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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    There are no other MMORPG games in the world that will suspend or ban you for leaving during an instance or dungeon or raid or some other group activity. As far as I know, LoL is the only game that has it.[/B]
    It's cause in WoW, and Diablo, you can be replaced. In LoL, you cannot. That's why the penalize you. They can't replace you, your team suffers, and more often than not, they lose. This is why you're penalized. Ban=no playing ever again, suspension=no playing for a short amount of time, slap on the wrist. If you can't sit through the game, don't play when you don't have time. I've played 1 game this week, as it's all I've been able to.
    Last edited by ROFLBRYCE; 07-13-2011 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    EDIT: Hold on one minute....I didn't post this here I posted this in a different thread. I swear to it!!! Why would I randomly post about LoL in a minecraft thread? That makes no sense.

    I SWEAR TO FRIGGIN HELL I did NOT post this here myself Someone must've moved it or there must've been a glitch or something cause...I mean lmfao why would I, again, post about LoL in a minecraft thread, out of NOWHERE!?
    Your vendetta with LoL has driven you mad. There's no hope, I think it's about time we put you down ._.

    *gets syringe*

    ♫Hush lil Saphy don't say a word..♫

    *slowly injects needle into Saph's butt*

    ♫Syngie's gonna buy you a mocking bird..♫

    Sig by TheMangler

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Syracuse, NY (but always California in my heart <3)


    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    Well I'll have you know Muffin that I actually don't play anymore. There's simply nothing to get, infact, I think it might be you who doesn't get it.

    There are no other MMORPG games in the world that will suspend or ban you for leaving during an instance or dungeon or raid or some other group activity. As far as I know, LoL is the only game that has it.

    And there's a good reason why.

    I'm sorry but for those of us who have an active life who'd preffer to NOT be forced to sit through 1 game for 40 minutes? LoL is simply a crappy and pointless game for us.

    So again, I think it is you, who don't get it.

    EDIT: Hold on one minute....I didn't post this here I posted this in a different thread. I swear to it!!! Why would I randomly post about LoL in a minecraft thread? That makes no sense.

    I SWEAR TO FRIGGIN HELL I did NOT post this here myself Someone must've moved it or there must've been a glitch or something cause...I mean lmfao why would I, again, post about LoL in a minecraft thread, out of NOWHERE!?
    It's the kind of system that makes the most sense for the kind of game that it is :/ Everyone who plays it pretty much thinks it's fair, because there is nothing more irritating than playing a game where someone leaves in the middle of it and ruins your chances completely. They're not out trying to persecute people who have lives... It's just the way that this kind of game works, and they have to prevent people from leaving whenever they want. No one gets special treatment just because they suddenly had something else to do. It wouldn't be fair to everyone else. They are doing what is best for the community as a whole. Don't get mad at the system that works the best for the genre just because you're too busy to dedicate the time it needs. :/

    LoL is NOT an MMORPG. LoL is a MOBA. They play VERY differently, and it is impossible to compare it to WoW... because the function of one person is very different.

    And no one moved your post :/ You must have thought you were in a different thread or something.

    ^ Sig by Foofle ^

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Beaverton, Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by Muffincat View Post
    It's the kind of system that makes the most sense for the kind of game that it is :/ Everyone who plays it pretty much thinks it's fair, because there is nothing more irritating than playing a game where someone leaves in the middle of it and ruins your chances completely. They're not out trying to persecute people who have lives... It's just the way that this kind of game works, and they have to prevent people from leaving whenever they want. No one gets special treatment just because they suddenly had something else to do. It wouldn't be fair to everyone else. They are doing what is best for the community as a whole. Don't get mad at the system that works the best for the genre just because you're too busy to dedicate the time it needs. :/

    LoL is NOT an MMORPG. LoL is a MOBA. They play VERY differently, and it is impossible to compare it to WoW... because the function of one person is very different.

    And no one moved your post :/ You must have thought you were in a different thread or something.

