simply escape reality and just have fun..

    hmm, well I do not think I want to pursue a career in making games..maybe reviewing them and such..but I do like to pay attention to the little details in games just for the hell of it..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southfield, Michigan


    i play games because they're not as boring as reading a book, and it has more involvement than watching tv.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Eta Carinae


    i play games because they are fun and the games i play over and over again are addicting to me, enough said for that question.

    oh yeah, some games give you a rush that you cant escape
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Great read! People plays games today but do not really think about why. We know why, for the fun but there is more to it.

    Why do you play games?

    I play games for the fun of it Games are like my gateway to a place where problem and defeat are lost in a land of accomplishment and freedom. It makes me feel great inside and when I win or finish a game, it is as if all of those hours were worth it. I beat this game, I won and proved to myself that I can do better. Not only in the real world, but in my mental state as well. We as humans have problems in this world that a one on one talk can not solve. A game is the way to solve this problem. It makes you forget about that problem and makes you think that it is not all that bad. Remember that this is how I think it, not everyone else.

    I play it for more then the sense of exit, I play to play. I love videogames and how it improves my life. This may be hard to believe if you are a parent or teacher with lack of a gaming experience, but for a gamer like me, it is great.

    Games like Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo give you that sense of being free. In Final Fantasy, seeing all these worlds and playing through them are ways to experience something otherworldly that just give you that spark in your head. It just makes you want to be there and live it. Live in a imagination that seems all to real.

    Gran Turismo is one of the gmaes for the racing fans out there. You see these tracks that you can only dream to visit. The game gives you a way to experience these real world places. You want to be there, racing these tracks. It feels so far away, and then you play and feel as if you are right there.

    I may just be going on about a dream that goes all to well, but games provide an imagination that becomes real to me. I guess the real reason I play games is for the feel of being somewhere else that no on else but the gamers and believers can visit.

    Do you play to be the best?

    I do sometimes but it is more fun to just be playing with people that like the same games you like. They (including me) like playing with other gamers. It is rare to find gamers and with the power of online gaming, it brings them all together in one place. I play to be the best but mostly play for interaction with others.

    There are games that I play to be the winner at all cost. Games like Tekken, Dead or Alive, Burnout, Socom, are games that drive me to be the best. Having your name on the top spot of the leaderboard is a great feeling. Who doesn't want to be the best?

    If you play online, you most likely play to be the best or play with others.

    Does completing a game fully to the point of earning 100 percent give you a great feeling of satisfaction?

    Yes I do it all the time. I will not put down a game to the point were I do not play it anymore, unless I beat it. I have beat games the point where there is nothing to do.

    I love the feeling of getting everything you can get in the game. 100 percent in a game is what drives me to continue after beating the game most of the time. It is just one of those things to a gamer that means a lot and makes the game that much enjoyable.

    Do you play to have a vast feeling of accomplishment when on a team?

    I can't answer this I don't have online

    Do you play games to simply escape from reality?

    Most of the time, yes.

    Earth is great and all, but, how much people can go to Japan or live is a tropical land? Not much. With games, you can not go there, but, you can experience it. Going to these woorlds within the game may just be a dream, but, atleast I am near that dream. The dream to go to places beyond my limit. i want to do all these things and gaming is my gateway to it. Most other hardcore gamers my have the same feeling and know what I am talking about.

    I hope games are here to stay and will provide a way to experience deeper into this new world of imagination.

    Do you play to learn more about them for a future career in the gaming industry? Do you pay attention to how the characters interact, level design, gameplay, pacing, etc?
    Lol no, I don't want a job as a games reviewer etc.

    Agian, this was a great read and really let me express why I love gaming. I wanted to go on and on but felt that readers would get bored

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Why do you play games?
    I play games for fun,for a challange,and also to get away from "the real world" i suppose... I enjoy being able to control a character or someone and be able to decide what my character does or goes. Also being able to use teamwork in online games is alot of fun. Even though sometimes when my teamates are really dumb and loud that pisses me off sometime but i still have fun overall.
    Do you play to be the best?
    A majority of the time i play online i play my best because i want people to know im good and also i want to have a challange when playing. Im happy when i win in a game. Also if i play really bad,people will say "noob" and what not which will definetly make the game not as fun.
    When playing online, does making it to the top of the list satisfy your need for playing online?
    Making it to the top of the list does make me happy. I want people to know that im good at a game and also i like to have a challange as well.
    Does completing a game fully to the point of earning 100 percent give you a great feeling of satisfaction?
    Completing a game fully to the point of earning 100 percent does give me a great feeling but a majority of the time beating the game is good enough for me. The main reason i don't really mind about fully beating the game is because i want to move on to other games that i have too beat.
    Do you play to have a vast feeling of accomplishment when on a team?
    Yeah i enjoy being on a team and working with one another on trying to beat the other team. Like in Warhawk where it is pretty neccessary to use teamwork when trying to capture a base or whatever i enjoy talking with one another and working with each other to win the game. I do sometimes just try to get as many points as I can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    cuz im a gamer is there any easier explanation lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    This may be a very odd answer, but I honestly don't know why I play games. lmao I'll get back to you on this, I need to think some more on it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles


    OOO!.. Something to make me stop and think.

    Escapism is a central part of gaming for me. But also, competition. Not competing against other people, but against myself and the game. Can I complete it? Or will I get frustrated and never play it again? I love it when a game really challenges me in that manner.

    Then there's the community aspect of it.. it's something to share with other people and talk about. It's an experience which enables you to relate to other people.

    Online gaming is ok... but I find I don't get as invested in online games because it's easier to get distracted and do something else... me and my wandering eyes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Melbourne, Australia


    I play to escape my boring consumer driven life...

    Nuff Said

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