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  1. #1
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    Nov 2010

    Default I just noticed something (Nintendo-Hater-Discussion)

    You know, some of you may know that I constantly try to defend Nintendo Consoles on other gaming forumrs (I'm not a blind fanboy btw.) but there are TWO arguments that disturb me the most:

    Nintendo never cared about graphics, they only cared about Gameplay since the NES:
    That's not true... not in all cases. Look for example at the GameCube - nothing innovative in the contrary of the N64 there. The GameCube was more about graphics than Gameplay.
    The XBox was the most powerful console of it's generation but the GameCube was more powerful than PS2 and DreamCast and there are more examples than just the GameCube! So only because the Wii and more consoles focusses on innovation, Nintendo automaticly is the "everything they did was never for graphics".

    This is actually quite interesting:
    "The Wii is just a GameCube with some better graphics and motion controls!"
    "The Nintendo 3DS is just a Nintendo DS with 3D!"
    "The Nintendo GameCube is just a N64 with better controllers and better graphics!"

    You get my point? According to haters, everything Nintendo does is just an UPDATED VERSION OF WHAT THE DID 10 OR 5 YEARS AGO! Despite the fact that the fans then should call the PS3 now the PlayStation 1.3.000 Deluxe or call the XBox 360 now XBox 1.5, this is not how that works! Okay in terms of graphics they MAY be right about GC 1.5 but in all the other terms they are wrong. Even the N64 was able to have an internet connection (with the japan-exclusive 64-DD) and the GameCube had internet connection too (with only 4 games playable online) but these two home-consoles hadn't the possibliity to download and emulate games from an online-shop!
    I think you get my point but no matter what Nintendo does it seems that the haters now think that everything they do is bull...crap because they don't want to fail like the 3DO did or is just an updated version of what they did in the past (hard not to copy himself in over 100 years of existence!, but Nintendo were according to my knowledge the first one who ever tried to bring glass-less 3D gaming into the gaming industry and with the 3DS finally they succeded).

    As a last sentence I'm only able to say:

    I can see it coming: "The Wii U is just an updated Wii with better graphics and a touchscreen-controller mix", despite the fact that it will have more than that.

  2. #2
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    Dec 2010



    Even though I do wish Nintendo systems today had better visuals, the argument that they're all just updated versions of the predecessors is complete rubbish. Every single console that comes out, providing it isn't the first one of its type, is arguably an updated version of the old console.

    The people who argue these points are just people who are hating just for the sake of hating. Also, they're people who take-in others' opinions and make them their own, without ever knowing why.

  3. #3
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    North Carolina


    Personally, I don't care much for graphics. Let's take a look at Minecraft. Everything is pretty much a pixelated box, no much better than the N64's graphics. However, the gameplay is simply amazing. That said, it is not the graphics that make the game. Who cares about how realistic a game looks as long as its a fun game? Anyone who believes in the second argument is a complete idiot. Isn't the IPad just an updated version of the IPod Touch? Isn't the PSP just a pocket-sized PS2? Mordry, I share your anger towards Nintendo haters. Though I am not the most excited about the Wii U, anyone making those claims towards Nintendo are just doing it because of their own blind ignorance.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyper_Reality View Post
    Mordry, I share your anger towards Nintendo haters. Though I am not the most excited about the Wii U [...]
    I'm still have my doubts about the Wii U but yes, I am excited for it and I can't wait for the E3. Don't get me wrong on this point^^: I can absolutly agree with different opinions about (for example) the Wii like the thing with the motion control or something like that and that's fine for me. As long as people don't write in the following sentence something like "PS4 will own anything on the market anyway" that's something I personally don't like to read.
    I can accept other peoples opinion but I won't agree to blind hating, no matter what console it is (in that moment I don't care if it's Sega, Sony, MS oder Nintendo, blind hating is really annoying).

  5. #5
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    I'll go the opposite direction. Something that I noticed about Nintendo Fans. They seem to think they invented everything. And it's beyond tired how much they cry about Sony if they something similar. For instance Vita game that similar to brain age brought out that as if Nintendo invented those types of games :me

  6. #6
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    North Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    I'll go the opposite direction. Something that I noticed about Nintendo Fans. They seem to think they invented everything. And it's beyond tired how much they cry about Sony if they something similar. For instance Vita game that similar to brain age brought out that as if Nintendo invented those types of games :me
    I agree. Gamers have to realize just because one company makes a game doesn't mean other companies can't use this game for inspiration towards their own works. For example, the 360 Kinect and the PS3 Move. Some might consider these as blatant rip-offs of the Wii from Microsoft and Sony, but I don't. These 2 companies were motivated by the Wii's motion controls and wanted to create their own vision of it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    I'll go the opposite direction. Something that I noticed about Nintendo Fans. They seem to think they invented everything. And it's beyond tired how much they cry about Sony if they something similar. For instance Vita game that similar to brain age brought out that as if Nintendo invented those types of games :me
    Believe it or not but I actually agree. Nintendo didn't invented everything like the 3D-Joystick. They invented a lot but not everything and not anything Nintendo does is actually good for the player. I'm still pissed of a lot by that GameCube-GameBoy Advance thing for games like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Zelda Four Swords or Pokemon Colosseum where you actually NEED 4 GBAs with Links to the GC.
    Another example is for example Zelda, one year before Zelda there was a game called "Hydlide" which was very similar to Zelda but it end up being crappy (watch the AVGN Hydlide Review for more Information).
    Well I would never call Kinect a rip-off of the Wii (I still share the opinion that the PSMove is a Wii Remote Plus with Ice-Cream on top) but they deserve the chance of doing it... like Sony is doing that with "Sony All-Stars battle Royale" (or whatever the hell it is called) which is SSB for PS just with Sony characters.

    Well anyway I think you get my point before I write 385 more sentences.
    Last edited by Mordry; 05-18-2012 at 07:15 PM.

  8. #8
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    Someone on Neogaf actually wished Sony death because of the Brawl rip off lol.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Someone on Neogaf actually wished Sony death because of the Brawl rip off lol.
    Well I'm kind of mad at Sony that they don't try their own thing with their own unique Gameplay but by the looks of it, it's not completly a clone of the SSB Series. For example there is no percentage meter anymore, I think "Ultra Smashes" is not comparible with the Super-Attack-Bar of Marvel vs. Capcom and it seems that the fights themselves are getting influenced by the stages more than in the SSB Series. Still I think that Sony All Stars Fighting will be hyped as hell but turns out to be crap, that's my current opinion about it.^^

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