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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Fallout 3 review

    In lack of new games to review I am doing it with this old beauty. And like always, express your thoughts of the game and the review.

    You hear a very high complaining noise and the big metallic gate starts to move. The gate opens slowly and you go through into a small tunnel. You see a bright light ahead and try to get closer. At the end of the tunnel is an old and worned wooden door, the light slippes out from small holes and cracks in the wood. You open the door and, everything turns white..........As you eyes are getting used to the light you start to see things, a small suburb with little houses and cars, or atleast whats left of them. WELCOME TO THE CAPITAL WASTELAND.

    Fallout 3 is a RPG/shooter hybrid in mostly 1ps, view even if you can play in third person to. It was developed by bethesda in 2008.

    The fallout serie sets in a dystopical future world destroyed by an all out nuclear war between China and USA. The funny thing is that even if the war happend in the future the esthetics satyed in the 50:s. The story in F3 starts in one of the fallout shelters more often called vaults. The beginning shows you being birthed in vault 101 outside washington(more commonly called the capital wasteland now), and growing up. In this part you choose all things from your looks and sex to your attributes and skills.

    In the age of 19 your dad escapes the vault during strange circumstances and leaving you behind. The leader of the vault blame you and sends guards to get you. Thanks to a cockroach(dont ask)breach you are able to escape the vault and here is where the real game begins.


    The normal gameplay in F3 is pretty like a shooter at a first call even if there are some major differences. under the shooter like apperance there is a rolling dice counting the damage of your shots and stuff.
    You can use a weapon in two ways. The normal way to just shoot at the enemy or the V.A.T.S.(vault-tec assisted targeting system)

    This basicly paus the game and you are able to pinpoint the places where you like to aim. The target is shown with several target areas, like arms, legs, head. These different areas do different kinds of damage and sometimes bonus things, like shooting an arm may damage the enemys weapon manoeveraribility(you can shoot the actual weapon also) All these different areas have different numbers, the numbers show the chance of hitting the part in procent. After you take your shots(you have a number of shots per VATS use) you see how you shoot in slowmotion and if you kill your target it will often end in an explosion of flesh and blood.

    As a RPG game you will level up and gain new powers. You can choose to upgrade your skills in things like strength and agility but also in different weapons and hacking. Apart from the skill tree you can choose different perks that give you other powers. Some makes you invisible while others make you more resitant against radiation.

    There are many perks so you cant have them all.

    In weapon ways there are many different things, frome close quarter weapons like baseball bats to guns and rifles. Weapons ranging from bb guns to mini nukes.

    Across the world(the capital wasteland) you can find several blueprints that allows you to make your own weapons. The first time I heard about(you can make your own weapons) I was really happy dreaming of all the weapons I could do, and when I noticed that I needed a blueprint I was like .

    The capital wasteland is a true wasteland with lots and lots of enemies, ranging from giant insects to soldiers and renegade robots via green orcish similar mutants to zombies(ghouls).

    Apart from the enemies you got many friends to. You can find some in the wasteland but most of them hole up in one of the many villages in town, the most notable Megaton is about the first place you come to after the vault.

    It is built from old wreckages and scrap(the entrance is practically driven by a jet engine) In the middle of this town sits a big muthafuc**** nuke waiting to explode. This place is also one big example of the choices nad morale system in the game. By talking to the right guys you can get a mission that is about blowing up the town with the nuke.

    This is used by a karma system, this determines how good or evil you are and how people are gonna treat you.

    Like I said before you play in the ruins in and around washington. Anywhere you can see the former city in the distance and there are tonnes of things to see and do. There are several famous places you can visit in one way or another, like lincoln memorial, the washington monument, ppentagon and the Capitol Hill. There are also more unknown places to go like military bases and sattelite stations. There are also lots of caves and caverns around the place. There are also metro stations around the world.