    First of all: Sure, in WoW and others you can be replaced. So, why not in LoL too? They're probably making a ton of money on it, and I'm sure they have the money to get a more equally fair system started :S

    And Muffin, you, like almost all other players in LoL, only see it from YOUR point of view: "YOU'RE A LEAVER QQ NOW I'M GONNA LOST A MATCH CAUSE YOU HAD BETTER THINGS TO DO!!!" Well Muffin fact of the matter is that there're things in life many thousands of times more important than the in-game success of 4 strangers who really won't suffer that much from losing a match or 2, I mean you don't get penalized for losing at all, except for getting a slightly smaller amount of JP and experience.

    But don't get me wrong, if you leave just cause you're angry and feel like rage quitting? That's not okay, but if you have a family who needs you or something else critically important to do? Then they should gtfo with their system.

    ^ See, I know that sounds totally unfair, impossible, and rediculously complicated to even bother doing. You can't have a system like LoL, which can tell the difference between those who rage, and those who have to go, I mean you COULD, but it would be very complicated and way too inefficient(like checking the chat logs for each fight and checking if someone seemed angry, or maybe even said "sorry guys gtg baby crying" or whatever)

    The system in LoL is absolutely not fair, in any way, shape, or form. It promotes Game > IRL, and makes people feel that they have to forsake more important matters alittle bit longer(alittle bit being up to and beyond 1 hr, ALOT happens in 1 hour :S)

    And yeah I do have alittle bit of a vendetta against LoL, cause they shove their customers away by loving those who have the time in life to play for hours on end with only a small handful of oppertunities to leave, rather than finding a way to let the less active players get a break on the leaver point system.

    I dunno, i'm sorry Muffin, but I have to simply say that here you are wrong, even if people on this forum disagree with me, I can almost guarantee you that many people elsewhere agree when I say that a system that punishes those who HAVE to go, is ****ed up, and shouldn't be used.

    @Synge: Dude that's just ****ing messed up looks like it's you who should be put down...
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  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Syracuse, NY (but always California in my heart <3)


    I've moved these posts to a more appropriate thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    And Muffin, you, like almost all other players in LoL, only see it from YOUR point of view: "YOU'RE A LEAVER QQ NOW I'M GONNA LOST A MATCH CAUSE YOU HAD BETTER THINGS TO DO!!!" Well Muffin fact of the matter is that there're things in life many thousands of times more important than the in-game success of 4 strangers who really won't suffer that much from losing a match or 2, I mean you don't get penalized for losing at all, except for getting a slightly smaller amount of JP and experience.
    No, I'm not :/ I know that people have life issues, and, sure, it sucks if you have to leave for that. But LoL is, above all, a team game. It's not like WoW where team play is not the core focus of the game. I'm not saying there isn't team play in WoW, but it's obviously very different. It's selfish of you to say that the other people on your team should just deal with you leaving. I'm sorry, but it is. They want to play, and they want to have a fair shot at winning. If you're unsure of if you'll be able to finish a match, then you should play custom games with friends or try something else. Why are you more important than the other people on your team? If your life is busy enough that you can't devote the time, then you shouldn't be playing this kind of game. You can play WoW or Minecraft or something. LoL is not something I would play if I knew I might have to leave soon. It's completely unfair to your team mates.

    I never said anything even close to what you're accusing me of. That is completely uncalled for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    But don't get me wrong, if you leave just cause you're angry and feel like rage quitting? That's not okay, but if you have a family who needs you or something else critically important to do? Then they should gtfo with their system.

