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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Well I don't really know what to think. I'm a veteran WoW player and I've seen a lot in this game. All of the dungeons I was playing was really fun and I really enjoyed them. But... Pandas? In few next expansions they probally gonna release a Doggy Race or a Kitten. I think Blizzard is running out of ideas and they are making a game for kids that watched Kung Fu Panda and they wanna play it in some game. I'll not be suprised when I gonna see a new WoW mount: A Pony!. Yeah this pink one. Still I hope they gonna do some great PVP. I'm also worried about this new Talent system. In cataclysm this system was not so good and they are changing it again. Hope for good. Level cap raised to 90. Well that's not a surprise. They always are doing it. But I'm just curious how much HP and MP characters will have . Still new world can be very nice! I must think about it. Maybe I'll come back to wow to play it and see how things are going.

    I'm waiting for more infos from Blizz. For now I think it's pretty good because I don't mind seeing pandas. But they could create something more dark.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Well I don't really know what to think. I'm a veteran WoW player and I've seen a lot in this game. All of the dungeons I was playing was really fun and I really enjoyed them. But... Pandas? In few next expansions they probally gonna release a Doggy Race or a Kitten. I think Blizzard is running out of ideas and they are making a game for kids that watched Kung Fu Panda and they wanna play it in some game. I'll not be suprised when I gonna see a new WoW mount: A Pony!. Yeah this pink one. Still I hope they gonna do some great PVP. I'm also worried about this new Talent system. In cataclysm this system was not so good and they are changing it again. Hope for good. Level cap raised to 90. Well that's not a surprise. They always are doing it. But I'm just curious how much HP and MP characters will have . Still new world can be very nice! I must think about it. Maybe I'll come back to wow to play it and see how things are going.

    I'm waiting for more infos from Blizz. For now I think it's pretty good because I don't mind seeing pandas. But they could create something more dark.

    Sorry for double posting. I dind't mean to do it. Please delete one of my posts
    Last edited by leonehe; 10-22-2011 at 04:06 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Il find pretty funny that a race that started as an april fools day joke now get its own wow expansion.

    However one a more serious note I really wonder how long they can keep this. The in game universe have suffered from one disaster to another, so I wonder how this one will do any difference.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Lol Just in the past 6 months they've lost tens of thousands of players.... but even so, I bet WoW will live on for a while longer still. Theres going to be the die hard fans that dont play anything but WoW that will never quit :P

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    In your thread


    Like I am saying out with World of Warcraft and in with World of Starcraft. But in the form of some fancy acronym that is way better than WoW or LoL.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I must admit, I am a WoW whore and cannot get oenough of it. I was therfore rather hesitant when I caught the new trailer for MoP. At first I was dead against the idea of Po and friends as it looked to childish for my liking (I am a lore fiend). I understand that WoW has had Panderin since Warcraft 3 but they are really just a jokey side attraction. I am down for beta testing the MoP and I am prepared to withhold my judgement till then, but it is not looking good from the releases I have seen. The new talent system is shocking and I hope not a final decision. It is yet another way to dumb down the game for braindead idiots to not struggle.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lilliai View Post
    I must admit, I am a WoW whore and cannot get oenough of it. I was therfore rather hesitant when I caught the new trailer for MoP. At first I was dead against the idea of Po and friends as it looked to childish for my liking (I am a lore fiend). I understand that WoW has had Panderin since Warcraft 3 but they are really just a jokey side attraction. I am down for beta testing the MoP and I am prepared to withhold my judgement till then, but it is not looking good from the releases I have seen. The new talent system is shocking and I hope not a final decision. It is yet another way to dumb down the game for braindead idiots to not struggle.
    I don't see how they're dumbing down the game. They improve it for casual players and new re-rolls for sure, but it's not dumbed down. Imagine going 1-90 with the exp rates the same as they were at vanilla, TBC and wrath drop. You'd die. It would take absolutely forever. They improve the levelling rate to hit end game content.

    The new talent tree re-working will make the game a million times better. There's literally thousands less combinations, but as of right now, everybody raiding or PVP is sticking to the same 2 or 3 builds that are viable to their spec. There's only about 3 specs that work effectively with DW Frost DK DPS. With the new re-works, you choose a specific skill or ability to accommodate your play style, and help you out more. It looks simpler, but being one talent point every 15 levels, it'll have that much bigger an impact on your gameplay.

