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  1. #1
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    Pen Island

    Default Yugioh is Dragon Ball Z with cards

    Think about it...

    For starters

    The millenium items allow you to go there's yami yugi, yami bakura, and I think even yami pegasus...I don't remember if there are any more that do the whole yami thing. Saiyans can go Super Saiyan.

    Yugi and Yami Yugi

    Bakura and Yami Bakura

    Goku and Super Saiyan Goku

    Tristan, Tea, and Joey can be compared to Krillin, Yamcha, and Bulma. They always challenge the enemies and lose (but sometimes win) and then the main character (goku/yugi) takes over.

    Battles consist of whoever has the upper hand gloating about how they're doing better than the opponent, and then the opponent pulls a nice trick, and the other guy yells IMPOSSIBLE! and then when they think they're about to win, the other guy goes "you haven't even seen my strongest card/form yet!" and the other guy yells IMPOSSIBLE! Battles also take forever (though yugioh battles aren't nearly as long as DBZ battles)

    The only difference is that Yugioh characters battle with cards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    You left out about 10 DBZ main characters lmao. I mean, every anime has this aspect if you look at them like. What you're saying is very broad scenario in my opinion.

    When they go to yami or whatever, at least it is for YuGi it's a completely different person, when goku transforms he's still the same person. That aspect is different, along with the cards and actually fighting, which in my opinion, is the biggest difference of all. Also if you actually break down all the DBZ fights, they don't actually end up that way.

    The cell fight is nothing like that at all, best fight IMO actually.
    Vegeta fight also wasn't like that at all.
    The Freiza fight was more like it than most, but again, if you break it down not quite.
    Buu fight probably fits that scenario you posted the best, the end of it at least. All the fights before it is actually the exact opposite.

    But like I said, if you look at them in the broad spectrum, then yes they're all like that, but so is every single anime that has any action in it.

  3. #3
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    Pen Island


    Well, i'm not saying it's a ripoff, they just have a lot in common. I recently watched from the very first episode of Dragon Ball all the way until Trunks shows up, and I remember the fights against Tien, King Piccolo, Piccolo Jr, Nappa and Vegeta, Ginyu Force, and Frieza including a large amount of "this isn't even my full power!" and "impossible, there's no way he's that strong!" I haven't seen anything past Trunks showing up, giving everyone a soda, and waiting for goku though, so I don't know what Cell and Buu are like. I'm hoping it's slightly different (i know who beats cell) but everybody is like "just wait til you get to cell, the fights take even longer and there's a lot of "this isn't even my final form!""

    Also, so what it's a different spirit taking over...Yami is essentially the Yugioh equivalent of Super Saiyan...when things get series, the hair gets spikier and they get stronger (though I don't understand why a card game would warrant such a transformation? Does it make him a bigger nerd when the yami spirit takes over or whatever?)

    also, as far as I can remember in yugioh, whenever one of the supporting main characters lost a duel, yugi stepped in and won. all of those battles I listed above had that going on. Tien and Piccolo JR obviously, since they're tournaments, but Tien and Roshi both attempted to defeat King Piccolo and failed, then goku stepped in. Nappa took out Tien, Piccolo, and Yamcha (and Krillin too?) before Goku showed up to defeat both of them. The Ginyu force defeated Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan before Goku showed up. Then Goku got injured and Frieza defeated Goku's friends and right as he's about to kill Vegeta, Goku shows up...

    I just thought it was kinda funny, which is why I posted it. Not saying it's a ripoff or they're bad or anything. I like both shows.

  4. #4
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    Every anime is like that though lol. Besides, wouldn't it be boring if they came out at their full power and beat them in one shot? I haven't watched the Dragonball series for a long time, since I was little, so I don't remember a lot about them fights. But, IMO the Vegeta fight and Freiza fight don't follow the scenario. Goku didn't even defeat vegeta, it was basically Yajirobe.

    Yami is a Pharaoh, he was around when the cards were first created, so he's learned all the tricks and everything, that's what makes him better. So yeah, basically he gets nerdier.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    Every anime is like that though lol. Besides, wouldn't it be boring if they came out at their full power and beat them in one shot? I haven't watched the Dragonball series for a long time, since I was little, so I don't remember a lot about them fights. But, IMO the Vegeta fight and Freiza fight don't follow the scenario. Goku didn't even defeat vegeta, it was basically Yajirobe.

    Yami is a Pharaoh, he was around when the cards were first created, so he's learned all the tricks and everything, that's what makes him better. So yeah, basically he gets nerdier.
    Well, I refuse to watch Bleach cuz it's generic, stupid, and has every anime cliche. So that show might be like that, but out of the other anime i've seen, none of them are like that (pokemon, digimon, evangelion, haibane renmei, full metal alchemist, trigun, samurai champloo, inuyasha, a few others)

    And I always said Gohan beat Vegeta, cuz he turned into the great ape at vegeta's fake moon, as well as reflected the spirit bomb at vegeta (i don't remember which was the finishing blow) but for the most part, it was goku's show. Frieza was definitely all goku. Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan held him off while Goku recovered, but aside from Gohan coming back and punching freiza in the face a few times, it was goku's fight.

    And, wouldn't be -boring- if the fights had them just starting with full power, but it would be a LOT shorter.
    Last edited by EpsilonX; 11-12-2012 at 10:19 AM.

  6. #6
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    Pokemons not like that lol? Every anime is normally based around the main character, and they're the ones that always save everyone. How is that not like DBZ or any other anime.

    It depends on preference, because if Yajirobe didn't cut off his tail than goku would have died.

    Also, I think it would be boring if every fight was like the fight you just watched with Trunks and Freiza. No suspense, or anything, I do agree that DBZ the fights were stretched out. The Freiza fight between goku and him was like 30 episodes long lol. Buu is even longer, but so much changes throughout out the fights. Buu was my least favorite saga though, I was bored throughout a lot of it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trunks View Post
    Pokemons not like that lol? Every anime is normally based around the main character, and they're the ones that always save everyone. How is that not like DBZ or any other anime.

    It depends on preference, because if Yajirobe didn't cut off his tail than goku would have died.

    Also, I think it would be boring if every fight was like the fight you just watched with Trunks and Freiza. No suspense, or anything, I do agree that DBZ the fights were stretched out. The Freiza fight between goku and him was like 30 episodes long lol. Buu is even longer, but so much changes throughout out the fights. Buu was my least favorite saga though, I was bored throughout a lot of it.
    well, in Pokemon, Misty and Brock are actually useful...Ash just happens to do the most. I feel like that's how most anime are.

  8. #8
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    I think any anime now is inspired by an anime in the past.
    As long as it becomes a successful series, i am ok with that.
    Right now I am watching Chu2 byo demo koi ga ****ai and Sakurasou no petto na kanojyo.
    Both remind me of Evangelion and Suzumiya Haruhi, but they are both half satires of the said anime and find that another factor that makes the current series so interesting.

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