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Thread: From Dust?

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhmmz View Post
    "Aren't that bad" and "fine" isn't good enough.

    After I purchased From Dust from Steam, I immediately asked for a refund. The visuals were shoddy and the controls were disgusting unless you were using a 360 pad for Microsoft Windows.

    It's just another vile console port.
    If you've read my old posts, you'd know that I only use k/m - because it's one of the benefits of being a PC gamer. I don't see the point in hating games for their graphics. It's just another port - big deal. There are plenty of ports nowadays, and From Dust is no different. I didn't finish the game because I found it boring and repetitive after a while, but the graphics didn't seem to bother me. Maybe it's just my extreme tolerance towards games with bad visuals, but I don't see what the big deal is.

  2. #22
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter99 View Post
    If you've read my old posts, you'd know that I only use k/m - because it's one of the benefits of being a PC gamer. I don't see the point in hating games for their graphics. It's just another port - big deal. There are plenty of ports nowadays, and From Dust is no different. I didn't finish the game because I found it boring and repetitive after a while, but the graphics didn't seem to bother me. Maybe it's just my extreme tolerance towards games with bad visuals, but I don't see what the big deal is.
    I didn't say that you were using a 360 pad, I was making a general statement that had no relation to the hardware that you may or may not use. I was backing up my argument that From Dust is a really bad console port.

    You are right, there are plenty of ports, but not all ports are as bad as From Dust. A lot of games are created on consoles first these days, but some decent developers always go the extra mile to cover it up and make the PC version worthy of actually being a PC game. The visuals for From Dust are bad. No anti-aliasing unless the game is windowed, as well as the texture resolution being horrendous. I should not need to compromise and window my game to make it look a little bit better. Not even windowing the game can rescue it though.

    Tolerance and expectancy are two different things in this situation. I expect games to look like it's the year 2011, and I expect PC games to look like they should do on the PC. From Dust fails in those two areas, as well as it failing with the controls. It is unacceptable.

    I don't have a clue why people can just idly sit back and accept developers lazy work when they could have give you so much better for your money.
    Last edited by Jayhmmz; 09-12-2011 at 10:21 AM.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhmmz View Post
    I didn't say that you were using a 360 pad, I was making a general statement that had no relation to the hardware that you may or may not use. I was backing up my argument that From Dust is a really bad console port.

    You are right, there are plenty of ports, but not all ports are as bad as From Dust. A lot of games are created on consoles first these days, but some decent developers always go the extra mile to cover it up and make the PC version worthy of actually being a PC game. The visuals for From Dust are bad. No anti-aliasing unless the game is windowed, as well as the texture resolution being horrendous. I should not need to compromise and window my game to make it look a little bit better. Not even windowing the game can rescue it though.

    Tolerance and expectancy are two different things in this situation. I expect games to look like it's the year 2011, and I expect PC games to look like they should do on the PC. From Dust fails in those two areas, as well as it failing with the controls. It is unacceptable.

    I don't have a clue why people can just idly sit back and accept developers lazy work when they could have give you so much better for your money.
    It looks like a 2011 game to me. I really like the water physics and the way the environment slowly changes from a dry desert to a tropical paradise is just amazing. The cut scenes, the people, and the close-up view of the landscape looked very bad though.
    The controls were laggy and kinda annoying, but it's not an fps, and it doesn't require speed, so it's not that bad.
    The developers see more profit in consoles, and that's why they don't pay as much attention to making the PC releases. Besides, it's better to have a ported game, than no game at all. I still hate the way Treyarch completely ignored the PC, and made COD 3 a console exclusive game. I feel the same way about BC, Allan Wake, Halo etc...
    Ubisoft were kind enough to at least port the game onto the PC.

  4. #24
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter99 View Post
    It looks like a 2011 game to me. I really like the water physics and the way the environment slowly changes from a dry desert to a tropical paradise is just amazing. The cut scenes, the people, and the close-up view of the landscape looked very bad though.
    The controls were laggy and kinda annoying, but it's not an fps, and it doesn't require speed, so it's not that bad.
    The developers see more profit in consoles, and that's why they don't pay as much attention to making the PC releases. Besides, it's better to have a ported game, than no game at all. I still hate the way Treyarch completely ignored the PC, and made COD 3 a console exclusive game. I feel the same way about BC, Allan Wake, Halo etc...
    Ubisoft were kind enough to at least port the game onto the PC.
    I just don't think it looks like a 2011 game, at all. The physics are really good, I do agree with you there, but the PC effort is so lazy, and it's a pile of wank.

    The console version looks great, for consoles, sure. But I'm angry because I chose to get it on PC over console because I was certain that Ubisoft Montpellier would actually put some effort into their work. Why should I have to compromise and get it on console? It's disgusting that they can get away with it. I'm not the only one raging about it either, there are thousands of others sharing the same opinions as me.

    I'm not burning you or anything, put it's people like you who make Ubisoft feel that they can get away with releasing such an unpolished game. More people need to challenge the average work of developers so that they know that what they're producing just isn't good enough for the standard of the platform.