    I was skeptical watching the MoP trailer as well, but the more I've listened learned and looked into it the better it gets, and I'm more excited that ever. The games done nothing but improve with each expansion for me (except AV. I miss 4 hour struggles, I'll be honest) and I'm sure this will do the same.

    Another thing people are ragging on is the pet battle system, saying it's a lame Pokemon rip off. So what? It beats standing there dancing or flying in circles in SW or Org waiting for your dungeon queue to BWOOOONNN. They're adding content to keep people busy, occupied, and entertained. This next expansion will not be a dissapointment to those who enjoy the game. It'll definitely be a fresh experience to everybody, and it'll be interesting to see what hazard is going to come to Azeroth next. Blizzard hasn't even revealed a sliver of MoP yet. Just a taste to get everyone excited.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Yea, your points are valid, I guess i'm just old school. The new talent system to me is not that great, as with anything in WoW there are always people to ask about spec and talents to get the best out of your char. I know I did, when I first got into playing my Lock my talents were very mismatched and it took a fellow guildie to point that out to me. It made me think more of what was required from me and my Lock.
    And I agree, a lot of people turned off from Cata and said it was poor in comparison to WotLK. I disagree with that although the jump from HC to raid was quite a lot more than we were used to (I am now unable to upgrade my gear from anywhere apart from raid) and after starting a new guild thats kinda hard till the roster is fuller lol.

    I think the main issues I have is that people don't seemt o be willing to work for the rewards like we use to in the old days. Everyone wants to be in a lvl 25 guild, whereas me and my fellow guildies want to be more lore based and driven.

    Either way like I said I am willing to completely change my opinion after playing the beta and seeing what it's like. I have faith that Blizzard know what they are doing....

    But lets see lol :P

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lilliai View Post
    Yea, your points are valid, I guess i'm just old school. The new talent system to me is not that great, as with anything in WoW there are always people to ask about spec and talents to get the best out of your char. I know I did, when I first got into playing my Lock my talents were very mismatched and it took a fellow guildie to point that out to me. It made me think more of what was required from me and my Lock.
    And I agree, a lot of people turned off from Cata and said it was poor in comparison to WotLK. I disagree with that although the jump from HC to raid was quite a lot more than we were used to (I am now unable to upgrade my gear from anywhere apart from raid) and after starting a new guild thats kinda hard till the roster is fuller lol.

    I think the main issues I have is that people don't seemt o be willing to work for the rewards like we use to in the old days. Everyone wants to be in a lvl 25 guild, whereas me and my fellow guildies want to be more lore based and driven.

    Either way like I said I am willing to completely change my opinion after playing the beta and seeing what it's like. I have faith that Blizzard know what they are doing....

    But lets see lol :P
    That's the main issue with talents right now. You JUST have one of these few viable specs, and you're judged upon those rather than your skill. You could make your own spec that actually tops DPS with a different rotation, but noone would care or listen. With this new tree system, you have more control over it and you can't be approved or denied with just your spec. It all comes down to your skill and how you play. There's all of a sudden going to be 5 different holy priests in the raid that play different roles apart from healing!

    Yeah as of right now, noone is willing to work for the rewards. Farm some gold, buy your gear, hop into a progression guild and get carried. It's not cool. But that's also how you weed those people out, and they're the ones saying "Wow this game sucks, way worse than Wrath." The talents will help this too, I'm sure. You're gonna have to play better than everyone else, and be more coordinated with these timed dungeons that give better rewards. So for those who want it, they'll get it better.

    I love how you're so confident about playing Beta haha. Does pretty much everyone just get an invite? I got into the Cata beta and nearly screamed out of joy, I thought it was so exclusive xD

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    lol, I signed up to the Annual Pass and got a guarentee of playing the Beta. And again I find you make a well reasoned argument about the new talents. I must admit I did not look at it that way, I must admit that if it does go that way I will more than happy with it. At present I like the idea that people can work off your spec to find out what you can do, i.e. Destro Locks should do high burst dps and good damage overall and Aff Locks are better at CC and overall DoT damage. But the multi angled new talents should show an overall control of the class you play. I like it

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