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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Astral Projection

    Let me ask you some questions so you can have anwsers.
    Have you heard of astral projection?
    What forms of OBE's have you experienced ?
    3. Have you heard of lucid dreaming and how familiar are you with it .
    4. Do you meditate
    5.would you like to be able to basically make the world your own realty . Conjuring items and creatures at the wim of your thoughts. Making trips to a parallel light frequency dimension that co-exsist over your own.

    If these questions intrigue you and you have any of your own on astral projection please tell me.
    I have been projecting for a year and there is much to learn and I have learned so much already.

    But here are a few other basics mind skills that are honed through astral projection.

    Body energy control awareness harnessing and distributing
    At all times outer world awareness
    (Feeling cars pulling into your drive through and just knowing how many people are around you . A skilled mind could see every leaf on a tree that is behind him in his head with this skill set.)

    Self improvement in mental and physical health
    these are only a few of the many great things you can achieve when you decide to astral project any questions and comments will be edited into this description for future seekers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I've only heard stories about it when people die for a few minutes in the hospital and then are brought back to life.

    This stuff sounds kind of Buddhist though. Or maybe something where you find your spirit animal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I've heard of AP's, but I've never experience it myself.

    However, lucid dreaming is something I've almost always done. I had no idea until fairly recently that it wasn't a normal thing that people did every time they dreamed. I remember when I first started lucid dreaming as a young kid... Ever since I can remember, I have always had nightmares. I'd say about 95% of my dreams are terrible, terrible nightmares. They started out as monsters chasing and eating me, that evolved into dinosaurs chasing and eating me (fkn Jurassic Park), and have since evolved into zombies chasing and eating me (thank you TWD). I think me being terrified to my core on an almost daily basis is what caused lead me to be able to lucid dream. The first step of lucid dreaming for me was becoming aware that I was dreaming. I then took that and slowly learned how to wake myself up from nightmares. When you’re in a terrible nightmare and KNOW it’s a dream and KNOW that you can wake yourself up if you need to, it’s such an amazing feeling of relief, I can’t even explain it. At that point you are in control. You know it’s not real, so you want to stay and see what happens…. but if you get too terrified you know you can just wake yourself up. After I became aware that I was dreaming and got to the point where I could easily wake myself up, I started to mess with manipulating my dreams. I still have nightmares constantly, and it’s still terrifying despite the fact that I know it’s a dream and that I can manipulate it… but now I can control what I do and sometimes what’s around me. If I want to punch a zombie in the face, I do. If I want to run, I do. If I want to say, “Screw it, I know this is a dream, just get it over with,” while letting the zombies eat me, I do.

    It’s amazing, it’s fun and I wish everyone had the ability to experience it. If nothing else, it sure has helped me with my nightmares over the years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mizel View Post
    I've heard of AP's, but I've never experience it myself.

    However, lucid dreaming is something I've almost always done. I had no idea until fairly recently that it wasn't a normal thing that people did every time they dreamed. I remember when I first started lucid dreaming as a young kid... Ever since I can remember, I have always had nightmares. I'd say about 95% of my dreams are terrible, terrible nightmares. They started out as monsters chasing and eating me, that evolved into dinosaurs chasing and eating me (fkn Jurassic Park), and have since evolved into zombies chasing and eating me (thank you TWD). I think me being terrified to my core on an almost daily basis is what caused lead me to be able to lucid dream. The first step of lucid dreaming for me was becoming aware that I was dreaming. I then took that and slowly learned how to wake myself up from nightmares. When you’re in a terrible nightmare and KNOW it’s a dream and KNOW that you can wake yourself up if you need to, it’s such an amazing feeling of relief, I can’t even explain it. At that point you are in control. You know it’s not real, so you want to stay and see what happens…. but if you get too terrifieded me with my nightmares over the years.
    If you often times have nightmares you have been collecting a lot of bad energy and or live around a lot of it.
    The happier you are with where you are most comfortable is the place you harness the positive energy that will make everything in your world more pleasant and radiant . When you are always surrounded by negativity it makes your life miserable and tainted . The mind is powerfully that weather you fester in negativity or in positivity you can developers skills set .
    This is how through your fear you have made possible easy lucid dreaming.
    Have you ever seen star wars . The Jedi powers could be real if the world did not have everyone so distracted with music games and movies we could feed off each others energies see auras and control animals . There is a lot of metaphores in star wars relating to astral colonies and the human astral body that governs our what we call psychic abilities . There is less magic and more psycho-kinetic energy and psyichs . the negative energy made from the strongest negative energy conductors such as fear guilt hatred anger lust
    and more can become malicious and deadly the darker side has no restraint and no respect it is hard to control and will inevitably control you. The same can be said tampering with any other evil
    energy is not about your actions it goes as deep as your thoughts andbintentions .

    I will soon give more information
    Last edited by linxisme; 04-10-2014 at 04:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by linxisme View Post
    If you often times have nightmares you have been collecting a lot of bad energy and or live around a lot of it.
    The happier you are with where you are most comfortable is the place you harness the positive energy that will make everything in your world more pleasant and radiant . When you are always surrounded by negativity it makes your life miserable and tainted . The mind is powerfully that weather you fester in negativity or in positivity you can developers skills set .
    This is how through your fear you have made possible easy lucid dreaming.
    Yea.... I'm sure that's true for some people, but certainly not everyone. I've been having nightmares since I can remember, my entire life. And trust me, my life has been far from negative and unhappy :P However, I do have certain obvious triggers that set my nightmares off... like zombies movies and shows. But that's just blatent common sense. Watch movies of things that terrify me, I get nightmares. *shrugs*

    However, yes, my fear is absolutely what made lucid dreaming possible for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    From what your saying it seems you may just have so much love and positive you have not been desensitized by the negativity yet which is why things I would find not bothersome at all such as scary movies and such invoke fear becuase your a white light with no guidance . In this sense I mean you are of a pure and innocent energy . But if these dark things bring fear to you . Then you have much room ro strengthen your white energy.

    Have you ever looked into astral projection.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    I really dont want to see this thread die. I love the Topic of astral projection. And mental energies light frequencies and third eye training .all of it is so helpfully for your self journey . Something you can't even begin unless you know your on this journey. Which means you have to learn about it to use and feel it. I hope some more of you take a second glance at this thread and indulge in your mental growth.

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