    ^ See, I know that sounds totally unfair, impossible, and rediculously complicated to even bother doing. You can't have a system like LoL, which can tell the difference between those who rage, and those who have to go, I mean you COULD, but it would be very complicated and way too inefficient(like checking the chat logs for each fight and checking if someone seemed angry, or maybe even said "sorry guys gtg baby crying" or whatever)
    Exactly. It's impossible to tell. And checking the chat logs wouldn't work, because people could easily say things to leave and not get punished. This is the only system that works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    The system in LoL is absolutely not fair, in any way, shape, or form. It promotes Game > IRL, and makes people feel that they have to forsake more important matters alittle bit longer(alittle bit being up to and beyond 1 hr, ALOT happens in 1 hour :S)
    It is fair. It is the most fair system they can possibly implement. Think of it like our justice system. People who are guilty get away free, and people who are innocent sometimes get put in jail. It's unfortunate and we try our best to not let that happen. However, there is no possible way to keep this from happening with the tools we have. There just isn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    And yeah I do have alittle bit of a vendetta against LoL, cause they shove their customers away by loving those who have the time in life to play for hours on end with only a small handful of oppertunities to leave, rather than finding a way to let the less active players get a break on the leaver point system.

    I dunno, i'm sorry Muffin, but I have to simply say that here you are wrong, even if people on this forum disagree with me, I can almost guarantee you that many people elsewhere agree when I say that a system that punishes those who HAVE to go, is ****ed up, and shouldn't be used.
    Can you come up with a system that works, Saph? You haven't given any viable suggestions for this. They have a staff that I am sure thinks about this stuff, and there just isn't another option. They don't shove away their customer base. They try to make things as even as possible.

    Unfortunately, the nature of this kind of game is that it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. That's the kind of game this is. It's how it works. That's the problem. You're getting mad at something that pertains to the core mechanic of how the game works. You have to be willing to dedicate the time to it if you want to play, because if you decide to leave, then you leave your team behind.

    This isn't the kind of game where you can solo and win. You rely heavily on your teammates, and the leave system works to enforce that team play happens. Their market isn't people who have to leave to do something every 30 minutes - you have to set aside the time and do it when you think you can. You can play 3v3 games, which are usually shorter, and if I am short on time, I will decide to play a match on that map instead.

    I can't stress enough that the system in place is one that protects your game experience. It would be great if you could go "oh I have to go, my baby is crying" and not get penalized for it, but unfortunately, people are not trustworthy enough for us to believe that this is even the truth.

    Leaving the game early is a huge problem for your team, and in this game, the team is more important than one individual. That is the basis for it. What if someone left in the middle of a sport in real life? Wouldn't that hurt the team, if they couldn't do anything about it? It's unfair, and this is the only way that they can try to keep people from ruining everyone's game experience.
    Last edited by Muffincat; 07-12-2011 at 03:33 PM.

    ^ Sig by Foofle ^

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Ithaca, NY, USA


    If there were a competitive game of soccer and one of the players just walked off the field with no notice, it would be a problem and that person would be penalized.

    League of Legends is a team sport - if someone walks off the field(s of justice), they hurt the team, it is a problem, and they are penalized.

    That's the nature of how the game and competitive team sports are designed. The only thing to do is

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  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diligence109 View Post
    If there were a competitive game of soccer and one of the players just walked off the field with no notice, it would be a problem and that person would be penalized.

    League of Legends is a team sport - if someone walks off the field(s of justice), they hurt the team, it is a problem, and they are penalized.

    That's the nature of how the game and competitive team sports are designed. The only thing to do is


    Comparing a real life sport to a game..........
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post

    Comparing a real life sport to a game..........
    whats the difference(except the obvious) LOL is a big E sport game and people are in real competicions. Bith rely on teamwork and both need time.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muffincat View Post
    I've moved these posts to a more appropriate thread.

    No, I'm not :/ I know that people have life issues, and, sure, it sucks if you have to leave for that. But LoL is, above all, a team game. It's not like WoW where team play is not the core focus of the game. I'm not saying there isn't team play in WoW, but it's obviously very different. It's selfish of you to say that the other people on your team should just deal with you leaving. I'm sorry, but it is. They want to play, and they want to have a fair shot at winning. If you're unsure of if you'll be able to finish a match, then you should play custom games with friends or try something else. Why are you more important than the other people on your team? If your life is busy enough that you can't devote the time, then you shouldn't be playing this kind of game. You can play WoW or Minecraft or something. LoL is not something I would play if I knew I might have to leave soon. It's completely unfair to your team mates.

