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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default The Official Global Warming is BS Thread

    Ok, I have no problem taking a controversial stance. Here's another one for ya. Not to make claims without evidence, here's my support:

    1) Simple argument, but still somewhat meaningful. If we can't accurately predict what the weather will be 5 days from now, how can we know what's gonna happen in 10, 25, 50 years from now? I'm just sayin....

    2) My main reasoning. This whole global warming bizness is based off of something called the greenhouse effect. For the uniniated, it basically says that because of CO2 emissions from vehicles, factories, etc that reach the atmosphere, less heat can leave the Earth. The normal process is that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere, gets absorbed by the Earth, and is radiated back out. Supposedly, with more CO2, less heat can exit the atmoshpere and we are therefore hotter. The flaw with this is simple. If CO2 can block heat from exiting, it would also block it from entering. So with less heat entering, it doesn't matter if less escapes, because the proportions would be equal. The other thing that doesn't make sense is that CO2 is what plants take in to create oxygen. So, if anything, the extra CO2 emissions should make the Earth greener.

    3) This is more anecdotal evidence, but in my experience, it hasn't been getting much hotter. Sure there are hot days, but it was also just one of the coldest Julys on record where I live. If there is a consistent temperature increase, it wouldnt make sense for any kind of record lows to be set.

    All right, that's not everything, but it should be sufficient to get the argument started.

    Also, feel free to post any examples of hypocrisy in the green movement you can find. One I just heard was how it is more damaging to the environment to walk somewhere than drive! Yes, really! If you figure how many calories you'd burn walking and the food you'd need to eat, the emissions from the production, shipping, refrigerating, cooking etc of the food is far more than even a Hummer!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sunny Scotland.


    I'm kinda sitting on the fence about this whole issue, I've seen plenty of documentaries claiming global warming is already happening. Then again, I saw this one particular doc. where the narrator went to an island in the Indian Ocean where scientists claimed that the first water level rises would be the most apparent there. They then showed how sea levels had in fact decreased over the years, which wouldn't happen if the ice caps were melting, and so on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    If someones going to give me a global warming lecture, they better be vegans.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott View Post
    I'm kinda sitting on the fence about this whole issue, I've seen plenty of documentaries claiming global warming is already happening. Then again, I saw this one particular doc. where the narrator went to an island in the Indian Ocean where scientists claimed that the first water level rises would be the most apparent there. They then showed how sea levels had in fact decreased over the years, which wouldn't happen if the ice caps were melting, and so on.
    This is another point. So many people try to act like it's already law, but even scientists disagree. Sounds like its all just marketing hype to me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Its a power thing. If people can convince you that theres global warming, they can convince you that you need them to fix it for you. Youll buy carbon credits from their companies. Youll buy new light bulbs from light bulb manufacturers that they\'re in bed with. Etc...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kansas City, KS


    Yeah, I am still unsure about what to think when it comes to global warming.

    I agree with the fact that weather is always going to be a unpredictable thing because that's just how it is, and predicting the outcome of it seems unlikely. Then again you hear people believing that the world is going to end in 2011-2012...which could be possible, but it might just turn out like the whole Y2K scare.

    But, is the media over exadurating on the whole subject?

  7. #7
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    in an abstract demesion all my own, removed from the paradox of reality.


    i know for a fact that all the pollutants we put in the earth and sky and water cant be just sitting their doing nothing.
    enevitably the world is going to become inhabbitable bea sue its so pollutaed and it is all going to end but we honestly cant be certain when, so these people arent very accurate about when this global warming is going to occurr.
    but even if its not yet it seriously isent doing any bad to try take care of the world better.
    so im bassically saying there is negitive effecs happening to the earth because of us, and it doesnt hurt that people are trying to help. weither or not there is a threat of global warming
    ...lock the door, and throw away the key, theres someone in my head, but its not me...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Eta Carinae


    global warming is actually common for earth - it happened many times before that resulted in the ice ages - they are just saying humans are just speeding up the process - some of the only evidence they have is the ice caps melting in greenland and antartica - thats about it for now lol - but u never know, global warming could come tomorrow and the whole world floods - there goes my server making dream
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sunny Scotland.


    I freely admit I'm way out of my territory when it comes to global warming.

    *shovels sand onto sidewalk*

    I'll leave it to the scientists.

    *buries head in sand*

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