    A few screenshots(not mine)


    Graphics and sound

    The game uses the same engine as oblivion. it is fairly good at paining but sucks at making faces. The faces of the characters are dead, they talk but you are only looking into their dead eyes and the expressionless face.
    Even if it is a wasteland they use about the same colours everywhere. The ruins of washington is however more entertaining because of the different buildings and things to find. One thing I dont like is that many buildings look exactly the same from within, its either the industrial place 1a, or the office floor 2b.

    I think personally while the voices of the more important characters like your dad are good many other voices sounds the same. I truly hate the ghoul female voices cause they sound so disgusting(atleast I think so). The sounds of the weapons could be much better. The first gun sounds not like a gun at all and all (normal) guns could use a sound overhaul. One of the things I love with this game is the athmosphere. The radio channel independence "something" play music from the 40-50:s and the radio guy is nicely voiced. The other channel is the enclave and is only a recorded radio program that repeats while the other one changes at least a little. I truly love the songs in the game

    Overwiev fallout 3

    Its a good game with some bugs. The time you can put into this game is just amasingly long and it feels almost always that there is more stuff to explore and more missions to do. The game have several endings and there are just so many choices. If you dont like the people you can kill almost everyone except the most crucial. The V.A.T.S. system is working good even if some of the numbers (percentage of hit) are odd somtimes. I also think that it is overduing the bloodyness. With one(1) perk almost every shot is blowing one arm of (but most often both arms AND legs with one shot). The guns suffer sometimes from strange calculations and the graphics, even if they are ok is turning old.

    The people in the place looks ugly(even the ones not meant to look ugly) with dead eyes and often irritating voices. The people are hovever more fun to talk to than in Oblivion.


    Story- 8/10 the main story is pretty trivial at first but it gets better, and there are many other stories out there to.

    Gameplay- 8/10 there are lots to discover and while many places look the same I can say its funny anyway

    Graphics- 6.5/10 I think its time to switch this oldrunner now.

    sound- 8/10 Some voices are awesome while others are disgracefull, I only give it such a high point because of the songs.

    Feeling/atmosphere- 9/10 Its a true atmosphere, there are many places to visit and a museum to wathc things in. I love nuka cola(so does one person ingame she really love nuka cola) I also love the 50 ethics and the robots. This isnt a scary game, far from it. Even if you see many meatchunks, strange mutants and ghouls the dark humour always come forward one step stronger.

    Total- 8/10 If you dont care about the graphics and faces there is a great game waiting for you.

    Operation Anchorage.

    This is the first DLC that I write about.

    This DLC is starts when you find a military outpost manned by "the brother hood of steel outcasts". They want you to help them open a security vault with lots of weapons inside but the only way to make that is to go into a war simulation. Anchorage is mentioned several times during the game and is the first place the chinese forces invade.

    The DLC is set in a computer simulation during the retaking of Anchorage in Alaska. This part have no mutants and you are facing chinese soldiers and tanks.
    There are no blood in this DLC, every person you kill vanish almost instantly. OA(operation anchorage) is a very linear episode with only a few options. There are no sidequests so the only quest is to defeat the chinese.

    In OA you will meet the us army for the first time,

    The gameplay is more action oriented, you can only pick up some weapons and there are health and ammo boxes to pick up.

    The weapons and armors you can pick up after the simulation is some of the most powerfull Ive seen in the game.

    I give this game a 6/10- I think it is too linear and too unlike the rest of the game.

    The pitt

    The pitt is the second DLC I tried and is is set in the post apocalyptic remains of pittsburgh. In the city the slaves are suffering from a disease and the leader of the raiders seem to have a cure.

    You pretend to be a slave and sneaks in there. This place is more similar the original F3 as there are more open space and more quests and choices. There are several new enemies, like the trogs and different kinds of raiders.

    Unlike F3 the pitt wasnt hit by a nuclear weapons directly so the buildings is complete, ravaged but still complete.

    I give this DLC a 7/10- due to the more F3 nature, the different endings and more quests.

