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  1. #1
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    Default Wii Outsells WiiU

    Wii outsells Wii U in December | The Verge

    Looks like the WiiU isn't doing so well. I'm not surprised though. I was checking out some reviews for the games that are on the WiiU and they are terrible.

    A Bad Start For New Wii U IP - ZombiU - Wii U -

    No one is going to rush out to buy the WiiU when the few games that are made for it ahve no replay value and crap reviews. This was their problem with the Wii. Great gaming concept, but it wasn't good enough. If they don't step up their game the whole company is going to go under. What they need to do is put out a gaming system that is comparable to the PS3. Great graphics, blue ray, yadda yadda.... and work on some amazing games instead of just throwing crap together so the system has a couple games on it. :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    The Hell?

    The Wii U does pretty well atm. and not all games are terrible, no game on the system right now is terrible and I can speak out of experience. Also do I have to remind you how absolutly terrible the PS3 sold at the beginning?

    Also you can't trust the ZombiU Reviews, they all go from 5.0 to 10 or 50% to 100%, it's a game that everyone must experience on his own otherwise he can't say anything about it.
    Btw. why should Nintendo release a system to compete with a multimedia console? That wouldn't make any sense at all.
    Oh and one last thing: If anyone can allow to make a failed system, then it's Nintendo, they will survive a long time and that black painting is just a wish of haters. I'm actually worring more about Sony, if they can't do money-making with the PS4 than then they will be kicked off the gaming market forever.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Wii U needs games in japan. Right now there is 1 release a month till march. Also Mordry lets keep in mind PS3 cost 500 and 600.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mordry View Post
    The Hell?

    The Wii U does pretty well atm. and not all games are terrible, no game on the system right now is terrible and I can speak out of experience. Also do I have to remind you how absolutly terrible the PS3 sold at the beginning?

    Also you can't trust the ZombiU Reviews, they all go from 5.0 to 10 or 50% to 100%, it's a game that everyone must experience on his own otherwise he can't say anything about it.
    Btw. why should Nintendo release a system to compete with a multimedia console? That wouldn't make any sense at all.
    Oh and one last thing: If anyone can allow to make a failed system, then it's Nintendo, they will survive a long time and that black painting is just a wish of haters. I'm actually worring more about Sony, if they can't do money-making with the PS4 than then they will be kicked off the gaming market forever.

    Well, I'm sure it's not doing terribly.... but it's not even outselling the Wii at this point, so it's obviously not doing that well overall. MY opinion is that there is no reason for me to buy this console just yet. The WiiU is nothing but a glorified Wii. It needs more than a couple not-so-well rated games and lame gamepad for me to buy it, is my whole point. And because I have not yet played one and only know 1 person that owns one (whose opinion of it is "meh"), I have been doing research on it just to see what other people are saying and whatnot. Don't get me wrong... I love Nintendo. They have made some awesome systems in their day.... but I'm not happy with their current direction. I'm also not one of those people that worship a company forever and forever just because they've done some good things in their day. There's a difference between being a hater and expecting more from a company that has done so many amazing things in the past. And why *shouldn't* they release a system to compete with a multimedia console?? That's where technology is headed lol If they aren't keeping up, they're going to fall behind and disappear. That's just common sense and the way business works. Why would someone want to buy something that can't do as many things as something else? It would make more sense to make something as good as everything else, but better. Not something with less features than everything else on the market.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by thedeparted View Post
    Wii U needs games in japan. Right now there is 1 release a month till march. Also Mordry lets keep in mind PS3 cost 500 and 600.
    Yes, and the Wii U is like 100€ more than the Wii. But yes, I agree that more games couldn't hurt, but only if they are in good quality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Well, I'm sure it's not doing terribly.... but it's not even outselling the Wii at this point, so it's obviously not doing that well overall.
    Not even outselling the Wii... you know what you're saying there?
    The Wii sold in it's November and December 3,19 Million units. There is almost no console that can match this. I just can't understand why people now complain that the Wii U isn't able to outsell the Wii.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    MY opinion is that there is no reason for me to buy this console just yet. The WiiU is nothing but a glorified Wii. It needs more than a couple not-so-well rated games and lame gamepad for me to buy it, is my whole point.
    And I can accept it, even though it's more than a glorified Wii. But I'm asking myself now why I keep reading that stuff again because I read that about like every console. "The Nintendo 3DS is nothing more than a glorified Nintendo DS" "The PlayStation 3 is nothing more than a glorified PlayStation 2". You can't judge anything before you really tested it out, that was the way I got away from my Kinect hating. Also I don't know which reviews you read but the games I played so far (maybe except Darksiders 2) are pretty good, better than the Wii Launch titles and XBox 360 Launch Titles by far. Also you need to really get to try out the controller, otherwise you can't really understand what is possible with it. Nintendo Land got some good ways to show you the possibilities. Now we need Developers to use that potential. There will be pretty good games, believe me and they won't take as long as with the Wii.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    And because I have not yet played one and only know 1 person that owns one (whose opinion of it is "meh"), I have been doing research on it just to see what other people are saying and whatnot. Don't get me wrong... I love Nintendo. They have made some awesome systems in their day.... but I'm not happy with their current direction.
    The thing is: Why should Nintendo now change the direction? The Wii opened a whole new market and after Nintendo got let down by the Gamers with the GameCube I can understand why they are doing that. I'm not a fan of games like Wii Fit and stuff either but I'm happy to know that Nintendo doesn't fail their long-time fans with games like Zelda.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    I'm also not one of those people that worship a company forever and forever just because they've done some good things in their day. There's a difference between being a hater and expecting more from a company that has done so many amazing things in the past.
    I can accept that, I have many friends that think the same way as you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    And why *shouldn't* they release a system to compete with a multimedia console?? That's where technology is headed lol If they aren't keeping up, they're going to fall behind and disappear. That's just common sense and the way business works. Why would someone want to buy something that can't do as many things as something else? It would make more sense to make something as good as everything else, but better. Not something with less features than everything else on the market.
    Simple: It's a gaming console. Multimedia Features are somewhat present on the Wii U but not as extreme like in the XBox 360. There is enough for you to not complain (because seriously, I don't know anyone who doesn't have a seperate DVD Player or Blu-Ray Player) but there is still much room to be desired, even though the Wii U is a gaming console. That is the sense this piece of device has. I can agree with people who are angry on Nintendo for constantly pushing against Mainstream the last few years but I also agree with people who say:,, Who cares?". Seriously I almost never use the Multimedia features of a XBox or my Blu-Ray Player (with YouTube Connection and stuff), I have my PC for that. I can't say if I would use the multimedia features of the PS3 because I don't own one.
    So to say it in short: Yes I agree with the fact that Nintendo could at least announce more games past March. I agree with the desire for comfortable design and optional multimedia (even though I highly disagree with DVD- or Blu-Ray Players). But I disagree with the argument that people, who never played on the system, claim almost all games on the system terrible because that is just a lie.

