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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Next Gen Choices

    What system is better is often a question about opinion. And any opinion you have is based on personal experiances, good solid reason for your preference. So if you love the xbox or playstation, thats fine. That means you have been having fun on those consoles. And having fun is what matters.

    What I want you to consider, is the idea that you could be having more fun. I'm not going to insult you by saying my choice to play on the PC is better than yours, that would simply be me trying to push an opinion on others. No one likes that.

    And if I have a signature that says "glorious PC gaming master race" that's humor (and humor is largely based on skirting the edges of social acceptance). To be honest I play on consoles as well for those JRPGs and and must have exclusives I enjoy so much.

    So back to the business of convincing you that you could be having more fun.

    First lets look at short term and long term planning, specifically what has happened and what will happen with graphics, and a lot of other hardware to be honest:

    This chart shows that the last gen had the same GPU power for over ten years. Some PC gamers grumble that this holds back tech advancement. Weather or not that is true, the interesting part of this graph is that it has been really, really easy to build a better computer than the last gen console for quite a while.

    Here is a chart for next gen:


    The difference here is that when the last generation of consoles came out they actually rivaled PC gaming potential, and computers were a lot clunkier than they are now as well. By that I mean it would have been hard for me to plug an xbox controller into my PC, today I can play skyrim with the keyboard and then hit a button and be using a controller 1 sec later. (if my control is in reach)

    Now the next gen tech comes out and there is speculation that this gen could even last longer than the last, but PCs have raced on ahead in terms of power already.

    But that is just the technical aspect of gaming, lets talk about exclusive content. Thats a strong argument for console gaming in some respects. However the truth is almost everything eventually makes its way over to the PC. Almost, because last gen there where many differences between consoles and it was a nightmare to port some games. So sometimes the cost was not justified. In fact the PS3 architecture was a proprietary in house build that was nothing like most computers or the xbox360. With this next gen that will not be the case:


    Because AMD hardware is now the architecture of the xbox and playstation, consoles now have a lot more in common with PCs than ever before. And if there is money to be made porting to all systems that will generally happen, meaning less console exclusives.

    Now lets talk about PC exclusives.

    There are more than you would expect, and that list is only going to keep growing. Considering entire franchises such as "Total War" never see a console port, simply because these games are constantly pushing the limit of computing power. Talkinga bout pushing the limit:


    Why yes the Oculus rift will be PC exclusive (se link below the video). If you watched that video, that was them a while ago, when I followed their kickstarter they asked for $250,000. They raised 975% of that. $2,437,430, almost ten times what they asked for. In total funding they now (to my estimate) have raised over 80 million:

    Oculus Rift Makers Raise $75 Million in New Funding

    Also lets not forget that most of the games for the Oculus Rift will be PC exclusive. Here are the games I'm most interested in:

    Star citizen


    full list:

    How about Esports? The largest and fastest growing esports are centered around PC gaming. LOL, Dota2, even starcraft2. PC is dominating in this field.

    The LOL world cup prize was over 2 million dollars. So there is definite growth in the competitive gaming scene. But the top five prize pools have all been for PC only games.

    If none of this convinces you that you might just have more fun joining the PC community, at least I can say I tried. But I want to also mention that when we are all playing The Elder Scrolls Online, we will both be paying for the internet, the game, and a $15 subscription fee. But only you will be paying an additional fee to play that game on a console though xbox gold or playstaion network pass.

    So go ahead and buy a console if you think its a better value. But the question you should ask you is what platform is going to be the most fun.

    -sincerely your, the glorious pc gaming master race.
    Last edited by BobTD; 12-15-2013 at 05:11 PM.
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I completely agree, PC is far superior, only benefit for consoles is the accessibility to be able to play with your friends. Can't really play two players on one PC. The other benefit for consoles is some exclusive games. I actually bought a Wii U just because PS4 and Xbox One don't have any spectacular exclusives.

    Also, wow I had no idea that the Oculous Rift existed. I've been dreaming of a console like that since I was like 8. They're selling Dev kits for 300 dollars, I'd easily pay that if it was the actual product. Can't wait until it's released, going to have to start keeping up on it.

  3. #3


    I don't like PC gaming to be a MAIN choice for gaming. PC gaming is fine but I don't like having to keep up with my hardware to play the next games having to configure settings to Play games really can be a chore.
    I really don't care about graphics as long as they look better than 6th gen. Most exclusives don't gear to me and well to be quite frank the only games I play on PC are Emulators M.U.G.E.N and sim city

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Eta Carinae


    I'm also a full PC Gamer now. My last full console was the PS2 and handheld was the original PSP. It's so much easier to upgrade and keep up with technology. Although I wouldn't mind trying out oculus rift either.

    At the NY Comic Con this year, Starcraft 2 was the biggest esports event. A couple years ago it was League of Legends.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Moonlitsun View Post
    I don't like PC gaming to be a MAIN choice for gaming. PC gaming is fine but I don't like having to keep up with my hardware to play the next games having to configure settings to Play games really can be a chore.
    I really don't care about graphics as long as they look better than 6th gen. Most exclusives don't gear to me and well to be quite frank the only games I play on PC are Emulators M.U.G.E.N and sim city
    I understand if you feel its less hassle to play console, some people dont want to do the minimum effort to build a gaming pc. I think it is worth the time it takes, you dont have to upgrade PC to keep up with games coming out that much, if anything the chart shows this with the constant rise of pc hardware power. That means every newer series of hardware drops the older ones in price, and all that cheap stuff is still better than what you get with a console.

    You could wait a year and build a PC that can play any xboxone or ps4 and not have to upgrade for a decade. But if you ever do end up wanting to upgrade you can at any time.
    Last edited by BobTD; 12-15-2013 at 05:02 PM.
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

  6. #6
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    Norfair. Yes it is rather hot here.


    My actual reason for gaming on a console is it is much easier to ask for a PS4 for Christmas then it is to ask for each individual component.
    Very good post though, I did not realize the difference was so large.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    That's probably the most brutally honest reason I have ever heard.

    Well I wish you the best in that case. As long as you are having fun.
    "Prediction: Zenimax Online is making an MMO set in the elder scrolls universe" -BobTD 8-25-2010 (search it on the forum)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I am also now a full PC gamer, for many reasons. I can’t say that being a PC gamer is cheaper, because most of the time it’s not… if you keep up with technology, that is. I just bought my husband a motherboard and processor for his birthday/Xmas and it cost me almost as much as a console ($350). But I’m not going to lie, that’s one of the reasons I *love* PC gaming. I love the technology and keeping up with it and I love building and upgrading.

    With PC gaming I never have to worry about backwards compatibility. I don’t have to worry about exclusives. Sure, there may be one or two games that are Sony/Microsoft exclusives… but buying an entire console for a single exclusive? That is not something I could ever justify spending my money on (unless I had plenty of disposable cash). Plus, if I want to play one of the exclusives THAT bad, I can always just play at a friends (which I WILL be doing with DR3 :P ). I can use a controller for games that have been ported. If you’re playing the same game in the same room with a group of friends, you all get your own screen versus cramming up to 4 players on a single TV screen. And if I want to play a PC game on my big screen TV while sitting on my comfy couch, I just grab an HDMI cable and bam

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