    Point lookout

    This is the only addon where you can go back to the "real world" as you wish. This add on is set in a swamp and you travel there by boat. As it is a swamp and wasnt hit by any nuclear weapons there are more colour in this here(its in a different area as the rest of the game) But is sitll contaminated by radioactive waters.

    This is the add on thats most like the original F3 with a totally open map with much to discover and several side quests.

    I see the change of colours as a good thing, but in the end its simply to much of it. And the locals are really irritating. In this DLC you fight both normal enemis like dogs, mirelurks(called swamplurks) and new enemies like cultists and what I refer to as hillbillys.

    There are a few new weapons like some variant of the hunting rifle that is much better.

    You can travel away from this place whenever you want(but it costs money) Now dont expect big cities here like in F3, its as far away from civilisation that you will come from, the only place that can accually be called civilisation is the beginning ground.

    I give this DLC a 6.5/10 Its good with an open map but I found the enemies mostly boring and the swamp is very repetive.

    Mother ship zeta

    In this DLC you get captured by aliens and is about trying to escape. I found this DLC accually pretty funny cause thye aliens are both different to everything you encounter in the wasteland and the characters here are funny. I can also add that the alien in the add on sound really ugly(they communicate via clicks and other non human sounds) and eat worms and ****(you can eat it too)

    This DLC have numbers of new enemies, all from the aliens and their robots to their biological creations. There are also a number of alien weapons that are highly efficient. The ship is also a nice place to visit with its design that is so unlike all other you seen in the game.

    One bad thing hovever is that its a pretty linear story with slim to none exploration.

    I give this DLC a 7/10 Its mostly funny but I wanted to explore more of the spacehip(its huge)

    There is one more DLC, broken steel but because unlike the other DLCs that you can play whenever you want this one only starts after you finished the main campaign in F3 so I wont review it.
    Last edited by paecmaker; 06-02-2011 at 11:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by paecmaker View Post
    A few screenshots(not mine)


    What do you have against us ghouls, bub?!

    Nice review. Do you have the GOTY copy or the regular retail? If you had bought the GOTY, it saves alot of money and time trying to get all the DLC's.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by R3d M4g3 View Post
    What do you have against us ghouls, bub?!

    Nice review. Do you have the GOTY copy or the regular retail? If you had bought the GOTY, it saves alot of money and time trying to get all the DLC's.
    I got the GOTY edition, I plan on adding the DLCs on this review, its just that my schedule is very tight on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Beaverton, Oregon


    I have all the DLCs for F3, and they honestly make the game x5 as awesome!

    Just try the alien one, drop dead awesome.
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  5. #5
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    May 2011


    Aaaah how I loved F3.... and F2... and FTactics... great games.
    I love to just kill EVERYBODY i meet... you know... you get lots of exp, loot and you don't have to bother with stupid fetch quests :3

    "Those creatures are like Butterflies. Except that they don't fly, and they're really ugly. And they have a lettuce stuck right in their throats. Actually, they're nothing like Butterflies. But they make cocoons... like Butterflies."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    I Fallout, and honestly I got nowhere, so before I sold the game, I blew up the nuke in that one town and it was FUNNY! HAHAHAHA...ha...ha....oh man something is wrong with me...
    "Tonight make me unstoppable, and I will outshine all..."
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I did just add all DLCs, its not so much but I hope that will do.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    If you ever get broken steel, add that to the review.
    I would really be intrested in your review on that, loved this whole review. :3

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Brisbane, QLD


    Good review, I might rent it out again just for teh lolz, and to see if its worth getting...But when my friend gave me a turn of it, I was very confused, and didn't have much idea as to what to do, but regardless, I'll give it a try and see if I can get to understand it properly, I've only gotten into the computer versions of Fallout, the earlier ones.

    ''Hey vanity, this vials empty. And so are you.''

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Get it for the PC, be sure you can run it.

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