    I don't want a game on PC that is just "OK." I want a game that uses each platform to its full potential, if not close to it. It's just unacceptable when crap like this is distributed.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhmmz View Post
    I just don't think it looks like a 2011 game, at all. The physics are really good, I do agree with you there, but the PC effort is so lazy, and it's a pile of wank.

    The console version looks great, for consoles, sure. But I'm angry because I chose to get it on PC over console because I was certain that Ubisoft Montpellier would actually put some effort into their work. Why should I have to compromise and get it on console? It's disgusting that they can get away with it. I'm not the only one raging about it either, there are thousands of others sharing the same opinions as me.

    I'm not burning you or anything, put it's people like you who make Ubisoft feel that they can get away with releasing such an unpolished game. More people need to challenge the average work of developers so that they know that what they're producing just isn't good enough for the standard of the platform.

    I don't want a game on PC that is just "OK." I want a game that uses each platform to its full potential, if not close to it. It's just unacceptable when crap like this is distributed.
    Sending letters and hating their games won't change much either. PC gamers are "dying out", and this is the age of the consoles. As I already said, it is much better to have a ported game, than no game at all. Besides, I didn't buy the game, so I don't feel ripped-off at all.
    When I come to think of it, it is kind of a letdown, because Ubisoft used to be good towards their PC releases - well, up to a certain point they were.
    But still, I would prefer to have a ported BC, COD3 and Halo, rather than buying a console just to play these three games. I personally think that the PC is the best gaming platform but unfortunately, it is also the least popular one. They don't see much profit in PC gamers, and being angry about it won't change anything. I don't see the point in wasting time telling Ubisoft something they already know, and get no results at all. It's just a bad port, big deal. And I stick to what I said: I prefer to have a bad port, rather than buying a console in order to play some console-exclusive games.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter99 View Post
    It's just a bad port, big deal.
    I spent money on that bad port, as well as thousands of others. It is a big deal. They have profited from releasing a ****ing **** game. I would love to take a baseball bat to their developer's systems in the Montpellier office, because they are no use to the staff at all if they're going to sit around on their arses all day just clicking a few buttons and porting the console version over without polishing it. Lazy ****s.

    Also, PC gaming isn't dying out. There are so many things still keeping the PC gaming industry alive. There are still a good amount of PC-only games that have already been released, and ones that are in the process of being released. This especially applies to MMORPG games, and we all know how popular they are. Guaranteed that games like WoW are more popular than any console game out there at the moment. Arguably, Call of Duty is less popular on console, than WoW is on the PC.

    A lot of the developers love the PC platform, because it allows them to stretch their engines to the limit. Take EA DICE for example. DICE are revelling in the fact that they can get so much more out of their Frostbite engine than they can get from the consoles. It shows, too, because the game looks astonishingly good.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhmmz View Post
    I spent money on that bad port, as well as thousands of others. It is a big deal. They have profited from releasing a ****ing **** game. I would love to take a baseball bat to their developer's systems in the Montpellier office, because they are no use to the staff at all if they're going to sit around on their arses all day just clicking a few buttons and porting the console version over without polishing it. Lazy ****s.

    Also, PC gaming isn't dying out. There are so many things still keeping the PC gaming industry alive. There are still a good amount of PC-only games that have already been released, and ones that are in the process of being released. This especially applies to MMORPG games, and we all know how popular they are. Guaranteed that games like WoW are more popular than any console game out there at the moment. Arguably, Call of Duty is less popular on console, than WoW is on the PC.

    A lot of the developers love the PC platform, because it allows them to stretch their engines to the limit. Take EA DICE for example. DICE are revelling in the fact that they can get so much more out of their Frostbite engine than they can get from the consoles. It shows, too, because the game looks astonishingly good.
    If MMORPGs become the only PC games out there, PC gaming is as good as dead to me - because I hate MMORPGs (including WoW). I am aware about the WoW fans, but that doesn't change the fact that the PC is becoming less popular. Young gamers are console gamers, and WoW will eventually get old and many people will stop playing it.
    Also, EA/Dice betrayed PC gamers by making BC a console-exclusive. Even though Battlefield 3 looks amazing, it is stupid of them not to release BC on the PC - at least its campaign. If they were more like Ubisoft (this goes for Treyarch too) they would have ported the game and sell it as an expansion or something. I hate console exclusive games (especially when they're fps), and I am much more satisfied with bad ports, than no games at all.
    If you feel bad about spending money on it, thinking that Ubisoft ripped you off, than don't buy their games, or even better, return the favor by pirating them. - Note: Destroying their systems with a baseball bat is far more illegal than downloading games for free

    ps: I didn't write eariler because of internet connection problems. Sorry for that.
    pps: I traded A2OA for From Dust, so I actually got the better game.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shooter99 View Post
    If you feel bad about spending money on it, thinking that Ubisoft ripped you off, than don't buy their games, or even better, return the favor by pirating them. - Note: Destroying their systems with a baseball bat is far more illegal than downloading games for free
    Not a bad idea at all...

    EA DICE did eventually bring a BC game out for the PC, in the form of BC2, but I still don't understand why they felt the need to not release the original BC for PC.

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