  6. #6
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    I love Nintendo and want to see them succeed. My whole point is just that WiiU to me kind of seems like a cop-out, money making system versus something worthwhile, which disappoints me. This is beyond the games and if they are good or not- I wasn’t bashing the system, I was more bashing Nintendo for the way they went about the system, *especially* since they know their faults from the Wii and are doing the exact same thing with the WiiU.

    The fact that Wii is outselling the WiiU, to me shows that people aren’t that interested in it (yet, at least). The WiiU should be more appealing to those considering buying a Wii. Again, why buy a Wii when you can have the step up and get the WiiU? It’s because there isn’t a big enough reason for people to spend an extra $150 buy the WiiU. Which is my whole point. I’m not saying the console is crap, I’m not saying the games are necesarrily crap, I’m not saying one day I may not buy one. I’m simply saying there is a reason why it is not selling very well and that I don’t think they thought this out enough. If they had created a LOT more games for the system before release… I think it would be selling a lot better. You can’t market an “awesome new console” and not have anything to play on it lol It just doesn’t make sense. From the perspective of a gamer, do you know why I rarely use the Wii? Because there aren’t enough good games on it. It’s as simple as that. The people that are buying and still using the Wii are families with little kids that want to play tennis and bowling. They had so much potential to make a console that was good for everyone… for kids and “real” gamers.

    Again, there is still time and still things developing…. But my ultimate hope for this system is that they start to release a lot more titles. If they do that, it will totally be a worthwhile system.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    Because there aren’t enough good games on it. It’s as simple as that. The people that are buying and still using the Wii are families with little kids that want to play tennis and bowling. They had so much potential to make a console that was good for everyone… for kids and “real” gamers.
    Well the rest of the list is an opinions thing and I'll accept that, I don't want to change your opinion on that because you're not the only one I know who feels like that.

    But on the thing with the Wii: Now you know a Gamer who is still using the Wii many times.
    If you want I can send you a pretty long with very good titles, the thing is: There are many good games for the Wii but you have to search for them. I hope the 3rd Party Developers won't be ignored so much like it happened with the Wii.

  8. #8
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    I know Wii has good game, but are there a lot of Wii exclusive games that are good? Honestly, if you know some good ones you should PM them to me. I'd love to check on some good Wii games Oh, same here. I would love to see them working with some third party developers

  9. #9
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    Dec 2009


    Mordry you do know Wii is a dead console right now and 500k in December is not a good figure.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    I know Wii has good game, but are there a lot of Wii exclusive games that are good? Honestly, if you know some good ones you should PM them to me. I'd love to check on some good Wii games Oh, same here. I would love to see them working with some third party developers
    Super Paper Mario, Zelda, The Last Story (Square Enix), Monster Hunter Tri, and Xenoblade Chronicles were all great Wii games, unfortunately it's kind of lacking in their own Nintendo games :/

    Has anyone tried out the Wii U or any of it's games? I can't find the system anywhere to try out and nobody I know has one. It'd be nice to see if it's worth looking into. I've heard mediocre reviews but it seems like all I read up on is a bunch of Xbox and PS3 fanboys being quick to judge.

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