    I never said anything even close to what you're accusing me of. That is completely uncalled for.

    Exactly. It's impossible to tell. And checking the chat logs wouldn't work, because people could easily say things to leave and not get punished. This is the only system that works.

    It is fair. It is the most fair system they can possibly implement. Think of it like our justice system. People who are guilty get away free, and people who are innocent sometimes get put in jail. It's unfortunate and we try our best to not let that happen. However, there is no possible way to keep this from happening with the tools we have. There just isn't.

    Can you come up with a system that works, Saph? You haven't given any viable suggestions for this. They have a staff that I am sure thinks about this stuff, and there just isn't another option. They don't shove away their customer base. They try to make things as even as possible.

    Unfortunately, the nature of this kind of game is that it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. That's the kind of game this is. It's how it works. That's the problem. You're getting mad at something that pertains to the core mechanic of how the game works. You have to be willing to dedicate the time to it if you want to play, because if you decide to leave, then you leave your team behind.

    This isn't the kind of game where you can solo and win. You rely heavily on your teammates, and the leave system works to enforce that team play happens. Their market isn't people who have to leave to do something every 30 minutes - you have to set aside the time and do it when you think you can. You can play 3v3 games, which are usually shorter, and if I am short on time, I will decide to play a match on that map instead.

    I can't stress enough that the system in place is one that protects your game experience. It would be great if you could go "oh I have to go, my baby is crying" and not get penalized for it, but unfortunately, people are not trustworthy enough for us to believe that this is even the truth.

    Leaving the game early is a huge problem for your team, and in this game, the team is more important than one individual. That is the basis for it. What if someone left in the middle of a sport in real life? Wouldn't that hurt the team, if they couldn't do anything about it? It's unfair, and this is the only way that they can try to keep people from ruining everyone's game experience.

    Alright heard most of this before.... snip snip snip snip

    Ah, here we saves my gaming experience.........really? Again, you DO only think on one side of the box, Muffin. It may save some peoples gaming experience. But what about mine, and the people like me? I'm so arrogant in this cause those of you who DONT care about the system being so messed up, have the game dev on your side, while us who have better things to do, and those things MOSTLY not being planned(like a child? Or a pager job?), get banned and suspended left and right for keeping our lives together. Sure, makes absolute perfect and undeniable sense, Muffin, totally, completely.

    And if I could make a better system? As a matter of fact I could. Take for example WoW's dungeon finder feature. Sure it's WoW, but some parts of WoW is worth using. If 1 person leaves, another person takes his place. I mean how many people every minute of every day sits and waits for a queue to start? Wouldn't it be SO much faster if they got a spot that someone else left? Doesn't that make more sense than simply suspending/banning the person who left and tell the people still waiting in queue to go f themselves?

    If they'd accept the idea of making a system where people who're in a queue gets spots that others left, not only does it save the gaming experience, it also saves people from getting long queues, as can happen.

    And let me rephrase Dilis illustration of it being a football game or a soccer game.

    Dili, normally in a soccer game when someone leaves the field for whatever reason, they have a handful of replacement players who can take over in case of for example injuries.

    ^ Isn't that pretty much MY idea? Replacements?
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post

    Comparing a real life sport to a game..........
    Quote Originally Posted by paecmaker View Post
    whats the difference(except the obvious) LOL is a big E sport game and people are in real competicions. Bith rely on teamwork and both need time.
    Yeah... I'm not seeing the problem here.. Perfectly good analogy.

    I think you're taking things a bit too personally Saph. The rules are set the way they are to benefit the majority of those that play, and provide them with a solid and fair competitive experience.

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